Hello, Mr. School Prince

Chapter 1385: Questioning Bai Feifei 1

Ling Weifeng pushed his head away.

If you know that you are handsome, don't treat her with beautiful men.

What if she is in the middle of the plan, will she have to eat tonight, or go out?

"Hungry? I happen to be hungry too."

Prince Xi Gu smiled unclearly, as soon as he swept her over, he was about to kiss her.

Eating tofu everywhere with uneasy hands.

Ling Weifeng smiled and dodged, "Don't make trouble, go cook, want to starve me to death."

"I feed you, do you want to feed me too?"

"Didn't you feed it this morning." Ling Weifeng pushed his head, his face flushed.

"You have eaten breakfast too, why do you want to eat tonight."

"How can this be the same." Ling Weifeng laughed angrily.

"Why is it different, my wife, I have been hungry for twenty years, how can you bear to keep me hungry."

Ling Weifeng blushed, why is this man so thick-skinned.

Besides, since marriage, when has she been hungry for him?

He really couldn't resist his soft and hard foam, so he could only push his promiscuous head away, "I'll talk about it tonight."

"Yes, my wife." The prince Xi went up, scented her face, and then reluctantly went downstairs to cook.

Ling Weifeng took the computer to perfect her plan.

When Prince Gu resolves the scandal, she will come to play with those people.

After a while, she went downstairs and saw that Prince Xi Gu was busy in the kitchen, feeling warm in her heart.

She moved a high stool over and sat watching him cooking.

Putting his cheeks in his hands, looking at him with watery eyes, "My husband is so handsome."

Prince Xi Gu chuckled, picked up his chopsticks, and picked up a piece of spare ribs just out of the pot.

First blow, then put it to her mouth, "open your mouth."

"Hehe." Ling Weifeng opened his mouth very well and took a bite.

good to eat.

Her husband's craftsmanship is really getting better and better.

After dinner, Prince Gu pulled Ling Weifeng on the sofa and almost wiped off his gun.

Fortunately, Ling Weifeng stopped in time, and then hurriedly changed clothes and went out.

It's already spring, and it's not very cold outside tonight.

She didn't intend to wear a sweater, but the prince Xi Gu just helped her to put the sweater on. The inner three layers and the outer three layers were tightly wrapped, for fear that she would be frozen.

Ling Weifeng was speechless, but didn't want to argue with him on these trivial matters.

After leaving the door, under the guidance of Ling Weifeng, he came to a small villa area on the third ring road.

"What are you doing here?" Prince Xi Gu stopped the car on the side of the road and turned to ask Ling Weifeng.

Ling Weifeng looked a little gloomy, staring at the villa somewhere.

"Find someone, you wait for me here."

She said she unfastened her seat belt and opened the car door to go down.

"I'll accompany you." Prince Xi Gu grabbed her hand, a little worried.

"No." Her tone was cold.

Prince Xi Gu frowned.

She pulled the corner of her mouth with difficulty, "I'll be out soon."

"Give you five minutes. If you don't come out within five minutes, I will go to you."

He had faintly guessed who she was looking for.

Since she didn't want him to follow along, he could wait, but definitely not more than five minutes.

"it is good."

Ling Weifeng got off the car and walked towards one of the villas.

After pressing the doorbell, the door was opened from the inside shortly after.

Bai Feifei was taken aback when he saw Ling Weifeng standing in front of the door, and then smiled as usual.

"Xiao Feng, why are you here?"

"I want to ask you something." Ling Weifeng said coldly.

That look is too complicated.