Hello, Mr. School Prince

Chapter 1380: The marriage contract is terminated

His eyes were cold and ironic.


It's really unfeeling.

To sever the relationship at this time, isn't this an obvious need to patch Ling Weifeng's wound.

If this person is not Ling Weifeng's grandfather, he would want to kill that bad old man.

"Don't look, there is nothing good about Ling's family, we have everything you want."

Ling family, even Xi Royal can't match a finger, what's so rare.

Seeing Ling Weifeng still staring at the screen without blinking, he pinched her chin with **** and turned her face around.

"If you want Ling's family, I can bring it for you."

Ling Weifeng patted his hand, "No need."

Whatever she wants, she will get it herself.

Of those people, she won't let them go!

"Hey, there is no need to be sad for those who don't care about you."

"Who said I was sad, I didn't treat him as a grandfather at all, do you think I am ruthless?" Ling Weifeng asked with a sneer.

Prince Xi Gu chuckled, "I like you so ruthless."

As long as it is not ruthless to him.

At the same time, she was relieved. Fortunately, she didn't care about the so-called grandfather, otherwise it would be so sad to be kicked out of the house.

"What age do you think it is now, there are still people who are so patriarchal, he actually said that he was afraid that the family property would be given to a girl, and when the time comes, it will be someone else's. You said it is not ridiculous."

"It's ridiculous."

Prince Xi Gu was disdainful.

Isn't it just a Ling's family? He can kill him with a finger!

To him, the Ling family couldn't even match Ling Weifeng's hair.

There are people who have driven such a big baby out of the house because of such a wealth.

Prince Xi took a deep look at Ling Weifeng. Since she didn't care about Ling's family, he took the Ling's family to vent her anger, shouldn't it be a problem?

Or wait for the marriage, hold a grand wedding, let those people see how she married into the Xi royal family gracefully.

"Come on, drink some porridge first."

The prince Xi thought as he took up the porridge to feed her.

Ling Weifeng continued to browse the web.

"Your marriage to Nora has ended?"

She pointed to the news on the computer.

The dismissal of Xi's prince Gu and Nora has been top searched, and even the media have reported it.

It is estimated that all of her scandals have been suppressed.

The marriage contract that caused a sensation in the entire Chinese nation was terminated after only two to three months.

It is shocking.

"Yeah." Prince Xi answered lightly, how to marry her without breaking the engagement.

The news was that he let Wei Hongliang go out, and temporarily suppressed those scandals of Ling Weifeng.

"Don't worry about these things, stay at home, eat well, sleep well, make yourself fat, and then marry me."

Ling Weifeng blushed and suddenly smiled.

Is it finally right?

"School will start in two days, I want to go to school, how can I stay at home."

"Ask for leave first, you are not allowed to go out these days."

Prince Xi Gu said somewhat domineeringly.

Until this matter is completely resolved, he will not let her go out to face those rumors.

Ling Weifeng groaned, neither agreed nor opposed.

After breakfast, Prince Xi went to the study and arranged for someone to thoroughly investigate the matter.

He wanted to see, who ate the guts of the bear-hearted leopard and dare to move his woman!

Ling Weifeng was sitting on the bed. In his notebook were photos of Xia Chunlin, Ling Jiang, Ling Mengxi, Zhou Meige, Bai Guanjia and Bai Feifei.

She looked cold, thinking about how to deal with these people.