Hello, Mr. School Prince

Chapter 1366: Who is in the room

I've slept all day, maybe I'm hungry.

"Don't make trouble, sleepy."

Ling Weifeng mumbled, and she seemed very dissatisfied when she was disturbed while sleeping.

He hit Wang Jiaohua on the head with one hand, then wrapped her arm around her head and threw her onto the bed.

Half asleep and half awake, Ling Weifeng didn't open his eyes, but felt something wrong in his hand.

Holding down Wang Jiao's flower head and grabbing two hands, the tone was a bit simple and naive.

"My husband, how come your hair is growing."

And it doesn't feel right, why is it so soft?

She leaned over, buried her between Wang Jiaohua's neck, and rubbed it twice like a baby.

Hey, this doesn't feel right, and it doesn't taste right.

Why is it so fragrant.

There is no masculinity of her husband at all.

The hand touched Wang Jiaohua's face, it seemed to be small.

Touch down again, hold the grass!

Why is it so soft? Her husband's chest muscles are very hard and very powerful.

Wang Jiaohua, "..."

She was eating tofu.

"Get up, it's me." Wang Jiaohua squeezed her face.

Hey, why is this voice so like Xiaohuahua?

Ling Weifeng opened his eyes in a daze, and it was Wang Jiaohua's beautiful face as expected.

Her consciousness instantly became sober.

"Little Huahua? Why are you here."

Is this her house? Is this her bed?

His head was a little dumbfounded, and he blinked his eyes several times, only then did he remember that Prince Xi had gone to America.

Wang Jiaohua propped up her upper body and looked at her with a smile, "Your husband asked me to wait for you, get up quickly, eat something before going to bed."

"Suck--" Ling Weifeng wanted to get up, twitching her muscles, so sore that she gasped.

Damn prince Xi Gu, every time he reincarnated like a hungry ghost.

Isn't it because he didn't give him meat, as he was so anxious every time.

Seeing her look like this, Wang Jiao's face was slightly red, "I'm going to serve you food, you come down quickly."

When she reached the door, she looked inside again, and Ling Weifeng was getting up from the bed.

The people who scolded and cursed, were all telling that Prince Xi didn't know how to pity Xiangxiyu.

This carefree look is really hard to associate with those photos.

Wang Jiaohua's eyes hurt a little, and I really hope Ling Weifeng will be so heartless forever.

She was only eighteen years old, her best youth, but she had to suffer so much.

God is cruel.

I don’t know how to talk about those things on the Internet.

Forget it, wait until the meal is over, so that she won't even be able to eat.

Looking at Ling Weifeng's phone on the bedside table, Wang Jiaohua folded back.

"What are you doing."

Ling Weifeng supported the bed with both hands and feet, climbed to the end of the bed, and looked at Wang Jiaohua somewhat puzzled.

What to do with her cell phone.

Wang Jiaohua smiled lightly, "My cell phone is dead. Let me borrow your cell phone to use it."

Almost people nowadays have a habit of looking at their mobile phones for everything.

In order to hide the matter first, the mobile phone was confiscated.

Wang Jiaohua waited ten minutes for the meal downstairs, but did not wait until Ling Weifeng came down.

She frowned, does it take so long to brush her teeth.

"Xiao Feng, Xiao Feng."

She yelled a few words upstairs, and no one responded. She could only go up and call someone.

I faintly heard the voice of talking in the room, as if cursing.

Wang Jiao bothered to mention her throat.

There are only two people in this villa, she and Ling Weifeng, who is talking in the room?

She slammed the door open and saw that there was one more person in the room.