Hello, Mr. School Prince

Chapter 1351: Plan

"I have a piece of information here. As long as it is published, Ling Weifeng wants to marry the Xi imperial family. It is estimated that he will have to wait for the next life."

"What information."

Ling Jiang immediately became interested and leaned closer to the screen.

Butler White also took two steps forward.

Ling Mengxi didn't even care about the swelling all over her body, she got up directly, holding a pig-headed face full of bite marks, and wanted to see Ling Weifeng's black material for the first time.

Xia Chunlin also endured the pain and sat up.

However, Bai Feifei just took out a USB flash drive and put it on the desktop.

"It's all inside, but now that the media has been crushed to death by Prince Xi, no media dare to broadcast the scandal of Ling Weifeng."

The news that a woman pretended to be a man was supposed to cause an uproar.

Unexpectedly, it was over with just a quick click, and no one dared to report on Ling Weifeng.

Even if there is, it is from the prince Xi Gu, all are words of praise.

All the media belonged to the prince Xi, and it was really not easy to mess with Ling Weifeng.

"Put it on the Internet, it's the age of netizens now," Ling Mengxi said.

Bai Feifei gave her a sideways look, and didn't want to talk anymore.

If it were that simple, would she still be upset?

"Am I wrong? As long as the news is strong enough, it can be reposted on the Internet." Ling Mengxi felt that she was right.

Why these people ignored her.

Ling Jiang couldn't see it, how could he have such a stupid sister.

"After what happened last time, do you think that Ling Weifeng's news can still be posted on the Internet? You search the Internet, and the three words Ling Weifeng are all illegal search words."

He had never seen a man as overbearing as Prince Xi Gu, and his wrists were really open to the sky.

In this network age, he can actually control the movement of the entire network.

Everything about Ling Weifeng can only be posted online after being screened.

What's even more exaggerated is that if someone wants to buy a navy, they have to ask Prince Xi Gu what his subordinates mean before they can buy it.

"So if you want to publish these news, you must find professionals to control the network, skip the monitoring of Prince Xi Gu and put it on the Internet.

As long as it causes a sensation, even if it is deleted, Ling Weifeng's reputation will also stinks. "Bai Feifei said.

The future mistress of the Xi imperial family, it is impossible to allow any taint.

Even if you bleach it later, it won't work.

"Then you go, aren't you very good?" Ling Mengxi said without interruption.

Bai Feifei really wanted to stab this woman to death!

If she can go, does she need to discuss with them here.

"Ling Weifeng seems to have suspected me. She seems to have asked me to check me. I can't come forward during this time, only you can find a way."

Ling Jiang frowned. Professional hackers are hard to find.

And to avoid the eyeliner of Prince Xi Gu, try to buy as much time as possible, and at least find several hackers.

"Ling Jiang, you can ask your fiancée to help." Bai Feifei said.

"Zhou Meige?" Ling Jiang felt a little disgusted when he mentioned the name.

This woman had no use value anymore, and he was thinking of an excuse to sweep her out.

"Yes, although Zhou's family has fallen, the underground forces in Zhou Hai have not completely disbanded. Zhou Meige should be able to contact them, and you can let her do this."

Bai Feifei went offline after speaking.

Ling Jiang had a thoughtful look, but Zhou Meige was still useful.