Hello, Mr. School Prince

Chapter 1349: Those who have been in bed are all women (plus more)

"Mom, too, go and provoke Han Ling to do something."

He was really going to be **** off by these two stupid women, it would only be a disservice.

What's the use of verbal quickness for a while, except for a breath, nothing is gained.

Well now, both have been taught.

Bai Feifei looked at these people, really impatient.

She leaned back on the sofa, her eyes contemptuous.

"Can you stop messing with so many things."

For these two stupid women, she was really disgusted to the extreme, and she ran to provoke her without looking at her own weight.

Ling Yi bravely guarded Han Ling, and the prince Xi guarded Ling Weifeng, as long as he had eyes, he could tell.

Two idiots, really treat yourself as an onion!

This Ling Jiang was not bad, he was a calm person.

"Now think about what to do next." Bai Feifei said impatiently.

Butler Bai looked deep, "The property in Ling Yiyong's hands seems to be determined to give to Ling Weifeng. We can only put the target in the hands of the dead old man in the Ling family. Xiaojiang is now the only one in the Ling family. His grandson, as long as he coaxes the dead old man, he will definitely give all the family property to Xiaojiang."

Ling Jiang nodded, "Don't be afraid of the grandfather's side. Ling Weifeng's account has been transferred out. Now she is not a member of the Ling family, and she is a girl. Grandpa can't give her the property. ."

Bai Feifei sneered, really naive.

She spoke softly, "I don’t think it’s necessary. Don’t forget the relationship between Ling Weifeng and Prince Xi Gu. Prince Xi is so spoiling her now. If one day comes to marry her on a whim, you think the dead old man will deny it. This granddaughter?"

What is the status of the Xi royal family? If the Ling family can climb to the Xi royal family, with the character of that dead old man who sees benefits and forgets righteousness, he will definitely hold on to this big tree.

Let Ling Weifeng return to Ling's house for sure.

Moreover, in order to improve Ling Weifeng's position in the Xi royal family, she would definitely give her a huge fortune to be worthy of the Xi royal family.

For the dead old man, the royal marriage with Xi is a lucrative investment.

All the dowry that gets in can be brought back through the relationship between the royal family and more.

Obviously, everyone present can think of this, and their faces are very ugly.

Xia Chunlin's face was already distorted with jealousy.

Not reconciled, she has spent more than 20 years of youth, isn't it just that the bamboo basket is empty.

"Prince Xi Gu shouldn't marry Ling Weifeng. After all, he still has a marriage contract with Nora. It is estimated that he is just playing with Ling Weifeng." Bai steward analyzed.

Ling Mengxi gritted her teeth with jealousy, "I personally heard Master Xi Huang admit that Ling Weifeng is his woman."

"It's all women who have been in bed, but not necessarily the wife." Ling Jiang said.

Bai Feifei's eyes flashed slightly, "I have received a news that Prince Xi will go to the United States with Nora tomorrow. It is said that it is about the dissolution of the marriage."

As soon as this remark came out, everyone's face changed.

What is the purpose of dissolving the marriage contract now?

Is it to marry Ling Weifeng?

The two of them were originally married by fingertips. If there was no marriage contract with Nora, then Ling Weifeng would be the most likely to marry into the Xi royal family.

"No, you must not let Ling Weifeng marry into the Xi imperial family."

Butler Bai clenched his fists tightly, just following the prince Xi Gu, and marrying in is simply a world-shaking difference!

With the identity of the Royal Young Lady Xi, who would dare to provoke Ling Weifeng is a dead word!