Hello, Mr. School Prince

Chapter 1344: What right

Facing Ling Yiyong's just and awe-inspiring gaze, Ling Weifeng really did not dare to speak.

She lowered her head, from the corner of her eyes, she caught the disappointed look in Prince Xi Gu's eyes, and her heart was cruel.

"Look, my daughter didn't even admit to marrying you." Ling Yiyong looked at Prince Gu with some pride.

Prince Xi Gu ignored it, his eyes kept on Ling Weifeng.

Some are lost and some are weak.

He thought that even if his position in her heart was not important, at least he would not deny the relationship between them.

Was it self-righteous?

Just as his heart sank into darkness, Ling Weifeng's redemptive voice sounded.

"Dad, Emperor Xi and I have been married for several months, but... I just didn't tell you..."

After she finished speaking, as Ling Yiyong's eyes widened, she moved to the side of Prince Xi Gu.

The feeling of rising from **** to heaven almost made Prince Gu cheered.

Especially when Ling Weifeng approached him, he was so happy that he hugged her directly, and half-armed her behind him.

"Doesn't your kid have a fiancee, come to provoke my daughter to do something, marry my daughter without telling her parents, this is a deception!"

Prince Xi Gu looked lightly, "My engagement with Nora is fake, and I am married to Xiaofeng. Mom knows."

Ling Yi glared at Han Ling, why did you give away my daughter!

But Han Ling was so scared that he didn't dare to show it.

Han Ling said angrily, "What do you oppose? What qualifications do you have to oppose? When your daughter grows up, have you ever cared about her? A Gu is kind to Xiaofeng, far more than you are a dad.

If you are not grateful for helping you take care of your daughter, you still have to face objections.

Besides, they used to be married by fingertips, and now they both have grown up to fulfill their marriage contract. "

After Ling Yiyong passed, he looked at Prince Xi and Gu Shi's attitude took a 180-degree turn.

She smiled and said, "Leave him alone. By the way, A Gu, how do you solve the matter between you and Nora? Although there was an accident at the engagement ceremony and it did not go to the end, in the eyes of everyone, you are already engaged. .

Such a reputation for Xiaofeng..."

"Mom, don't worry, after Xiaofeng's meeting, I will go to the United States with Nora to terminate the engagement."

As for the wedding, let's discuss it after we get back.

The dinner is scheduled for tomorrow night, and he will go to America with Nora the day after tomorrow.

Prince Xi Gu's gentle gaze fell on Ling Weifeng's face, grabbed her hand and clasped her fingers.

Soon, she will be able to marry her in a fair manner.

Han Ling smiled very comforted, "Well, before your marriage contract with Nora is dissolved, don't let your relationship with Xiaofeng be exposed."

Prince Xi Gu chuckled, as if everyone thought the same.

In the subconscious, they are all protecting Ling Weifeng.

"Got it."

"By the way, do you live here tonight or go back?" Han Ling asked.

Prince Xi Gu felt that this mother-in-law was too caring.

He was thinking about what excuse he would use to take his wife away, but his mother-in-law asked.

So he quickly said, "I don't have any clothes to change here, so let's go back with Xiaofeng."

"That's all right, have you eaten, do you want to eat something before going back?"

"No, I have eaten it already, thank you mom, then I and Xiaofeng will leave first."

As the prince Xi Gu said, he immediately hugged Ling Weifeng and went out, for fear that something might happen.

Han Ling got up and drove them to the door.

Ling Yi's eyes widened, so he abducted his daughter? !