Hello, Mr. School Prince

Chapter 1338: Ruthless man (plus more)

Throwing aside this sentence that was more bitter than the cold wind, Prince Xi Gu turned around and left.

All the bodyguards felt cold in their limbs.

So cruel!

However, the order was irresistible, and someone immediately bought two sacks of poisonous snakes that were less toxic and fell straight down.


Ling Mengxi's horrified cry made a large swarm of crows fly up in the surrounding woods.

The barren mountains that were already gloomy were even more terrifying.

Coincidentally, at this time, on the west side of the barren mountain, Xia Chunlin also woke up quietly.

She was awake from the cold, wearing only a thin base shirt on the cold night.

And her whole body was soaked, and her teeth trembled with the cold.

It was completely dark, and there were two cars parked in front.

The car lights shone here.

Against the light, she clearly saw the man standing in front of him, Ling Yiyong.

"A Yi..." Xia Chunlin wailed pitifully.

However, Ling Yiyong was expressionless, "It's disgusting to call it that way."

Ruthless words, poke Xia Chunlin's heart.

She was a little surprised, "You brought me here."

Ling Yiyong did not speak, and acquiesced.

Xia Chunlin suddenly screamed, "What do you mean, what do you want to do!"

She hugged her body tightly and looked around in a panic, trying to understand her current situation.

It's just too dark, there is no light except the car lights.

The outline of a mountain can be vaguely seen ahead.

Where is she? Why is she so gloomy.

Ling Yiyong rushed home to accompany his wife and daughter, not wanting to waste time on this woman, so he spoke coldly.

"Don't harass Ling from now on, I believe you won't want to really see my methods."

Turn around and walk to the car.

Behind him, Xia Chunlin screamed, "Ling Yiyong, you are so cruel!"

Ling Yiyong stopped, cruel.

Like them, who are known to be ruthless in shopping malls, who are not cruel.

"Why do you treat me like this? You are still not a human being, Ling Yiyong!"

When mentioning the past, Ling Yiyong's face was very ugly, "You and I have never been a husband and wife, and my wife is only Han Ling from beginning to end."

Xia Chunlin's heart was already dripping blood.

This is the man she has been with for more than 20 years.

Her face was sad, "Ling Yiyong, even if we have no feelings between us, I will have a pair of children for you. There is no credit and hard work.

You don't have to leave anything to our three mothers and sons. What you want to do to me now! "

Her words made Ling Yiyong's face covered with frost.

He clenched his fists tightly, "Don't put gold on your face. You know how Ling Jiang and Ling Mengxi came from."

Once designed by Han Ling, he was drunk and became Lingjiang.

Another time I was drunk by Xia Chunlin, and had Ling Mengxi.

Since these two times, he has never touched a drop of wine unless necessary.

For those socializing in the mall, you can drink less if you can drink less, definitely not more than three cups.

Xia Chunlin has been in Ling's house for more than 20 years. Although he lives in her room every day, he sleeps on the sofa.

Never touched her.

The only two times were because of drunkenness, but both had children.

This made him unable to argue in front of Han Ling, and their relationship would deteriorate for a while.

It's just that these have passed.

Xia Chunlin's face was completely gray.

However, Ling Yiyong felt that it was not enough, so he stabbed her twice.

What he said was extremely cruel.

"Do you know what I regret most."