Hello, Mr. School Prince

Chapter 1327: Emperor Xi was abandoned (to love her...reward and add more)

Ling Mengxi didn't know what happened next, because she had passed out.

Then, a black Volkswagen stopped.

The back seat door opened, Ling Mengxi was thrown in, and the car drove away.

Just after the Volkswagen drove away, the two people hiding in the corner looked at each other.

Then quickly took out the phone, [Boss, the target was taken away first, what to do next. 】

At the instant of two turns, another taxi passed by the Lingshi Group.

Then stopped by the side of the road, the driver scratched his head depressed, why is Ling Mengxi so popular.

Even kidnappings are robbed.

He took out his cell phone and made a call, "Master, Ling Mengxi was taken away."

Coldly swaying the red wine in the glass, "I was taken away? Who."

"I don't know, it was a black Volkswagen who took people away with drugs."


Leng Yu took a sip of red wine, "Catch up and see who made it."

Hanging up the phone, his eyes were a little cold.

Dare to design him and throw a snake back at Ling Weifeng, this matter can't be forgotten easily.

He is cold and not everyone can provoke him!

At the same time, on the top floor of the Royal Building, Wei Hongliang smiled inviting credit, "Master, the man has already arrived, and everything is arranged properly."

Xi Prince Gu just nodded coldly, waved his hand, and Wei Hongliang turned around and went out.

Lifting his head from a pile of documents, Prince Xi glanced at the phone placed aside for the 101st time.

Why didn't you call him back.

I miss my wife so much.

I didn't sleep with my wife in my arms last night. It feels like centuries have passed.

Prince Xi Gu felt that his wife was too reserved and never took the initiative to look for him.

Then only he will take the initiative.

[Are you finished, I will pick you up for lunch? 】

When Ling Weifeng waited for Ling Yiyong to unpack the snacks, he heard a WeChat prompt.

At the same time, I saw an information reminder.

She clicked on the message first, and her eyes went cold.

[Boss, the target was taken away first, what should I do next? 】

Twisting her eyebrows, Ling Mengxi is really popular, and she is robbed of kidnapping.

So she gave the order, "Follow up and see who took it. If it was robbery or something, remember to rush to make up for it. 】

Dare to show off in front of her, really treat her as a sick cat!

After sending the message, she clicked on WeChat, and when she saw Prince Xi Gu's words, she pressed her lips.

[I have dinner with my parents at noon. 】

The prince Xi Gu waited and waited, but waited for the news of his wife to release the pigeons, not to mention how depressed.

[I will also go over and eat together. 】

[No, my dad doesn’t know our relationship yet. 】

Prince Xi Gu is even more depressed. Why has her identity been exposed, so why can't he be exposed?

[Wife, just take this opportunity to see the parents! 】

Ling Weifeng snorted, her identity has just been revealed, and now she tells her relatives about her relationship with Prince Gu, will it be too soon?

I always feel a little awkward, so it's better to adapt first.

Besides, the marriage contract between Xi prince Gu and Nora has not been terminated yet, it is better to do more than to do less.

[Xihuang, our relationship, I will find the opportunity to talk to my dad, let's do this first. 】

Prince Xi Gu Shenshen felt that he was abandoned by his wife.


[Hey, leave some room for our family of three. 】

a family of three.

Prince Xi looked at these four words in a daze. Isn't it that deep in her heart, he is not her family at all?