Hello, Mr. School Prince

Chapter 1324: Being a mistress is disgusting

The Ling family's mind is really that as long as the daughter is a loser.

This kind of patriarchal thinking is no longer there.

The more indifferent Ling Weifeng was, the more angry Ling Mengxi was.

"Ling Weifeng, don't be proud. You have been kicked out of the Ling family. Without the background of the Ling family, you shouldn't want to marry Master Xi Huang.

Moreover, Master Xi Huang is already engaged, and his fiancee is an American general. Even if you are a daughter, even if you have had a marriage contract with him, you should never want to marry into the Xi royal family! "

Leng Weifeng sneered, don't want to marry the Xi imperial family?

Hehe, she is already married in, okay.

And it was Prince Xi that Gu insisted on her to marry.

However, she would not tell Ling Mengxi about this.

Talking to such a self-righteous woman is a waste of words.

This disapproval of her irritated Ling Mengxi, and said viciously, "Ling Weifeng, the Ling family will belong to my brother sooner or later."

Ling Weifeng wanted to roll his eyes, except for this sentence, is there nothing else to say.

In these people's minds, there is nothing but property?

She sneered, "Sometimes I'm really curious about where your blind confidence came from."

Didn't you watch the press conference? Didn't you hear what Dad said?

The Ling family's property is not rare to her, but she will not give it to Xia Chun and her son.

She would rather donate it to charity than to fall into the hands of these greedy people.

"Even if I am blindly self-confident, I am better than you are self-willing. It is disgusting to be a junior for someone else."

Ling Weifeng looked cold, "What did you say?!"

The one she hated most in her life was the little three.

If it hadn't been for the appearance of Xia Chunlin, how could their family have been tortured for 20 years!

Seeing that she was finally getting angry, Ling Mengxi was pleased for a while, "Why, dare you dare not be? Young Master Xi Huang and Nora are already engaged, you actually walked up shamelessly and lived together!

You are really disgusting to destroy other people's feelings! "

Ling Weifeng smiled, angrily.

"Hehe, speaking of Xiaosan, who would dare to compare with your mother? The existence of you and your brother is not the best proof that your mother has destroyed other people's families."


Ling Mengxi was furious!

Ling Weifeng refused to give her a chance to speak, and said in an irritating tone, "Even if I am a junior, that's a favorite junior. Unlike some people, no one wants to post it."

Isn't it true? When Ling Mengxi was chasing Prince Xi Gu, the eldest Master Xi didn't even look at him.

"Shameless, Ling Weifeng, you are so shameless, you are proud to be a junior, right?"

Being poked into the painful spot, Ling Mengxi was almost mad.

Ling Weifeng smiled sweetly, "Why do you have to wash your face?"

Seeing Ling Mengxi so angry that he couldn't speak, Ling Weifeng felt even better.

It's just that she had some doubts in her heart, how did people like Ling Mengxi find her women's photos.

And how did they know her identity as a girl.

Could it be...

"Ling Mengxi, where did you get those photos."

Ling Mengxi laughed, "Want to know, I wouldn't tell you."

"Butler Bai gave it, you and him are in the same group!"

"how do you know."

Ling Mengxi was stunned for a moment, and then reacted, Ling Weifeng was a **** trying to play her words!

"Ha ha."

Ling Weifeng's smile was even colder, and sure enough, butler Bai had a problem!

But why, when she asked Bai Feifei and Mo Wen to check his details last time, nothing was found?