Hello, Mr. School Prince

Chapter 1320: Do you want to change the name (plus more)

Ling Yiyong seemed unhappy when she saw her, and was a little nervous, "What's wrong, are you still afraid? Don't be afraid, no one dares to bully you with my dad here."

Ling Weifeng shook her head. Although she was a little nervous, she was not afraid.

Even if Ling Yiyong is not on her side today, she still has a way to resolve the rumors on the Internet.

However, if Ling Yiyong defended her in this way, she didn't need to do anything.

My heart is warm.

Only now I found out that it would be nice to have a father guarding him.

Ling Yi touched her head courageously, "Are you hungry? Let's go home first and pick up mother to eat together."

Ling Weifeng found out that Ling Yiyong really regarded her as a child.

The tone of this speech is completely coaxing children.

She just wanted to nod when someone knocked on the office door.

Behind Secretary Qi, a person followed.

"Chairman, Lawyer Li is looking for you."

After Secretary Qi finished speaking, he stood aside and let Lawyer Li out.

Lawyer Li first saw Ling Weifeng, a flash of beauty flashed in his eyes.

Is this the third lady from Ling's family who pretends to be a man? I have to say, she is truly beautiful.

Real people are three points more beautiful than what you see on TV.

"what's up"

The baby girl was stared at, and Mr. Ling said he was very unhappy.

He leaned slightly in the direction of Ling Weifeng, blocking the girl.

The girl is so beautiful, don't be seen.

This action made Lawyer Li embarrassed for a while.

He was so old that he was still staring at a little girl, and it was really shameful to say it.

So he straightened his face, "Mr. Ling, Master Ling asked me to come..."

As if guessing what he was going to say, Ling Yiyong raised his hand and interrupted him, "You go outside and wait for me first."

Speaking to Secretary Qi.

Secretary Qi knew, and gestured to Lawyer Li, "Lawyer Li, please here."

After the door was closed, Ling Yiyong's expression instantly eased, and he smiled and said, "Xiao Feng, Dad is going out for a while and will be back soon, and then take you and mom to dinner."

"Dad, or I will go home first."

She didn't worry about Han Ling, and she didn't know what happened to her being alone at home.

"Dad will be back soon. Wait. If you are hungry, I will ask Secretary Qi to buy you some snacks first."

Ling Weifeng thought for a while, "Okay."

"By the way, Xiaofeng, do you want to change your name?"

The name now is too masculine to sound.

A girl should have a lady's name to be worthy of his daughter.

Ling Weifeng shook his head, "No change. The name is just a code name. I am used to this name."

Change the name, the marriage certificate of her and the prince Gu is this name.

Ling Yiyong disagreed a little, but didn't say much, "Okay, then I will help you change your gender back, obediently, soon."

Ling Weifeng, "..."

Dad, I'm eighteen years old, okay, not a few years old.

Ling Yiyong ordered Secretary Qi to buy some snacks for Ling Weifeng to pad his stomach, then took the account book and left with Lawyer Li.

After confirming that they had left, Ling Mengxi dared to walk out of the toilet.

She was actually very afraid of Ling Yiyong's father.

Maybe Ling Yiyong had never given her a good face since she was a child. Seeing this man named father was a psychological shadow.

After coming out of the toilet, Ling Mengxi lifted her head up and walked towards Ling Yiyong's office like a proud peacock.