Hello, Mr. School Prince

Chapter 1317: Please burn the paper if you have something to do

Not only that, but he also paved the way, if he couldn't make a little achievement, how could he develop with the Ling family.

Thinking about it this way, Mr. Ling has a worries in his mind, don't transfer the shares, first observe and observe.

As soon as he saw the thoughtful expression of Old Man Ling, Ling Jiang cried out inwardly.

It is estimated that the property transfer has changed!

Although I was very anxious, I dared not speak out.

He couldn't let the dead old man know that what he wanted was the property of the Ling family, otherwise, with the selfish nature of this old man, he would definitely not believe him.

Therefore, you can only wait patiently without moving!

But he is not worried, the Ling family is now his grandson, and everything in the hands of the dead old man will be his sooner or later!

And those in Ling Yiyong's hands, with the selfish character of the dead old man, would definitely take it back at all costs.

At that time, it will all be his!

What kind of thing is Ling Weifeng!

The press conference is getting more and more tense, because there is only one minute left!

Another reporter stood up abruptly, and the speed of his speech was almost flying, "Excuse me, Mr. Ling, according to your statement, the daughter wants to pamper her son to temper, so the second lady Ling Mengxi is also a girl, why does the Ling family’s property not have her share? According to reports, is it true that the inside of Ling's family does not wait to see the two children born to the second wife with you."

In order to save time, so long words were made in one go, without a little pause, this reporter also worked hard.

All the other reporters present gave a thumbs-up, good job!

I asked such a critical question in three seconds, saving several seconds of time, which is very good.

Ling Yiyong remained expressionless, "Mengxi is the older sister, so the older sister should let her younger sister."

Everyone's faces were distorted, and today I finally saw the highest state of what is called opening your eyes and telling lies!

No one is eccentric.

I don’t know who laughed loudly, “Mr. Ling, you are eccentric, do you know that.”

Ling Yiyong's expression was faint, "Could it be that your heart grows in the center? Then I really have a long vision.

Also, my mother passed away thirty years ago and she didn't know anything. "

As soon as these words came out, there was a burst of laughter.

The tense atmosphere just now relaxed.

"Mr Ling is really humorous."

"President Ling, you can burn a stick of incense and tell old lady Ling."

"Please burn the paper..."

Towards the end, everyone teased and talked happily.

The person who had been tight in front of the TV for so long also laughed.

However, some people can't laugh at all, such as Xia Chunlin, who has already smashed the TV with anger.

Another example is Ling Mengxi who is on the way to the Ling Group.

She was sitting in the back seat of the car, watching the live broadcast with her mobile phone, wishing to smash the phone.


She is also the little princess of the Ling family, she is one year older than Ling Weifeng, so why should she let her go!

What is Ling Weifeng? The Ling family belongs to her, her brother's.

Her brother is the only heir to the Ling family, so why should he let it to that **** Ling Weifeng!

Seeing that Ling Yiyong was about to speak again, Ling Mengxi couldn't stand it anymore and turned it off.

It doesn't matter, grandpa is the oldest in this family.

As long as Grandpa is on their side, sooner or later the Ling family will belong to her brother.

Ling Weifeng don't want to take it away!

What she didn't know was that just after she closed the video, Ling Yiyong promised in front of everyone.