Hello, Mr. School Prince

Chapter 1312: Will 1

The atmosphere dare not come out.

What a joke, that's the tyrant of the Xi imperial family, who dares to mess with it!

Just for such a small benefit, I lost my press card. I don't know what kind of retaliation I will face later, so a fool would do this kind of thing!

After clearing the people out, Ling Yiyong swept the audience coldly.

He stood up with a serious face.

"Those rumors on the Internet have seriously damaged my daughter's reputation, and I will retain the legal responsibility for continuing to pursue it.

I will only explain this matter once. If I hear any rumors of taking possession of the family property again in the future, don't blame me Ling Yiyong to investigate it to the end!

My daughter was born as a little princess. Everything about me belongs to her. There is no fight for property! "

As soon as the voice fell, a document appeared on the big screen behind him.

Everyone's eyes widened, and the camera kept tapping.

The audience was in an uproar!

Seeing this situation, Ling Weifeng turned around and was shocked when he saw the file on the screen, and his mouth opened slightly.

That is a will!

Ling Yi's will!

"I am 28 years old and have a normal spirit, a clear mind, and full capacity for civil conduct at the time of making the will. To prevent possible accidents, witnessed by Jiaye Law Firm, the will is as follows:

My current assets, Ling Yiyong: 26% shares of Lingshi Group, two jewellery stores on Wall Street in the United States, one resort island in Sanya, a resort in Southeast Asia..."

A lot of properties are listed below, all under the name of Ling Yiyong, many, many, and a large part of them were beaten by Masek.

The announcements are well-known, and there are some private properties that are not suitable for public disclosure.

Ling Yiyong is a rare business genius, he has already made an amazing fortune when he was only 28 years old.

Ling Weifeng just glanced casually at these properties, and then looked down.

"The ten million bank deposits in the above-mentioned property were inherited by the eldest son Ling Jiang (ID number: xxxxxxxxx).

Ten million bank deposits were inherited by the second daughter Ling Mengxi (ID number: xxxxxxxxxx).

Other properties, including all movable and immovable properties and share funds, are inherited by the youngest daughter.

I appoint Jiaye Law Firm as the executor of the will.

This will is in triplicate. I, the mother of the heir, and the executor each hold one copy..."

Ling Weifeng couldn't stand the legal things behind.

All her attention is on the sentence inherited by the little girl.

The eye sockets were wet in an instant, and she covered her mouth, a little bit choked.

Will, the will made by her father when he was 28 years old.

That year, it happened to be the year when Han Ling became pregnant with her.

At that time, she hadn't been born yet, in Ling Yiyong's eyes, she was still a daughter.

But he still left all the property to her.

Ling Weifeng suddenly felt that all his previous persistence had been subverted.

It turned out that her father had never abandoned her and her mother, so what was their mother and daughter's persistence for so many years, what were they fighting for, and what they had suffered?

It's just a joke, a tragedy.

What is the reason that pushed them all into the abyss of tragedy.

It is ridiculous that she and her mother are still struggling with the property that belongs to them.

But never thought that those things originally belonged to them.

Never lost.

Through the TV, Han Ling saw the will, and she seemed to have received a huge blow, and she was stunned.