Hello, Mr. School Prince

Chapter 1309: Press conference 2

Does your uncle know that time is limited? Then what are you talking about.

Remember that today’s theme is about the third lady pretending to be a man and Ling’s property inheritance? So what do you mean when you say a lot of some and nothing, deliberately delaying time?

Secretary Qi smiled coldly.

Isn't this nonsense? If you don't delay time, is it possible that you will be embarrassed by our three young ladies.

With five minutes left, the reporter Yongyue asked questions.

A female reporter stood up, "Miss Ling, are you really a woman disguised as a man."

Everyone, "..."

Nepalese coal! ! !

Are you blind? You still have to ask such low-level questions. I wonder if time is precious now.

The female reporter said she was innocent, she just wanted to elicit subsequent questions through this low IQ problem.

Ling Weifeng just sat and didn't mean to speak. Ling Yiyong took the microphone, "Yes."

"Then why does Miss Ling pretend to be a man."

Secretary Qi took the words, "I'm sorry this reporter friend, each person is limited to one question, please ask the next one."

Female reporter, "..."

Soon, another older male reporter stood up and said, "Ms. Ling, why do you want to pretend to be a man."

Ling Yiyong smiled coldly, "That's what I mean. The daughter is too beautiful, and she is afraid of being abducted by some ill-intentioned men. It is safer for women to pretend to be men."

Everyone, "..."

This answer is fine.

Secretary Qi's mouth twitched, Chairman, you are good at telling lies.

Ling Weifeng was also taken aback. He didn't expect that Ling Yiyong would actually carry the matter down.

Time was getting tighter, and the next reporter quickly stood up, "Ms. Ling, this answer doesn't seem to be convincing, right? Miss Ling was so young when she was born, how do you know that she will grow into a fairy?"

Ling Yiyong looked proud, "Good genetics."

Everyone, "..."

President Ling, narcissism is a disease, and it can be cured!

At the same time, a photo of Ling Weifeng when he was a child was shown on the big screen behind him.

The eyes of the prince Xi in front of the screen were hot. This is his wife, who looks so cute.

The photo was taken on Ling Weifeng's one-year birthday. The flesh is like a crystal bun, and those peach blossom eyes are just like a biquan, and the watery is not so lovely.

The little pouting mouth, the cute heart will melt.

Ling Yiyong's voice sounded again, "Look at my girl, who is so cute and cute, and it will definitely be a disaster when she grows up. I want to guard against it."

At this moment, a reporter with a sharp-mouthed monkey cheeks stood up abruptly and said sharply, "Excuse me, Mr. Ling, according to reliable sources, when Miss Ling was born, she was actually transferred by Han Ling and replaced by a boy, so she was deceived. Everyone, is this true?"

Here comes the fault!

Ling Yi bravely glanced at Secretary Qi, who was frightened in a cold sweat.

These reporters, she has taken care of them, so she doesn't ask such sensitive questions.

No, this reporter has never seen it before, and there are several others, none of which are on the invited list.


Someone got in!

In the president's office on the top floor of the Royal Building, Wei Hongliang knelt directly.

The hostility on Prince Gu's body became heavier and heavier, he scrambled to make a call, "Handle it now, I'll let someone handle it immediately."

Oh, how could this happen, obviously very careful.

The list of reporters is confirmed again and again, and he has also put pressure on all the media bosses, how can he be mixed in.