Hello, Mr. School Prince

Chapter 1292: Emperor Xi's Counterattack 1

A pillow flew over, and the prince Xi Gu easily caught it, and then stuck it shamelessly.

Ling Weifeng was about to go crazy, when Xi's prince Gu's phone rang.

It was Wei Hongliang's call, and the prince Xi Gu straightened his face suddenly, and stopped making trouble with Ling Weifeng.

"Master, everything has been found out, what should I do next?"

"Put them all on the Internet, monitor the major online platforms, and delete them as soon as public opinion is covered."


Ling Weifeng sat on the head of the bed with her legs in her arms, staring at Prince Xi with sharp eyes.

What was put on the Internet, and what was deleted?

After hanging up the phone, Prince Xi Gu did not explain, but took off his shoes and socks and got into the bed.

"What are you doing." Ling Weifeng shrank towards the head of the bed, his eyes alert.

If he dared to play a hooligan at this time, she would definitely not spare him!

"Warm your bed." Prince Xi, Gu lightly dropped a sentence.

After lying down for a while, the bed was completely warm.

He just pulled her in, and then got out by himself.

Tucked the quilt for her, and then gently dropped a kiss on her forehead.

"Wife, sleep well, I will take care of other things."

Prince Xi Gu left, and only Ling Weifeng remained in the huge room.

After being entangled so stubbornly by him, she suppressed her mood for the day, and she was much better.

The warmth in the bed was all the temperature left by him, which directly warmed my heart.

The things outside made her upset.

Can she really ignore everything, hide behind him, and let him cover the wind and rain?

It seems pretty good to have someone to rely on when you are tired.

Nothing was resolved, and she was not sleepy.

Thinking of the conversation between the princes Gu and Wei Hongliang, she took out her mobile phone and opened the web page.

This look scared her!

The Internet has revealed scandals involving nearly ten giants, four of which are among the ten largest families.

The refresh rate is very fast, and the entire network burst all at once, and the posts that she disguised as a man in less than a minute didn't know which corner she was squeezed into.

Because she just pretended to be a man, and all the conspiracy theories that followed were guessed by netizens.

And these rich scandals are really exposed!

And the degree is very serious.


#某集团CEO was originally a fake prince, a trick civet cat for prince, Xiaosan holds his son on the top#

# Amazing inside story, the secretary of company b is actually an illegitimate daughter. It is reported that they live in chaos in private and have lived together for several years#

The wife of #N company chairman took drugs, and her husband felt ashamed of her under house arrest and beat her into a fool by mistake. #

One after another, eye-popping posts kept pouring out, and they were all quickly posted on hot searches.

Ling Weifeng was stunned.

Shenma situation!

The companies mentioned in these posts are all code names, but the pictures below are real.

Therefore, the companies that were exposed to the scandal are now all in a show.

Among these scandals, some talked about chaos, some talked about property seizures, and some revealed the dirty inside information.

Anything released was enough to suppress her disguise as a man.

These things, lightly touch the moral bottom line, and serious, have violated the law!

Ling Weifeng was frightened when she saw it, she was sure that these were made by Prince Gu.

Simply a lunatic!