Hello, Mr. School Prince

Chapter 1271: Identity exposure 4

Ling Weifeng was innocent and lively in everyone's eyes.

Very well-behaved and sensible, and loved to the bones.

But, who can think of what kind of scheming is hidden under this naive and kind-looking skin.

Ling Weifeng's city mansion was the deepest he had ever seen.

The prince of Bixi, Gu, is worse than that!

The cruelty of the prince Xi, Gu, is the cruelty on the bright side, which is scary.

And Ling Weifeng's ruthlessness was in his bones, and it was hard to guard against.

Looking at his family, Ling Mengxi was destroyed and became notorious. Let alone marry a good family, I don't know if he can marry.

After being rounded by a few men and disfigured, no one dares to marry such a woman.

Xia Chunlin originally had a higher status in Ling's family than Han Ling, but since Ling Weifeng came back, he was not only kicked out of the house, but now he went straight to prison.

And he, ha ha, has lost the Ling family's inheritance rights.

He ruined his family of three without making a sound.

Such a scheming, tut, fortunately Ling Weifeng is a female.

Otherwise, the Ling family would have been in her bag long ago!

Seeing Ling Weifeng's appearance that the Taishan Mountain collapsed in front of him and did not fall, Ling Jiang's eyes flashed a vicious look.

This time, Ling Weifeng must be completely removed anyway!

She must not be allowed to stand up again, otherwise there will be endless troubles!

Feeling Ling Jiang's gaze, Ling Weifeng looked at him.

The moment his eyes met, Ling Weifeng's eyes sank instantly.

She knew it must be the ghost of them.

However, how did Ling Jiang know her true gender? She thought she was hiding it well.

However, now is not the time to pursue these.

The most important thing is how to pass the test in front of you.

Although it was not obvious on the face, in her heart, she was actually anxious.

Especially when she saw Han Ling's pale face, her heart hurt even more.

I quickly calculated in my heart, all kinds of coping methods kept pouring out, but when I met Old Man Ling's fierce and angry eyes, all the thoughts disappeared.

From the eyes of Old Man Ling, she saw distrust and anger.

Since he already doubted her, he would definitely check.

No matter what she does or say, what's the use?

This grandfather has never had any emotions, in his eyes, there are only interests.

Do you want Xiaozhi to convince him with affection and courtesy? Is it possible?

An old man with no affection in his eyes, hehehe.

Elder Ling calmly looked at each other with Ling Weifeng. He looked at Ling Weifeng's calm brows and his anger kept rising.

The hand holding the crutch was trembling with extreme anger, and the muscles that affected the whole body shook.

The deceit made him feel very humiliated, especially when things were revealed in the public, it was simply a loss of the Ling family's face!

Almost all the big figures in the capital were present today.

A good birthday feast ended up losing face!

Elder Ling almost exhausted all his strength before he restrained the urge to smash the crutches at Ling Weifeng.

He tried his best to control the emotions he was about to explode, and stepped down calmly in the eyes of everyone.

Then he said a few words to the host.

The host immediately took the stage and bowed apologetically while holding the microphone.

"Guests, I'm sorry, our birthday star is suddenly uncomfortable. Today's banquet will end here, and our master will personally apologize next time. Thank you for your understanding."