Hello, Mr. School Prince

Chapter 1253: No Lower Limit for Doting Wife 4

Finally, Prince Xi Gu held Ling Weifeng and walked into the bathroom, brushing her teeth and washing her face, and finally carried her back to the bed.

Then go downstairs to bring breakfast, and feed her porridge spoon by spoon.

Ling Weifeng finally couldn't help but ask his doubts.

"Emperor Xi, how do I feel that you are raising me as a pig?"

It seems that she doesn't have to do anything, even brushing her teeth and washing her face, except eating and sleeping.

Sleep when you are full, and eat when you are full. Such a life is not a pig.

Since being with Prince Xi Gu, she seems to have really grown into a second-degree handicapped.

How smart and independent she used to be, she could solve everything by herself.

But since being with Prince Xi Gu, Ling Weifeng found that she hadn't used her mind and was rusty.

I haven't touched it, and I don't even know how to cook.

If this continues, will she forget how to get the toothbrush even after brushing her teeth?

Ling Weifeng trembled when he thought of the scene, the world was terrifying.

Prince Xi Gu chuckled, "Where can the pig be treated as well as you."

Besides, pigs are so easy to feed, if you just give them something to eat, you can get fat into a ball.

As for her, she doesn't grow meat after careful feeding every day.

This small body, hey, looks slender.

Ling Weifeng pinched his waist, "I have eaten so much every day, sleep, sleep, and eat, and I don't exercise at all. I feel that I am fat and want to lose weight."

"..." Prince Xi Gu, "I have tried my best and can't produce one or two meats. You dare to give me a try!"

Besides, I don’t exercise. You should exercise every night.

Don’t you know that a certain kind of exercise consumes the most calories?

Ling Weifeng pinched her waist that was not full, she still felt a little fatter.

"Eat quickly and open your mouth."

Prince Gu brought two breakfasts, originally one for each person, but seeing that Ling Weifeng actually wanted to reduce his fetus, he fed her both breakfasts.

I see how you reduce it!

After breakfast, he asked Ling Weifeng to lie down in bed to watch TV or play games, and told her not to get out of bed.

After forcing Ling Weifeng to make sure that he would not run around, he went back to the study, turned on the computer, and wanted to track the sending ID of the email.

It's a pity that the other party is obviously a veteran, anonymous, unable to find out at all.

The prince Xi leaned back on the back of the chair, rubbing the pen hand carefully, but his eyes were staring at the computer screen.

In fact, where these photos were sent from, the direction is very clear, but they are unable to break into Fengqing.com.

So it is difficult to investigate further.

At this moment, the doorbell rang.

Prince Xi frowned. He had just asked Wei Hongliang to send the documents to be processed in the past two days. How come it took only five minutes.

He got up and went out, and saw Ling Weifeng also just coming out of the room.

Prince Xi Gu's face suddenly sank, and Ling Weifeng was so scared that he was embarrassed.

"Didn't you tell you not to get out of bed, you are all well?"

Ling Weifeng stuck his tongue out, "I'm not that delicate, and I won't lose a piece of meat after two steps."

The prince Gu insisted on picking her up, pressing her back on the bed, "Lie down obediently, and don't walk around until her body is fully recovered."

Ling Weifeng was speechless, she was not a porcelain doll, so she was holding it so carefully.

"If you dare to get out of bed privately, I don't mind personally checking whether you are really okay."