Hello, Mr. School Prince

Chapter 1233: I saw the panties

Fang Jiming has a black face, and now he can laugh at this situation!

Seeing his face getting worse, Wang Jiaohua suddenly flattened her mouth, her big eyes were watery, as if she was about to cry in the next second.

However, the tears that whirled, but they refused to fall.

"You actually made a face at me. Sure enough, Bu Zhiyao is back, so you don't want me, right? From start to finish, I'm just her stand-in.

Senior, when you look at me, are you looking at me or her. "

As he spoke, the tears that turned around, after all, couldn't hold back, and fell.

Sobbed in a low voice.

Fang Jiming frowned, a little guilty, and didn't even dare to look directly at Wang Jiaohua's eyes.

Those eyes are too pure and seem to be able to see into people's hearts, making the ugliness in people's hearts invisible.

"You are drunk, we will talk tomorrow."

"No, I'm not drunk, let's talk now, do you want to break up with me."

"What nonsense are you talking about!" Fang Jiming's face suddenly became heavier.

The word breakup hit him straight into his heart, making him very uncomfortable.

His tone was a bit heavy, Wang Jiao squashed his mouth and cried directly, "Wow, you yell at me, sure enough, she is back, you are about to break up with me."

Fang Jiming, "..."

He yells too?

Looking at the woman whose cheeks were flushed with drunkenness, he stopped talking, but picked her up sideways, and walked towards the room.

"Hey, why do I seem to be flying?" Wang Jiaohua shook her long legs and became more drunk. "Wow, that's true. I didn't step on the ground. I really can fly. Could it be The fabled light work?"

Fang Jiming, who is holding her, "..."

Quietly, she threw her onto the bed, then turned to the bathroom to get a towel.

Wang Jiao climbed up in a silly way, holding a pink quilt, and smiling somewhat naively.

"Hehe, there are clouds, but how come these clouds are pink."

When Fang Jiming came out with a hot towel, he saw Wang Jiaohua holding a ball of quilt and constantly stuffing her mouth.

"what are you doing."

Wang Jiaohua raised her head, spit out the quilt, and smirked, "Senior, you have also flown to the sky, come and taste this pink cloud, like cotton candy, but not sweet."

Fang Jiming, "..."

Really drunk.

He walked over and pulled the quilt away speechlessly, his pupils suddenly shrank and his eyes darkened.

Wang Jiaohua wore a goose-yellow knee-length skirt tonight. Now she is sitting on the bed with the quilt lifted up, revealing her white to reflective thighs.

More importantly, a small piece of lace was also exposed on the edge of her pink panties.

Although he and Wang Jiaohua have confirmed their relationship for some time, the two have always been very regular, and the most intimate action is to hold hands.

Don't talk about kissing, not even hugging.

At this moment, seeing such a beautiful scene so close, his eyes suddenly became hot.

His breathing became heavy.

He is a normal man, and his girlfriend is sitting on the bed in such a sultry posture, how could he not react at all.

Do not look away forcefully, reaching out to stretch Wang Jiaohua's skirt.

But Wang Jiaohua, who didn't want to be drunk, twisted her body uncomfortably, and his hand was placed on the center of her leg when the position was off.

Fang Jiming, "..."

Almost as if he was pricked by a needle, he shrank back in an instant.