Hello, Mr. School Prince

Chapter 1230:

I don't know who screamed, Ling Weifeng was stunned, Nora's skill, ten big men **** together could not beat.

How could it roll down the stairs?

She wanted to go in and take a look, but the lounge was already under martial law and couldn't make it through.

Ling Weifeng could only get some news from the words of others.

It was said that when he was about to come out for the ceremony, he accidentally stepped on the skirt and fell off the stairs.

This explanation, Ling Weifeng, "..."

If she remembers correctly, Nora's dress tonight is just ankle-length, not mopping the floor at all.

How can you step on the skirt?

Prince Xi Gu came out to let the lobby manager handle the follow-up, and then took a minute to meet Ling Weifeng.

"Emperor Xi, what's the matter, Nora is all right."

"I don't know, my parents are taking her to the hospital."

"Ah? Seriously, how could she fall off the stairs?"

Gu Shen, the prince Xi, said with a deep eyebrow, "It should be deliberate. She sent me a message before coming down and asked me to cooperate with her. I didn't know what she was planning, so someone told me she fell fainted.

Ling Weifeng's heart was overwhelmed. It must be that Nora was afraid that the engagement ceremony would be held. She looked uncomfortable, so she deliberately used this method to make the ceremony impossible.

She suddenly felt a sense of shame, Nora was so good, but she was actually unhappy about this engagement before.

Prince Xi Gu touched her head, "Hey, don't think too much, you go home and wait for me first, I'm going to the hospital to see."

"Then you go quickly, and I can go home with my parents, Xihuang, say sorry to Nora for me."

Seeing her guilt, Prince Xi wanted to hug her and comfort her.

It's just that people come and go here, in case it is not good to be seen.

Only nodded, and then hurried to the hospital.

Nora has done this. If his fiancé does not rush to the hospital as soon as possible, it is probably not good for her.

Without the two protagonists of the banquet, the engagement banquet could not go on, and the guests began to leave.

Ling Weifeng went to find Han Ling, but was stopped by Ling Yiyong.

She was about to ask when to go back.

But he didn't want Ling Yiyong to give her a card and a car key directly, "Son, you can go back by yourself, or go out to play, don't go to your mother."

Ling Weifeng, "..."

"Dad, what are you doing."

"The weather is good tonight. Dad is going out with your mother. Do you know if you go and play by yourself."

Ling Weifeng, "..."

So, she is disgusted again?

Taking the card and the car key speechlessly, she looked at Ling Yiyong deeply with the accusatory eyes of a dad and a forgotten son.

Ling Yiyong touched her head, "Be good, go and play by yourself, you are such a big person, don't always stick to mom."

Seeing Han Ling walking this way, Ling Yiyong pushed Ling Weifeng out of the balcony.

Han Ling approached and looked around, "Where is Xiao Feng."

"She said she would go out and gather with friends, let us go back first."

Ling Yiyong's face was not red and heartbeat, and he lied. He was pulling Han Ling out.

Ling Weifeng, who was hidden from view, "..."

Dad, how thick are you!

Is it really good to dislike your own son like this?

After waiting for a while, after confirming that Ling Yiyong and Han Ling had left, Ling Weifeng walked out slowly.

Came to the parking lot, found the car Ling Yiyong left for her, and was about to open the door.

A white hand stopped in front of her.