Hello, Mr. School Prince

Chapter 1196: Help me change clothes

Ling Weifeng smiled, "I'll change my clothes."

In her memory, there was no time when a family of three went out to play, so Ling Yiyong wanted to go together, she was still very happy.

After all, she is also an individual, who doesn't want family harmony.

It's just such harmony, I don't know how long it will last.

So if you have the opportunity now, cherish it.

When Prince Gu returned from the study to the room, he saw Ling Weifeng changing clothes.

She had already put on the bra wrapper, and was holding a base shirt over her head.

Seeing Prince Xi Gu coming in, he put on his clothes for a while. The clothes just covered the key parts, revealing a slender waist.

From waist to hip to leg, outline a smooth arc.

Seeing Prince Xi Gu's throat tightened.

He walked behind her, stretched out his hand to wrap her waist, looked at the figure embracing the two in the fitting mirror, with a smile on his mouth.

"Going out?"

"Well, my parents and I will go to the top of the mountain barbecue together." Ling Weifeng said while putting on clothes.

The prince Gu helped her arrange her clothes and said, "Don't you ask me to go with you?"

"Aren't you going to have a video conference."

"It's over."

"Oh, let's go together, hehe." Ling Weifeng smiled and turned around. Although their relationship can't be made public, they would go out to play together. It would be more like a family, isn't it.

The prince Xi smiled at the corner of her mouth, kissed the corner of her mouth, and said, "Help me change my clothes."

Ling Weifeng smiled shyly, then stretched out his hand to pull the zipper on Prince Gu's shirt and took off his home clothes.

Then took a sweater to help him wear.

The soft, boneless hands, groping around on the body, made the prince Xi Gu Xinyi.

His little wife really liked it more and more.

Even if it was just a normal change of clothes, he felt that she was seduce him.

If it weren't for going out, he would want to press her back and forth.

After getting dressed and going downstairs, Ling Yiyong and Han Ling have changed their clothes.

Neither of them expected that Prince Xi Gu Ran would also follow.

Han Ling is a little better. After all, I know that Ling Weifeng and Xi prince Gu are husband and wife, so it's normal to just be surprised.

But Ling Yiyong was still in doubt, and the family went out to play, why did Prince Xi follow along.

When the four of them were about to go out, Du Ruxue came.

She heard that Han Ling is now living in Prince Xi Gu, so she came to have a look.

When the four of them were going out to play, Du Ruxue, who loves the excitement, would naturally follow.

Prince Xi Gu had to drive a commercial car and ride in the same car.

Not long after leaving the house, Xihuangzhen called to ask Du Ruxue's safety to see if she had arrived.

After knowing that they were hanging out together, Xihuangzhen didn't say a word, and Pi Dian Pi Dian followed.

So, what was originally Ling Weifeng and Han Ling's journey of relaxation, suddenly expanded into two camping together.

And originally I just wanted to climb the mountain, and then came back after a barbecue. Now that there are too many people, I just bring the tent directly and go for a two-day and one-night tour.

The place they chose was a famous mountain on the outskirts of Beijing, which was very difficult to climb.

Halfway through the climb, Han Ling and Du Ruxue straightened their bodies, lying on the huge boulder beside them, and refused to leave.

"I'm exhausted, I can't walk anymore." Du Ruxue sneered and asked Xi Huangzhen to help him.

Han Ling is also an expression on the face of you desperately who let me go, and she refuses to move again.

Really exhausted.

Xihuangzhen walked over to help Du Ruxue without angrily, and kept complaining, "I told you to exercise more often, but you wouldn't listen. This is so bad that I will be ashamed of you."