Hello, Mr. School Prince

Chapter 1178: Live together 1

Hearing Ling Weifeng's voice, Han Ling had a little reaction, but her tone was very weak, "I'm fine."

Ling Weifeng's eyes turned red all at once, "Mom, don't be afraid, I will protect you."

These words made Ling Yiyong feel inexplicably sour, how bad he is, his own woman actually wants his son to protect him.

"It's my fault, I promise, I will never let you be wronged again in the future."

"Of course it's your fault!" Ling Weifeng suddenly shouted at Ling Yiyong, "Dad, maybe you think I'm not filial, but I still have to say that even my wife can't protect you, you are simply not a man!

What happened back then, you said that grandpa made his own mind, but if you insist, no one can give you a woman!

Welcoming Xiao San in the door caused my mother to suffer so many wrongs, don't you want to take full responsibility.

What kind of person Xia Chunlin is, don't say you don't know, don't tell me that you are as dizzy as your grandfather, if this is the case, I can only say that I am too disappointed. "

"My mother is straight-tempered and keeps all the intrigues. Grandpa sees her as unpleasant. Her status in the family is not as good as a junior. But you, you let it go and let her be bullied. Isn't it your fault? ."

Facing Ling Weifeng's accusation, Ling Yi bravely contained himself.

He certainly knew what kind of person Xia Chunlin was. He knew everything from the moment that woman came to the door with her stomach upright.

That woman is the most greedy for money.

The situation at that time was really too complicated.

a mess.

Later, the reason why Xia Chunlin was allowed to make troubles was that he actually wanted to use that woman to stimulate Han Ling.

Want to save Han Ling's heart.

However, it pushed Han Ling farther and farther.

It was indeed his fault.

He was so guilty that he didn't even know how to make up.

Seeing Ling Yiyong's self-blaming expression, Ling Weifeng felt very uncomfortable.

That is her father after all.

She sat back in the driver's seat aglow, slammed on the accelerator and rushed out.

"Where are you going now?" Ling Weifeng asked grimly.

"Go..." Ling Yiyong just wanted to report the address, only then did he remember that the key was not with him.

He has a lot of real estate, and he can settle down, but the keys are all in the old residence of the Ling family.

It is impossible for him to go back and get it now.

She glanced at the woman in her arms, with a tired face, she must rest.

Go to the hotel? Han Ling doesn't like staying in the hotel.

She said that the hotel was cold and insecure.

Ling Yiyong was a little embarrassed, "Xiao Feng, can we live with you tonight."

Ling Weifeng's hand holding the steering wheel tightened, and his face changed slightly.

Not with her.

There was a private space between her and Prince Xi Gu, and it was full of traces of husband and wife life.

Almost all appliances belong to lovers.

Once Ling Yiyong is allowed to enter, problems will definitely be discovered.

But, what kind of reason can I refuse?

"Dad, I live with Emperor Xi, I'm afraid he is upset."

Ling Yiyong was also a little hesitant, for Prince Gu, he was actually a little in awe.

Not familiar after all.

It's just that now it's dark, he can't go home to get the keys, he just fell out, it is absolutely impossible to go back.

Family ugliness should not be publicized, and he did not want to ask friends for help.

I can only bite the bullet and say, "Why don't you call Master Xihuang and I will tell him that your mother and his mother are good friends, and I believe I won't refuse."