Chameleon: My True Face

93 Detective Guan Mei

"Fuck! I can't see him anywhere! He seems to have disappeared." Guan Dong yelled back as he resurfaced after searching underwater and quickly turned his anger at the Navy Captain who was just watching from the board, "Where the hell are you looking?! If we can't find him, your career is over! Where are your divers?!"

'Fuck, didn't you want me to kill him? Why do you act like he is your relative now??' The Navy Captain cursed in his mind, not understanding how the situation changed into this.

Normally, the Navy Captain wouldn't be worried about such threats but when they came from Guan Dong's mouth, he naturally panicked a little. Guan Dong had connections with the highest admirals and generals in the United Nations Military so he was naturally a person one needed to be careful about.

A quick thought of silencing everyone crossed his mind if Wuxing was not found but he knew it was almost impossible to cover up with the size of the crew he had. The investigation would quickly point out to him and his career would be over, not even speaking about the possible criminal charges against him.

His only solution to save himself was to gather all the resources he had and find the guy. He looked around for the divers he already called for and hurried them up when he saw three of them walking out, "What took you so long?! If the guy is not found, we will all go down together! You hear me?!"

"Y-yes, Sir!" The three divers quickly saluted and wore the oxygen tanks which were prepared by others already before jumping into the water.

Splash! Splash! Splash!

With the divers searching for Wuxing, Guan Dong didn't continue himself, swimming to the life ring to rest a bit. He was after all still in his clothes so moving inside of the water was even more tiring. Looking up at the Shadow who halted his boat not too far away from them, he shouted, "Shadow, you bastard! Come and pick me up!"

The temperature of the water wasn't that hot as one would think based on the weather as the cold current was filling those waters, making the temperature about nineteen degrees. Guan Dong was naturally not comfortable in such cold water.

As Shadow was riding the boat, Guan Mei who was on the board watched the whole situation with some suspicion in her mind. The puzzles somehow didn't match into the perfect picture as there were many of them missing. If even the divers wouldn't be able to find Wuxing anywhere, it would only further confirm her guesses.

Guan Mei looked at the sailors who stood on the side and saw them all quiet, not even blaming the shooter. For others, it was obvious he did so to protect himself as Wuxing was aiming his gun at them after all but it wasn't so clear for her.

When the shooter was firing, she recalled he wasn't filled with panic and actually held his gun firmly, aiming it only at Wuxing's chest. He looked as if he was sure nothing will happen with Wuxing as there wasn't much worry in his eyes either. There was a possibility it was all a coincidence, but she didn't think so.

The time she spent with Wuxing talking over the phone and for a moment just before he fell off the board was enough for her to know he was a scheming and smart person. It was definitely something he would think of. The question she had in mind was, how did he plan to survive seven bullets and escape after falling in the water.

Just as she was searching for more puzzles, Dongmei who was looking down at the water finally turned around, her face filled with tears and worried expression. She immediately dived into her mother's embrace and whined anxiously, "Mom… Will he be alright?"

Dongmei looked completely out of her usual character, acting like a little kid in front of her mother which for some reason, Guan Mei found it amusing. She knew that something was off from the start and just as she was looking for one, Dongmei presented her with the best puzzle solver, herself.

As a loving mother, she naturally embraced her tightly, pressing her up on her chest like she used to when Dongmei was younger and assured her, "Don't worry, he will be alright." Guan Mei was waiting for the diver's update on Wuxing's whereabouts before she could start her questioning. She tried to never jump into conclusions before she was more than ninety to one hundred percent confident.

Fortunately, she didn't need to wait for too long as the first diver finally resurfaced and called out to the Navy Captain, "Sir! He is nowhere to be found! It is like he vanished!" The diver was naturally aware of what happened and he saw Wuxing's gunshot wounds. Because of his knowledge about diving, he was in even bigger disbelieve on how he disappeared just like that. He knew it was almost impossible to swim after suffering so many wounds.

When the Navy Captain heard him, he naturally exploded as he cursed, "Damn! What do you mean he vanished?! Spread out and find him! Maybe the water current took him away, don't stop searching!"

"Yes, Sir!" The Diver replied back, diving back into the water. He knew there was no strong current in those waters so it was impossible, but there was no way he would tell that to his angry Captain.

With the diver's confirmation, Guan Mei was now quite sure there was an additional play going on behind the scenes. She checked if no one was too close to them and suddenly leaned over to Dongmei ear, looking as if she was just kissing and cheering her daughter but instead, she said in a whisper, "Dongmei… I know you are pretending…"

When she said so, Dongmei's body froze for a moment and only a few seconds later she behaved normally but Guan Mei was too sharp to dodge that detail. Dongmei tried to pull away from her, planning on defending herself, but her mother didn't let her, pressing her face back against her chest and whispered again, "Let's stay like that… I'm at your side honey… You know that you can never lie to me so you shouldn't try. I can see how much you love him now so I only want to support you two. Do you believe me?"

Dongmei felt conflicted, somehow knowing this conversation will happen the moment she meets with her mother. Just like Guan Mei, Dongmei also knew if someone was lying so she was aware that her mother was telling the truth now which quite assured her. She didn't have much of a choice, knowing her mother will find out one day or another and nodded with her head, signalling she was willing to cooperate.

"If you don't want to reply to some questions, it's your choice and I won't force you. Just help your mother understand some things…" Guan Mei wasn't a pushy mother and knew her daughter would tell her when she was ready, but still asked curiously, "Is he fine?"

This was the most fundamental question that she knew the answer already but still had to ask it to start off her questioning. Dongmei wouldn't be this calm if she didn't know if her lover was actually dead or alive.

Just as she expected, Dongmei hesitated for a moment but nodded in the end, "Mhmm…" This question confirmed her whole theory completely and now she could only probe for some more details she was curious about in the series of questions.

"Was the sailor ordered to shoot him by you guys...?"


"Will he be okay despite being shot so many times...?"


"Can he escape safely to the land...?"

Dongmei was a bit hesitant in that question as she also didn't know but still nodded her head in the end, trusting in Wuxing's words, "Mhmm…" She wanted to believe that he will be safe but with so many wounds and such a long distance to the land, she herself was not sure.

What if Wuxing got weak due to the lack of energy after healing his wounds and then have no strength left to swim. Dongmei didn't even want to think of that possibility, quickly getting rid of it from her mind.

Guan Mei didn't stop asking, having two more questions that would help her get a bigger picture, "Do you two plan to meet soon…?"

"Yes..." This time Dongmei gave a definite answer, wanting it more than anything else. She realised now that it was good for them if they gained her mother's support. If she wanted to get to the Seven Star's selection, her mother help would be quite helpful. She didn't have many connections there after all.

Guan Mei finally pulled away from her daughter after hearing that answer and lifted Dongmei's face, smiling softly at her as she wiped her cheeks from the old tears before asking the last question, "Is he special just like the two of us...?" She wanted to see Dongmei's expression as she knew there would be troubles in getting the reply for that one. For some reason, this was the perfect solution for everything that was happening right now as she knew it wasn't possible for normal people.

Just as she thought, Dongmei simply looked at her with puppy eyes, not giving her a yes or even a no. For Guan Mei, this could obviously only mean it was the truth. No matter what Dongmei would say, she would still find out the truth from her answer the silence was as good as a yes.

"Don't worry, I won't ask you about that anymore. I knew my daughter wouldn't pick a normal person to be her man. My intuition never fails." Guan Mei assured Dongmei as she fixed her baby girl's hair and kissed her forehead, adding, "You know I'm proud of you? Continue what you do and you will do much better in your life than your mother."

"Thank you…" Dongmei couldn't help but hug her mother more, wrapping her arms around her neck tightly. Their surroundings were filled with silence as no one dared to disturb them. Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click www.novelhall.comfor visiting.

Guan Mei could feel that Wuxing was somewhat different than others and now she understood why he was the same as she was. Dongmei wasn't sure what exactly having an ability meant as she only received little bits of her power after she gave birth to her but she knew what responsibility those people will have in the near future.

The moment she learnt about it many years ago, she didn't hesitate to make a really hard decision for her.

Just then, a soft female voice sounded in her mind, 'Do you really want to complete the transmission of your power onto your daughter? The last few days is the hardest process. You two can live just like you are now if you stop it and you two will be just fine. If we continue, you will lose everything and I will move inside your daughter's body. Do you really want that?"

Hearing the questions, Guan Mei sighed, knowing this would happen any time soon and confirmed in her mind, 'Layla… Yes. I'm too old for that already. I will leave everything to my daughter to continue the Earth destiny for the two of us. Having a boyfriend who is also an ability user will help her greatly. The scenario couldn't be more perfect. I'm sorry, love… I hope you will take good care of my daughter, just as you did with me.'

Layla's voice quietened down a bit as she replied sadly, 'I understand… You know I will miss you…' She was Guan Mei's guardian for so many years so it was quite depressing for both of them to go separate ways like that but she could understand her reasons.

'I will also miss you, dear… Don't worry, we can still talk through Dongmei in the future and remember the old times. I'm not going anywhere.' Guan Mei proposed, trying to look at the situation from the brighter side and Layla laughed, finally cheering up as she said, 'Hah, then it's a promise then. Tell me when you want to start the process. We need a full few days.'

Guan Mei wanted to talk more with her, but she heard that her husband was climbing onto the ship from the boat and had to stop their small chat. She patted Dongmei on the back and whispered, trying to help her daughter a bit, "Pretend you are passed out. We need to get out of here else your father will get suspicious."

Dongmei immediately understood what her mother wanted to do and carried out the plan right away. At one moment she was hugging Guan Mei around the neck but the next moment, her legs looked like she lost strength and she started falling to the ground. Her mother was there to catch her as she supported her whole weight and cried out to her husband worriedly, "Dong! Dongmei passed out! Help me!"