Chameleon: My True Face

78 Punishmen

Hearing the two magic words that worked like a charm to everyone who was knowledgeable about Guan Family, the Captain of the ship naturally cried out shocked, "What?! Did you just say Miss from Guan Family?"


Just as the Captain finished speaking, the metal doors in the superstructure of the ship opened abruptly as if someone kicked them with their foot and a sailor with a rifle showed up. There were another two sailors behind him, also holding their rifles ready for action.

When they saw an unknown guy in a suit holding a gun, they immediately tried to raise their weapons and aim at him, thinking he was the perpetrator of the shooting, but unfortunately for them, they didn't know who they were up against, being already one step behind in their movements.

Wuxing's left hand already moved, reaching out to his suit the moment the metal doors started opening and he was already aiming his second Beretta before they managed to raise their rifles at him. Seeing they were not stopping despite the gun pointed at them, Wuxing had no choice but to take action.


The bullet shot out of the barrel with a loud bang, breaking the air as it travelled towards the first sailor's leg, the same way he shot the first one.

"Aaagh!" The sailor immediately let go of the rifle as his legs gave him, making him fall to the ground. They were still inside so the moment he fell which allowed Wuxing to kick at the doors, closing them with a bang before returning to glaring at the three other sailors who paused once again. They tried to pull out their weapons, wanting to take advantage of the time he was looking away. Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please clickfor visiting.

As they were all barely two meters away from them Wuxing only needed to move a step to reach the doors with his legs.

Aiming two guns at them, Wuxing warned coldly, no longer having mercy in her eyes plans, "I don't think you want to aim a gun at Miss. Don't be stupid or you will drop dead." The next time someone tried to aim at them, Wuxing would not hesitate to kill.

When the Captain heard another gunshot, he immediately shouted through the walkie-talkies, "Hold fire! They are not enemies! if anyone shots, I will personally throw them over board!" The one which Wuxing held was already on the ground, half smashed as he threw it away to pull another gun.

When Wuxing heard the Captain words, he could only smile, sighing in relief to finally have something go well today. He already predicted such a scene happening but didn't expect Dongmei would bring it to another level. He only thought she will decide to also travel with him but this case had a very little chance of happening so he didn't analyze it in detail.

Dongmei jumping off the pier while losing her guards was definitely out of his expectations. Wuxing had to improvise and found this would be the most effective way to inform the captain about Dongmei's presence. Wuxing planned many things, together with sneakily killing Long Qing but now with Dongmei on the board, it wasn't possible anymore. Thinking about it, he might as well make it bigger, informing everyone about it.

Knowing the situation stabilized a bit now, Dongmei who was behind Wuxing this whole time stopped hiding and walked towards the sailors. Showing a nice smile, she introduced herself while looking at the wounded sailor on the ground, "I work as a doctor in the prison. Can I help your friend? He will bleed out soon if I don't stem the bleeding."

Seeing that Wuxing didn't mind her actions as if he was just there to protect her, they finally believed she must be someone important. Recalling the Captain's reaction, the Guan family had to be really famous else he wouldn't panic so much. Before they even said anything to her, the wounded sailor was the first one to call for help, "Miss, please help…"

Seeing how Dongmei only smiled brighter and hopped barefoot for the first-aid kit that was hanging on the wall and started diligently dressing the wound. She was surprised when she saw how Wuxing dodged all the important nerves and the bullet wasn't even in the body, only grazing the side of the sailor's calf. It only increased the great opinion she had of him.

When the other two sailors saw her beauty from up close, being all gentle and kind, only one word was appearing in their minds, 'Angel…' Wuxing, on the other hand, knew she was only doing it to soften the situation. They will still blame Wuxing for shooting but he didn't mind that.

Just then, a frustrated yell reached them from the inside of the bridge, "Damn, what happened?!" Right after that, the doors once again opened and Wuxing saw a middle-aged man which short black hair go out to the deck, completely out of breath. He probably ran up from the highest floor out of emergency to solve the situation here.

Even with the Captain's presence, Wuxing didn't stop aiming with his guns, just in case, they planned to do anything funny to Dongmei who was still focused on dressing the wound.

Seeing the lawyer holding two pistols, the Captain was quite taken aback but looking around, he quickly realised what happened. Knowing he was in Dongmei's presence, he first apologized to her, "Miss Guan, I'm really sorry for anything that happened. I didn't teach my sailors properly. I definitely deserve punishment." The Captain's head was lowered into a bow as his tone turned into a respectful one.

Both the sailors on the deck and the ones who were helping the second wounded became shocked once again, finding it impossible that their strict Captain would lower his head this much. Two of his men were shot and he was the one apologising!

Not bothered by his own sailor's gazes, the Captain waited patiently for Dongmei response. Only after Dongmei was done cleaning the wound with gauze and applied the dressing did she stood up, turning to the Captain.

When he saw the smile on Dongmei's face, Captain quickly paled, not recalling Dongmei ever smiling. Even in her first trip to the Prison, she was as cold as an ice, making him suppress his breathing so he wouldn't be too loud in her presence.

Seeing her approaching without saying a word, the Captain pleaded, thinking of kneeling as well, "Miss… Please, forgive this lowly one. I wasn't informed that Miss will board the ship. I can take all the blame."

Dongmei walked up to him and asked calmly, returning to her normal expression, "I will be taking your cabin for the time of travelling, do you have a problem with that?" She knew she was just scaring him with her sudden smiles so Dongmei had to change back to her usual self. She only recently started smiling more, being a happy woman in love but not many knew about that.

Naturally, the Captain quickly shook his head, replying with eagerness, "Of course not! Miss can use my cabin as she wishes." He already had such a plan so it was more convenient for him if Dongmei asked about it.

"Great." Nodding to him, she pointed at the first-air kit still laying on the floor and commanded, "Move the kit for me and tell your sailors to pull the second wounded outside. I will also help him." Even if she took the kit herself earlier, it was actually heavy so she didn't bother to anymore, having others do the job for her.

"Did you hear what Miss said?! Carry out the orders!" The Captain instantly shouted, forwarding the commands which woke up the sailors who were daydreaming, not fully understanding what is going on.

In the meantime, Dongmei approached Wuxing and said warmly, "Mr, you can put down your weapons already. Everything is settled. I would like to invite you upstairs to the cabin so I can brew a cup of tea for you as thanks for saving me earlier. Do you mind?"

Wuxing knew that smile was genuine, the one that only he would get. He could only listen to her, knowing he was just the lawyer right now until they meet alone. Hiding his Berettas back into the gun holsters under his suit, Wuxing replied back with a smile, "It would be an honour."

Dongmei didn't talk further to him just as normal Dongmei would do and started treating another gunshot wound. This one was a bit more serious with more tissue lost but the bullet was also missing.

Just as Wuxing looked at his watch and saw already five minutes passed, he heard a timely call from the Devil Face, complaining to him once again, 'How long are you going to wait? Times up. Call now.'

Wuxing could only ask for more time, but he knew the chances were slim, 'Let me and Dongmei return to the cabin and then I will—" Unfortunately before he could end, Devil Face stopped him, not giving him a chance to convince him, 'I don't care. I want to hear Guan Dong's reaction. I already waited long enough.'

Wuxing didn't give up and took a different approach, 'Your thinking is wrong. If I were to walk away and contact him, you will only get Guan Dong's reaction but nothing else. If I were to bring Dongmei upstairs, not only would you get her parent's reaction but also her own. Imagine her expression when I admit it right in front of her. Don't you want to see it?'

As Wuxing battle in his thoughts, Dongmei finished at the same time, calling out to both Wuxing and the Captain, "I'm done. Let's go upstairs, shall we?" She has already dressed a lot of gunshot wounds so she did not need a lot of time, knowing the process from A to Z.

"Of course!" The Captain was naturally the first to reply but then he spotted that Dongmei didn't have shoes on and proposed, "Miss, how about I find some shoes for you? The stairs are made of metal and there are many sharp edges on the steps."

Dongmei looked down at her feet, finally realising there were not in a great condition from all the running earlier and found that a good idea, replying, "Oh, that would be fine, but no need to hurry." She knew that it wasn't appropriate for them but she couldn't hold herself back as she continued, asking for Wuxing's involvement, "For now I can let my Lawyer take me upstairs on his back. Is that alright?"

She expected Wuxing to agree right away but he looked as if he was thinking deeply about something and asked, "Miss, can you wait a second?" He still didn't receive Devil's Face reply so he repeated the question in his mind, 'So how is it? Do you want to see it or not?'

Only then did Devil Face finally reply, getting hooked by Wuxing's bait, 'Fine, I will give you one last five minutes. Don't ask for more.'

"Mr, is something the matter?" Dongmei repeated her question, thinking that something was wrong with him, but then she saw him smiling and walk up to her while crouching in the front before replying with a happy smile, "I don't mind. I'm sorry, I was just shocked by the proposal. I can take Miss anywhere."


After getting to the top of the bridge, the capital happened to have his own big cabin which he planned to give to them. As they entered, they saw a nice, modern bed in the middle of the room, basically everything a room needed, together with a desk and the private toilet. The Captain spent a lot of time on the ship so he didn't save on the furnishing.

Wuxing placed Dongmei on the floor when they entered the room before turning to the Captain who passed him the suitcase which was thrown away by him earlier, saying, "Mr Cheng, here is your suitcase. Miss, once again, I'm sorry for what happened on the deck. Hope you can forgive me. If there is anything, Miss can just call me. I will be just outside, directing the ship."

"Alright. I will ask if there is anything." Dongmei nodded as he prepared to close the doors only to hear another reminder, "The tea is in the bottom drawer and the kettle is there as well. Maybe it's not the best one Miss can buy but it's definitely one of the best in the market. I have a habit of drinking tea before—"

Thud. Before he could finish explaining, Dongmei closed the doors but he didn't mind, walking back to the helm.

Inside the room, Dongmei still held her hand on the knob to the doors, somewhat afraid to turn around. She didn't know how will Wuxing react to her breaking of the plan, but feeling no actions from him, Dongmei finally asked softly, "Are you mad? I'm sorry for ruining your plan…"

Dongmei thought Wuxing will do something after her question but she only heard him opening his suitcase and the sound of calling on speaker. She immediately turned around and asked, seeing him calling to someone, "What are you doing?"

Wuxing only smiled, his voice back to his own and replied playfully, "Punishment."