Chameleon: My True Face

65 Planned Argumen

'You must be joking, right? There is no way I would admit that. It will definitely ruin my relationship with Dongmei. You are clearly breaking the rules.' Wuxing asked in his mind, getting agitated after hearing Devil Face's mumbo jumbo.

'Of course, I'm not breaking any rules. I only promised that my missions won't hurt your loved ones. I only asked you to inform her parents of what you did. It doesn't hurt her in any way, right?' Devil Face argued, trying to pull an act on him but Wuxing wasn't someone who would easily get bullied.

'Don't fuck with me. Dongmei will obviously get hurt if her parents take her away from me because of that. Don't try to go around and think it doesn't break the rules.' Wuxing quickly countered Devil Face with facts to which he had to agree.

'Fine, fine…' Devil Face accepted it reluctantly but then quickly thought of another idea and said happily, 'Then I will add something to the mission. You still have to call her parents and tell them what you did, but you also have to make sure Dongmei is not hurt by it. Ha! Checkmate!'

'You can't just add that and think it's okay.' Wuxing rolled his eyes as he replied back, not understanding the real purpose of the Devil Face anymore, 'Do you want me to live or just die right away?'

'I will be fine with both, as long as you die in a fun way. Your life's main goal right now is to entertain me. If you can't do that, then I don't need you anymore. When I'm busy, I won't trouble you, but when I have a break, I wish to have some entertainment. Do you get it now, boy?' Devil Face finally showed his true colours, explaining his motives.

Hearing him admit his attitude, Wuxing couldn't help but reply with a sarcastic comment, 'Yeah, I know you are not a dick at all…'

'Ahahaha, thanks for the compliment brother.' Devil Face burst out laughing when he heard the comment and continued, 'Anyway, I already explained what I want. If you do it properly, Dongmei won't get hurt. It all depends on you. No matter what you do, as long as you do it poorly, Dongmei might be hurt because of that so don't pull out the rules into the argument.'

Before Wuxing could say anything else to change Devil Face's opinion, the one in question quickly left while saying, 'Well, have fun with it. I will be watching from the sidelines. I'm currently getting a nice back massage from a sexy beauty so I can't talk too much. I'm in a good mood right now so I won't take your soul if you fail. Instead, you won't be able to feel one of your arms for one full day. That would be more entertaining to watch, hehe. Ciao!'

'Dammit!' Wuxing cursed in his mind, having something that he was worried about happening right after he thought about it. If he played that incorrectly, he would definitely be in deep trouble and his whole plan could be ruined.

He already talked with Dongmei about their plan for today. All they had to do is execute it perfectly. There was no space in his plan for the parent's call at all so he decided to just follow the original one, thinking of only adding it if there was a chance.

'Maybe I can handle one day without one hand…' Wuxing thought as he walked up to the kitchen to clean the dishes.


"Are you leaving somewhere?" The guard asked confused when he saw Wuxing suddenly leaving the apartment, having a snack bag in his hands. The two guards didn't know about Wuxing's escapes through the balcony so there was always at least one guard who was protecting him outside the doors, just in case he planned to leave anywhere.

"Don't you know the details from the guy sent by Dongmei's father?" Wuxing asked as he left, closing the doors after him with a spare key that Dongmei felt for him.

The guard paused for a moment but nodded in the end, admitting, "... I may know a bit. We talked about it today."

"Then you should know I need to make Dongmei dislike me. I can't do it by sitting at the apartment the whole day. I already have a plan on how to do it. Are you following me?" Wuxing shrugged, explaining it simply and passed the guard, heading towards the stairs.

The guard only glared at Wuxing's back and followed without saying anything else. There was hidden anger for Wuxing inside of him each time he recalls Wuxing's loving words towards his Miss. Now he knew it was all fake and Wuxing only wanted money and escape from prison.

The guard had a completely different opinion of him earlier and he didn't even object to them being together but now this whole image crumbled as he wanted to have nothing to do with him.

Wuxing naturally expected such reaction but he didn't bother explaining anything. The more of a scumbag they thought he was, the easier his plan would be. After Wuxing leaves the prison, he would be a completely different person and only Dongmei would know the whole truth.

Walking around the hospital, they finally found Dongmei standing in the staff room. She was filling out the report while conversing with various female nurses when she saw Wuxing entering and the smile immediately appeared on her face.

"Oh! Wuxing!" She quickly exclaimed as she ran up to him and started bombarding him with questions, "What are you doing here? Did you come to pick me up? I'm almost done with my work. I already told the Chief Warden that I will be leaving soon and there is a need for them to hire another doctor."

Dongmei acted happily as if a girl in love but she was reserved, only holding hands with him. Everyone already knew about them in the hospital since the moment they announced it by walking around together so it wasn't a surprise for the nurses, who only smiled seeing their interactions.

"I came to see you and brought you a snack as I thought you will be hungry after working so hard," Wuxing explained himself softly, rubbing Dongmei's hands with love. Such a scene immediately awakened the romantic hearts of the nurses, causing all of them to sigh with a smile.

Before Dongmei could reply, Wuxing asked kindly, embracing her in a hug, "How about we go for a walk when you finish?"

It was hard for Dongmei to fake her embarrassment after all the shameless things they did together so she imagined even more naughty scenes in her mind, making her cheeks finally turn into light crimson. They already talked about it with Wuxing earlier and she couldn't help but praise Wuxing for being such a good actor, pulling off everything so perfectly.

The nurses giggled when they saw the domineering Dongmei blushing because of a simple hug and Dongmei immediately called out cutely, "Wuxing… Not here… Everyone is watching…"

"Hah, let them watch." Wuxing chuckled at Dongmei's reaction and suddenly forced a kiss on her lips while sliding his hand onto Dongmei's butt.

The nurses were shocked but they didn't find that too suspicious at that point, finding it quite normal for couples to do. Not necessary in public but they were not in the situation where they could judge them.

When Dongmei felt his lips, she exclaimed and lightly pushed him away, scolding him, "Mhmm! Wuxing. I told you. This is not the right place."

When the guards who stood in front of the room saw this, they knew Wuxing was just pretending, acting like that to make their Miss dislike him and this was the only reason they didn't move to stop Wuxing's shamelessness. Normally, Wuxing would already be pulled away by them.

Dongmei was still smiling lightly even though she just scolded him, clearly having some affections for him when suddenly, Wuxing slapped her butt and leaned over, kissing her neck at the same time. It seemed like he didn't even listen to her and continued what he wanted.

This time Dongmei wasn't this kind about it and forcefully pushed him away, catapulting him into the wall. Her smile was immediately gone and was switched into an angry expression as she shouted, "I said not here! What is going on with you?!"

The nurses sucked in cold breath when they saw how fast the situation progressed from a perfect romance story into an abusive boyfriend relationship. Their opinions on Wuxing changed momentarily, finding Dongmei's reaction justified.

Just as they thought that Wuxing would come to his senses after that, he also showed annoyed expression and called out, "What do you mean by, 'What is going on with you?' I'm just greeting my girlfriend, okay? Can't you just show a little bit of affection towards me for once?"

Hearing his claim, Dongmei's face changed a bit, losing some of her previous anger. With the confusion on her face, she looked like a person who didn't entirely understand what was going.

Before she could explain herself, Wuxing took the bag with his slack and threw it into her hands before leaving while throwing his arms around in anger, "Fine! I will be going then! I won't bother you anymore! Here, take your lunch! Hope you like it!"

Just as the nurses, even the guards were confused, not expecting Wuxing to act so drastically. Wouldn't that create a bad opinion about other men in Dongmei's mind? Just as they expected, Dongmei looked completely absent minded staring at the snack in her hands and everyone felt bad about her.

"Miss—" One of the nurses even tried to help her, leaving some nice words when Dongmei suddenly exploded, turning into a raging lion. She threw the snack into the dustbin with force, almost knocking it away and shouted while storming after him, "Get back in here! Who said you can leave?!"

When the guards saw their Miss like that, they sighed in relief, happy that their Miss was fixed. It wouldn't be normal if she didn't get angry at such behaviour. They quickly followed her as she ran after Wuxing who already walked further in the corridor.

Hearing the shout from behind, Wuxing turned around but he didn't stop walking, switching to moving backwards and asked angrily, "What? Are you going to restrict me from leaving this time too? I can do whatever I want! I wanted to take you on a stroll but fuck it. I'm not going anywhere anymore."

"Stop right there! I didn't finish with you!" Dongmei didn't mind shouting on the whole hospital while running towards Wuxing. Everyone who saw her there would be sure that she was super pissed off. Upon catching up to him, Dongmei grabbed Wuxing's shoulder to stop him but Wuxing quickly caught up her arm and asked her annoyed, "What else do you want? Are you going to create a scene in front of everyone?"

"Who is the one creating scenes?! You started it!" Dongmei shouted back at him as she forcefully pulled her hand away from him. Looking around her, she spotted that everyone around them was looking on them, which caused more frustration to appear on her face.

Noticing there was an office room next to them, she opened it and called out after finding out it was empty, "Get in! We need to talk!"

Wuxing only rolled his eyes and entered inside, saying confidently, "Fine! I want to hear what else you have to tell me."


Before the guards could catch up, Dongmei already entered after Wuxing and smacked with the doors, locking them from the inside. Only after reaching them did they realise that the office was soundproof, causing them to sigh, deciding to just stand in front of the doors.

Inside the office room, the situation didn't look exactly as everyone was imagined. Dongmei and Wuxing were not arguing anymore and she was already in his embrace, kissing him passionately while wrapping her arms and legs around him.

"Was I good? I think this girlfriend deserves a reward." Dongmei asked with a kind smile after pulling away from him, waiting for him to praise her.

Wuxing couldn't help but smile and kiss her once again, very satisfied with her job.She did everything exactly as he asked her to and even more. She definitely deserved something extra tonight.

"You were great today. What reward do you want? I think we can prolong our argument to at least fifteen minutes…" Wuxing praised her happily as he took off the doctor cloak from her.

Wuxing wanted to propose something, knowing his abilities, but Dongmei already decided what she wanted as she reached out to his pants and unbuttoned them, saying playfully, "You know what I want…"

Before he could reply, her warm hand already started rubbing his crotch directly on his boxers, causing him to not waste time anymore. He threw her on the sofa and quickly began undressing her as he whispered playfully, "You asked for it."

"Hah, come then!" Dongmei only laughed, inviting him and began undressing him as well, already planning on seducing him earlier.

They had little time but Wuxing still went down on her, not forgetting to make her wet properly before he finally thrust inside of her, causing Dongmei to let out an inviting moan, "Ahh! I wanted it so badly!"