Chameleon: My True Face

62 I Like It Rough ** - Part 2

"Do you really want me to stop right now…?" Wuxing whispered seductively into her ear as he laid on her completely while continuing to pump with his hips. He knew exactly was he was doing and knew that he could definitely pull out before he is about to burst but that didn't mean that he couldn't tease her.

"Mhmm… ah…" Dongmei let out a series of soft moans as she struggling to stay clear-headed, having experienced her first real orgasm, "Of course not… I want more… But what if I get pregnant? I'm not ready for a baby yet…"

Wuxing acted surprised as he asked, "Oh, you don't want my baby? I was ready to burst right inside you… What should I do now? If I pull out, the whole bed would get messy…" Before she could reply, Wuxing suddenly turned her around once again, this time grabbing her legs and leaning them on his shoulders, having her whole bottom open to pounding.

"No, don't do it inside!" Dongmei called out in panic hearing about his plans, pleading right after, "Do it outside, please…" She suspected that Wuxing was only teasing her but under the constant bombardment inside her, she couldn't focus on anything else other than him moving back and forth, rubbing on her walls without stopping.

"Heh, alright. I will do some after… I completely break you down!" Wuxing finally agreed but he still decided to teach her a lesson as he still had the power in him compared to Dongmei who already reached her limits. Unfortunately, Wuxing wanted to hear more moans from her, repeating her orgasm once again to make sure she would never forget her first time.

Throwing her legs to both sides, Wuxing swiftly picked her up, embracing her and thrust with newly found force as he supported her by her bottom. She somehow found energy, using it to wrap her arms and legs around him while working with her hips as well to increase pleasure for him.

Dongmei was enjoying it greatly, being hammered in different positions, always having something going on with her but then Wuxing stood up from the bed while still supporting her and she couldn't help but exclaim with a question, "Ahh! Where you going…?"

"I suddenly felt like to see how you look right now. I want to watch how you come once again because of me," Wuxing said playfully as he walked up to the bathroom but Dongmei hearing that he wanted to watch her in such embarrassing position immediately protested, "No! Don't… I like the darkness."

Dongmei even tried to sway him by kissing him deeply, but Wuxing didn't listen and she was too weak right now to prevent him from opening the bathroom and walking inside. The light immediately lit up seeing the movements and Dongmei quickly hid in his arms.

"You are a meanie!" Dongmei called out while pouting but Wuxing continued to ignore her, walking up to the bathtub. He entered inside of it and placed her on the edge, forcing her to lean over the wall and finally lifted her face by her chin and ordered, "Look at me."

Dongmei's eyes were closed but under his orders, she peeked at him finally seeing the face of a man that cherished and loved her. While still being connected, Wuxing slowly resumed his movements and kissed her passionately, wrapping his tongue together with her own.

Looking at her from above after pulling away from his lips, Wuxing couldn't help but gasp saying honestly, "You are really beautiful." With the shy expression on her face as well as her smooth rosy skin, she looked too cute to not leave a compliment. Her ample breasts and nipples stood upwards, ready to be squeezed, caressed and rubbed until one would be satisfied.

Hearing the praise felt really good but being in such position stole all of her focus. Dongmei was really bold when it was dark but when the light shone onto her and she was suddenly exposed, the shyness appeared. The great Miss Guan wasn't as domineering in bed as one would think so.

Finding a quick method to fix it, Wuxing ordered once again after a short peck, "Look down and tell me what you see." Dongmei was just about to forget about it as she began to immerse herself in her pleasure which was still lingering in her mind but when she heard him, Dongmei couldn't help but look down and check it out.

Up till now, she could only feel it inside of her while hearing the sloppy sound of their hips hitting each other, but this time she saw it all clearly, how it was sliding without much effort, hiding wholly inside of her.

Dongmei wanted to avert her gaze but the more she watched, the more intrigued she became. She looked without break and muttered surprised, "How can it fit in me like that… It's so huge and long…"

"Tell me what you see… Describe what is happening…" Wuxing whispered into her ear while biting it playfully as he started rubbing on her breasts right under her eyes.

"It's sliding into me… All hard and powerful… Filling me down to the base, hiding completely inside as if it had exactly the right size and shape...It's covered by some of my blood but I don't feel the pain… Only pleasure…" She didn't know why she listened to him, but words began leaving her mouth as she gave an account of what was going on.

"What else…? How does it feel inside you…?" Wuxing continued whispering into her ear, messing with her mind which led her to continue describing.

"It's so thick that it barely fit inside… Yet it still moves as if it was its home… Back and forth, rubbing on my insides before reaching the deepest end, trying to break the barrier and enter into my womb only to withdraw, repeating the process once again—Aaah…" Dongmei entered deeper, describing everything but the more she focused, the more pleasure began to fill her body which quickly broke her speech as a moan escaped her lips. Even after her first outburst, the pleasure kept increasing.

"Tell me more. What else can you see?" No minding her constant moans, Wuxing pushed her more, pinching her erected nipples and pulling them in all directions at the same time.

Wuxing was also increasing his pace which didn't simplify her job as she was already walking on the edge. Dongmei couldn't look down anymore and hugged him instead, leaning on his shoulder while letting out various sounds of pleasure. Recalling his order from earlier, she continued reporting based on her feeling.

"Ah… You pinch them… Rubbing them both between your fingers… Mhmm… Constantly stroking it around… Ahh! I can't think anymore… Your thing is twitching non-stop, hitting against my walls and rubbing the ceiling each time..." Dongmei detailed what she felt but suddenly she had to stop, realising that Wuxing's member was going crazy inside of her.

Before she could comment about it, Wuxing suddenly pulled out and called out in panic, "Quickly, stroke on it before its too late!" Caught off guard with his urgency, Dongmei quickly reached out and grabbed the burning staff into her hands, stroking it up and down just like she did it earlier today.

"Ah…" It didn't take her more than a few seconds before Wuxing's burst, spraying his seeds straight onto her face. Instead f dodging, Dongmei swiftly leaned over, putting the tip inside her mouth to prevent it from flying everywhere. Only after she felt it filling her mouth did she realise what she just did out of instinct.

"Cough! Cough!" Dongmei tried to stubbornly stay put, but she didn't expect there to be so much of it, which caused her to cough it all out in the end. Wuxing didn't say anything and instead passed her the towel so she could wipe her face.

"You didn't need to swallow it..." Wuxing teased as he rubbed her cheek with care but that only made Dongmei laugh as she hit him lightly in the stomach and reply while rolling her eyes, "Who asked you to cum so much?" She didn't wait for his answer and instead proceeded to wipe his member from all of her juices and drops of blood until it was all clean.

"How are you feeling?" Wuxing asked softly as he took the bath handle and began cleaning her privates as well in exchange, sprinkling it with warm water.

"Hmmm, it was okay. You did well I guess." Dongmei smiled playfully and expressed herself changing to an indifferent expression, planning on teasing him as well, but that only backfired at her.

Wuxing picked Dongmei up, walking out of the bath with her as he asked, "Oh, just good? I guess we have to correct that, don't you think? I can't leave you with such experience."

"What? Do you really want more right now? Aren't you tired?" Dongmei asked surprised as Wuxing placed her on the ground under the shower. Only after that did she look down and realised that his member was still hard, bouncing around happily.

Wuxing embraced her as he slid his member between her thighs, teasing her and arousing her in the process before asking, challenging her, "You think I would be tired after just one session? I'm more worried about you. Can you handle more?"

"You think I can't do it anymore? Even if you torture me the whole night I can handle it." Dongmei bragged, saying it as if she wasn't tired at all and Wuxing smiled, happy that she got baited in his trap.

Wuxing smirked as he turned on the shower and let the hot waterfall on their heads before picking up one of her knees while issuing a challenge, "Then let's find out. I can bet that I will last longer than you."

"Deal! I will make you cry— Ahh!" Dongmei agreed right away, calling out with confidence but then she cried out herself as Wuxing plunged inside of her once again.


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