Chameleon: My True Face

198 Love Triangle

Just minutes earlier, Scarlet and the sisters were chatting, not knowing some strange noises would disturb them very soon.

"What? You two were already agents before joining the selection? How cool…" Scarlet replied with her eyes widened, not expecting the two innocent girls in front of her were this skilled.

She thought they were just like her, a pair of newbies but she guessed wrong.

"Yeah, we were part of narcotics, the department for drug crimes," Daisy explained as she scratched her head. "I'm not sure if it was that cool. We had to deal with a lot of nasty people. It was pretty scary. Lily had a pistol pressed against her head many times while we worked undercover in some drug organizations."

"Whoa… Are you okay?" Scarlet immediately grabbed Lily by the hand, squeezing it hard. "It must have been hard on you."

"Don't worry, I'm fine now…" Lily assured with a bitter smile. "If not for those incidents, the job would be quite nice. Everyone treated us great in the department. The pay was also decent. Only work in the field was too much for us. After the last accident, we decided to quit."

"Oh? What happened?"

"If you thought getting threatened with a gun was bad, what happened last month was much worse. Lily almost got raped by a group of five drug dealers. If we didn't take over the building right after she called for help, she would most likely get assaulted. I will never put my sister's life in such danger again," Daisy explained while clenching her fist and hugged her sister right after. "I promise."

Scarlet put down her drink and joined them in the group hug. "You are safe now."

"I'm already fine… It was a month ago," Lily muttered softly but still accepted the hugs.

"So after you quit, you came here?" Scarlet questioned after they separated.

"Mhmm, our Captain suggested that we check it out, saying we have the chance with our skills. Coincidently, there was a selection in the next month so we signed up," Daisy replied, fixing her pink hair. "What about you?"

"Me…?" Scarlet hesitated. "It was big bro who brought me here. He said I have the potential in being a spy… I'm still a newbie in everything else. Big sis Ash is trying to teach me now."

"So you all knew each other beforehand? That's so nice. You get to practice with all your friends."

"Friends… Yeah, we are good friends," Scarlet muttered with a sigh, looking at the bathroom door with a longing gaze.

Even Scarlet with her low EQ knew what was going on inside that bathroom but there was nothing she could do. She was still just a little sister to him.

The sisters exchanged gazes and smiled as if they figured out the same thing.

"Lily, can you see what I see?"

"I think it's pretty obvious."

Scarlet got confused at her talk. "What?"

Lily smiled and whispered, "So since when do you like Chameleon?"

Scarlet couldn't help but blush, not expecting such a question.

"Is it that obvious?" Scarlet asked as she rubbed her cheeks, trying to hide the evidence. "I thought I'm a good actor… sigh…"

"I would say it's not hard to see. We already figured there is something strange between you two on the way here. With how you look at him, it would be strange if you didn't have feelings for him," Lilly described. "Miss Dongmei should be his girlfriend, right? Do you think you have a chance in stealing him over?"

The sisters turned into their gossiping mode, getting visually excited. Naturally, they talked as quietly as possible to avoid getting exposed.

Scarlet got sighed again. "They are engaged" He proposed to big sis before the selection."

It came out in one of the conversations they had where Dongmei admitted it herself.

"Huh?" The sisters acted confused. "I don't see the ring on her finger."

"They didn't have time to buy one," Scarlet explained depressed. "I'm sure they will after the selection ends."

"Well, don't worry. As long as he is not married, he can still be taken," Daisy cheered.

"But I don't want to ruin their relationship…" Scarlet muttered, showing puppy eyes. "She has been nothing but kind to me… But I also don't want to leave him… I want to stay by his side forever…"

As she said so, Scarlet hugged Lily who sat the closest, wanting to cuddle in this sad moment. Her feelings were complicated, to say the least, even she couldn't understand herself properly.

"You probably think I'm silly, right?" Scarlet asked.

"Of course not. You just want to be happy and be with the person you love," Daisy said as she walked up to the other side of the sofa, sitting next to Scarlet to join their hug. "I see nothing wrong with that."

"What would you do in my place then?"

"Ahem," Daisy cleared her throat. "Unless it would be my sister's man that I liked, I don't think I would hesitate. I would fight but that's just me. I'm more brutal."

"What if that was a man you both like?" Scarlet questioned curiously.

"Well, I would probably give up, no matter how much it hurts but knowing my sister, she would break up with him for my sake too. Our case is complicated," Daisy explained.

"So should I give up?" Scarlet concluded.

She treated Dongmei like her real big sister. She would never want to make her sad. Her parents would be really disappointed in her actions and she wasn't someone who repaid kindness with evil.

"I would say, do what your heart is telling you but don't forget to take your brain with you," Lily advised.

"My heart tells me to hug and kiss him," Scarlet replied right after, aware of her own desires for a while.

"Then do exactly that," Daisy replied.

"But won't that ruin the relationship between us?"

If she tried to do anything more than the established brother and sister relationship, there was a chance she would lose both of them. It was the last thing she wanted.

"Well, isn't there only one solution then? To make everyone happy, just share him with Miss Dongmei. If you can convince them to a love triangle, only then will all of you be happy," Daisy proposed. "In all other cases, there would always be someone hurt."

Scarlet's eyes widened. "Is that even possible?"


Just as Daisy opened her mouth to reply, a loud cry broke through the quiet buzz of the shower.

All three girls looked up from the sofa, gazing at the bathroom door to figure out what happened.


Another cry resounded, this time all of them understood what was going on.

"I think they are…" Lily muttered, not able to end the sentence.

Scarlet looked at the door with complicated emotions on her face and stood up, walking up to the bathroom.

"Are you two okay there? We heard a scream."