Chameleon: My True Face

189 Dongmei's Stance

"Damn, we are fucked!" Black Skull called out, looking extremely pissed off. "Now we are on Miss Ash's blacklist. She is going to make it hard for us."

"No shit sherlock. It's all because of you knocked into her. If only you looked where you are going it could be avoided," his buddy commented, his face grim.

"Don't worry, it couldn't be avoided anyway. We killed so many people today. Who do you think has to clean up the whole mess? Obviously, she is pissed she has to do it," the only woman in the group assured them, not looking bothered at all. "We are all in the top ten so we are chilling."

As she said it, they all looked at Wuxing and the rest, realizing they were being overheard by their direct competitors. Wuxing only smiled and stood up, gazing at Dongmei, "Let's go, we need to get some more points and kick someone out of top ten just as Ash wished."

"Sure, I'm already full anyway," Dongmei replied with a smile, putting her fork away.

The group of eight frowned when they heard it but they didn't say anything, glancing at the other two instructors, Katherine and Anna who were together with them. It would be suicide to actually become enemies with all three main instructors.

When the group walked away to their table, Katherine suggested, "You two can go, we will stay for a bit more and find you later with Scarlet."

"Hmm, you sure? Scarlet, you are not coming with us?" Wuxing asked, looking at the confused Scarlet.

Katherine also stood up and walked up to Scarlet, whispering something into her ear. Right after, Scarlet looked at both Dongmei and Wuxing and replied while taking a sip of her drink, "I will stay for a bit more. Big sis Ash is busy so I can't train anymore anyway."

"Alright, stay close to them at all times," Wuxing reminded and took Dongmei's hand, walking down the stairs with her.

They were the target of many stares but it wasn't a surprise. They were the only ones in this base who treated this selection more like a summer vacation than a deadly camp. They were confident nothing would happen to them.

Just as they left the dining area, Dongmei used the opportunity to chat with him, asking playfully, "How was your chat with Ash?"

Although Wuxing already expected it to happen, he was still not sure how to approach it. He already promised himself to never lie to her so he bit his tongue and told her the truth that was bothering him.

"There is something I need to tell you and I'm not sure if you are going to like it," Wuxing muttered, looking around to check if there was anyway nearby.

Seeing some people walked behind them, he pulled her into a small forest inside the base, making sure they were alone.

"It's okay, you can tell me anything. What is it?" Dongmei assured him while holding onto his face. "Let me guess, Ash confessed to you?"

Wuxing couldn't help but show a reaction, his eyes widening but Dongmei only smiled at that as if she already knew.

"How do I know?" She asked herself before words came out of his mouth. "It was not hard to figure out based on the way Ash looked at you. Wasn't she your best friend for a long time? I'm positive you guys had feelings for each other before you even met me. Am I right?"

"You are right…" Wuxing nodded, embracing her waist while looking into her eyes.

He waited for her decision. If she knew everything then she should already have something in her mind.

Dongmei didn't make him wait too long and muttered, "Let me guess. After she confessed, you rejected her but she said she will not give up on you this easily and decided to talk about it with me first?"

At that point, Wuxing was truly dumbfounded, not expecting she would be so spot on.

"How do you know this? Did you maybe listen to our conversation?" Wuxing questioned, not believing she just figured it out on the spot.

She couldn't blame him for that, knowing she had the means to overhear them easily.

Dongmei didn't seem to mind but she only replied softly, "Let's say this is not my first rodeo. Did you forget about Katherine already?"

"Gosh, why life suddenly got so complicated…." Wuxing lamented, knowing exactly what she meant.

"What did you think would happen?" Dongmei asked with a gentle smile. "You created a group consisting of four single beauties. Being as handsome and charming as you are, how come you didn't expect they would fall for you? Same with Ash. If she had feelings for you before your disappearance, they could only get stronger once you returned."

"I don't know…" Wuxing replied honestly. "I thought we can all be friends and win the event together. I knew that Anna might have feelings for me but I didn't expect the rest as well. I thought I have only her to handle which would be relatively easy."

"Anna? I didn't mention Anna," Dongmei muttered curiously, gazing at him interested.


Wuxing swallowed hard, realizing he didn't tell her the full story of how they met.

"Well, before they knew who I was, Anna used her ability, seducing me. I couldn't resist her at all," Wuxing explained without many details. "Since then I know she likes me."


"But nothing serious happened," Wuxing quickly added to avoid any misunderstandings. "We mostly kissed and then I regained back my control."

"I will only forgive you because you couldn't resist but I'm still upset you didn't tell me earlier," Dongmei expressed, showing a pouting expression to which Wuxing reacted quickly, hugging and kissing her.

"Don't be mad… The situation is already complicated enough for me… I need your support," Wuxing pleaded and Dongmei responded in agreement as she suddenly pressed on his lips harder, pushing him against the tree.

He responded with the same vigor, entering into a quick battle of intensity before she pulled away abruptly, staring at him from up close while catching a breath.

"You are not mad anymore?" Wuxing asked to make sure, pulling on her slim waist to close them even further.

Dongmei didn't reply for a moment, leaning for another bite on his lips before finally expressing how she really felt, "I was never mad at you because I trust you. I'm also confident that no matter how many beauties like and try to court you, my Wuxing will always chose me over them."

Did he expect a different response from her? No, this was exactly who Dongmei was. This was Dongmei he fell in love with. Confident and knows what she wants. He could see in her eyes that all she wanted now was him.

"How do you make me fall for you harder with each day?" Wuxing asked, watching her crystal eyes as the love in him bloomed. "Is there even enough love in me so I can give you what you deserve?"

Dongmei cringed when she heard him but still kissed him as a reward for trying, "That was really cheesy but I still love you."

She then hugged into his chest and confessed, declaring her stance.

"I didn't give you my body, my love, and everything I have just to have someone take you away from me. You are mine and I will fight for you no matter who challenges me."