Chameleon: My True Face

155 Dongmei, Join Me!

Thankfully, Scarlet was smarter than she looked and quickly got all the concepts, including the existence of spirits and Seven Stars secrets. As Wuxing already planned to somehow give Scarlet her own Spirit, it would be better if she knew about it beforehand.

Katherine and Anna had to cancel their reservation as they took on Dongmei offer to live with them. As they were meant to be a group later, they wanted to socialise more with each other.

Or at least… that was the voiced out reason. It definitely wasn't because Anna wanted to live together with Wuxing, hoping for something to happen between them. After all, only a spark is needed to start a fire.

"Whoa… It's so nice in here…" Anna called in amazement as she threw herself on the softest bed she has ever touched, her arms spread widely to absorb all the softness into her skin.

"Yup, my family always rent out this apartment when they visit Agos so they told me to take it and use as I wish," Dongmei explained as she placed her own handbag on the table. "There is a big outdoor pool, jacuzzi, sauna, billiard and even a gym. Basically anything you want, it's here."

"Sigh, it must feel good to be rich. I don't think I can even afford a month in here with my pay." Anna lamented as she walked towards the balcony to see the pool.

The apartment was really spacious, having high ceiling and tones of sunlight coming through giant glass windows. Having a modern touch to each element in the place, they could feel its freshness and clean atmosphere.

Hearing Anna's words, Katherine couldn't help but comment sarcastically.

"It's cause you slack with your missions. If I didn't force you to, you would rather spend your time shopping or having a head massage in hair salon…" This was the difference between her and Katherine.

Although Anna had a rank of a Major, it was all thanks to high-risk missions that Katherine took her on. Katherine was a workaholic so she couldn't stay in one place for a long time.

"Okay, okay, you don't need to scold me right now. I will work well now that Chameleon is with us. I promise." Anna rolled her eyes and hugged Katherine from the side.

She naturally couldn't slack in front of Wuxing.

"Sigh, too bad we can only stay here for one day." Dongmei shrugged, taking her suitcase to the master bedroom. "Maybe we will be able to come back after the selection, we will see."

At that moment, Wuxing finally entered the apartment, carrying the rest of the suitcases together with another hotel lackey. There were just too many and Wuxing decided to take some of them himself.

He gave the lackey some money after unpacking them and he left happily, already knowing it would be worthy to pick them. Looking at the girls, he asked the never answered question.

"Why do you need so many clothes?" There were just too many of them, amounting to about twenty or more and all of them were too heavy for normal suitcases. "Or is there something else you carry? Are you planning to build a tank or something?"

"Haha," Anna laughed momentarily as she approached him and pointed at two decently sized travel suitcases. "Those two are clothes. The rest are our toys. Interested?"

Not waiting for his nod, she opened one of the heaviest ones and revealed a neatly packed sniper inside of it, surrounded by a soft foam to prevent damage. There were also a bunch of knives and grenades together with many others. Even Wuxing at the peak of his career didn't have such an arsenal.

"Not bad." He commented as he picked up one of the knives, dancing it around his fingers in the air before flipping it and putting it back inside the cover.


His stomach resounded, giving out a call for food. Wuxing was already on a pitiful ten percent of energy so he needed to recharge quickly.

"Dongmei, which are your suitcases? I will bring them to our room before we go to eat." Wuxing called out, seeing that Dongmei entered the hall. He underlined the word 'our' giving her a soft signal that they would sleep together that night.

They were away from each other for more than a week so his desire to eat her up was on a completely different level.

Instead of letting him carry the suitcases for her, Dongmei picked her own.

"Take yours and follow me." She gave him a knowing smile and walked back to their bedroom by saying anything. Dongmei was still as sexy as she was before and Wuxing couldn't help but look at her rear with a small grin.

It would be strange if Anna didn't notice it but there was nothing she could do aside from pouting to herself.

"Girls, take your bags to your rooms. We will leave to eat in a minute." He informed them as he took his clothes with him and entered into the master bedroom, leaving the girls to themselves.

"I guess Chameleon and sis Dongmei will have their intimate moment now," Scarlet stated the obvious which made Anna's eyebrow twitch, deciding to pull her ace out of her sleeve.

"Scarlet, how about we order the food first before we hop into the pool?"



The door closed right after Wuxing entered the room and his hand was immediately pulled to the side where Dongmei was waiting for him.

Contrary to his expectations, he wasn't attacked by her but his chest was embraced and Dongmei tightly squeezed him, showing a blissful smile on her face.

"Did I say how much I missed you already?" Dongmei muttered, feeling Wuxing's arms wrap around her body. She didn't need to kiss him to feel loved.

A good old hug was everything she needed.

"You did… But I don't mind hearing it a thousand times." Wuxing replied as he rubbed her back with care. They needed a moment like this without anyone around them.

Just the two of them, hugging and expressing their feelings.

"I missed you…" She couldn't help but repeat herself, tightening her hug while rubbing her cheek against his neck. He couldn't help himself but skim downwards with one of his hands and give her butt a solid grasp.

"You are making me horny…" She whispered, turning to the side and kissing his neck, leaving many love marks. "But I know you are hungry. I won't do anything yet. But tonight…"

Just one single rub made her recall all the pleasure he could give her and she couldn't wait for the sun to set behind the horizon.

"You don't need to. I will be the first to entertain you tonight." Wuxing assured her, putting her up against the wall and lifting her butt up. This time it was his time to attack and he made sure she would also have some love scars.

Wuxing wouldn't remove his own this time but he couldn't be the only one.


His stomach once again called out for food and Dongmei pushed him again.

"Let's eat. I can't let you starve like that." Dongmei squeezed his cheek and pulling him towards the entrance, holding his hand tightly.

With so many beauties in the house, she had to assert her dominance else they would try to walk on her turf. She couldn't allow that.

Just as they walked in, they saw Anna close the room service menu and end the call.

"I ordered the whole menu. We don't need to go down to the restaurant when they can bring food to us." She explained as she gave them a look over.

She noticed the hickeys right away but that wasn't a problem for her. After all, you can't just build a solid wall in the matter of seconds. You need time to mend the bricks which in this case were feelings.

"Oh, well that works too. We can eat here. I hope their menu is huge cause I'm super hungry." Wuxing nodded in agreement, preferring that solution as well.

He thought of pulling Dongmei to sit down on the sofa to relax before dinner when Anna suddenly pulled up her dress taking it off with one move. She wasn't naked but there was a cute white swimsuit underneath it.

"How about we use this opportunity to bond in the jacuzzi before the food arrives?" Anna proposed as she threw her dress onto the sofa before hopping excitedly to Dongmei. "Dongmei, join me please!"