Chameleon: My True Face

151 Tittle Hidden

"I thought that I won't be able to recognise the real you but the moment I saw you, I knew you are mine…" Dongmei said softly after they walked to the grass, not holding the traffic anymore.

"Hah, I'm sorry, I forgot about that the moment I saw you. I just wanted to hug you into my arms…" Wuxing apologised with a small giggle and hugged her tighter, wanting to feel her body for a little while longer.

Wuxing didn't realise how much he missed her until Dongmei once again appeared in front of him. The softness of her skin, the tenderness of her lips and the soothing voice that gave him the energy to move. He wanted all of it.

"I'm sorry too… If I stayed for a little longer, you wouldn't need to run for so long…" Dongmei also felt bad, blaming herself for his condition. "Can you even stand now?"

"I'm fine… Just don't let go of me. I might fall down." Wuxing said back selfishly. After a short rest, he wasn't that desperate but he didn't want to separate from her just yet.

"Mhmm, I won't." Dongmei naturally happily agreed as she wrapped her arms around his neck, rubbing her cheek against his own. They were definitely not in a place to show such affection yet they didn't care. Even if Wuxing pushed her away, she would still jump right back into his chest.

They both knew such actions had complications but it was already too late for them. As Wuxing blocked the road, many started recording his actions. He wouldn't be surprised if his face was in the news the next day. Because of that, he decided to enjoy the moment first.

At that moment, Dongmei drew her body ever so slightly away so she could cuddle her way into his lips once again. Their noses touched as she gently grazed her lips against his.

"Chameleon… Can I receive another kiss…? I doubt anyone records us now…" She muttered with desire, wanting to be kissed by him.

"How about we move to the car at least? It's loud here." Wuxing asked when he realised he wanted much more than just a hug from her. The limousine was waiting on the roadside for them and it seemed like the driver was getting annoyed.

Unfortunately for him, Dongmei didn't care.

"No. I don't want to. I want a kiss. We can go after a kiss." She smiled and replied with similar selfishness, wanting an immediate pleasure.

There was nothing more to be said other than moving to actions. Dongmei closed her eyes, recalling her mother's words and decided to strengthen her connection with Wuxing. Even though she already knew it was him, Dongmei wanted to get rid of any uneasiness forever. To do that, she had to experience him once again.

This time, she focused all of her other senses on the target in front of her. She smelled his manly scent and brushed his hair that still kept the same softness from before as she waited to properly taste him once again. He didn't make her wait for too long as he suddenly closed the distance between their lips, slowly numbing her top lip in a familiar fashion.

'He is mine…' Dongmei muttered in her mind, making sure she connects her experiences with her goal. She wanted to make him the same Wuxing but it seemed like she didn't have to.

Wuxing didn't change much.

He still used the same technique to make her want more and more kisses as each time he pulled on her lip, she leaned for more, following his movements.

'He is my Wuxing… He didn't change… Nothing changed between us…' Dongmei repeated in her mind as she suddenly opened her eyes and pulled away on her own, wanting to look at his new handsome face.

"Say you are mine…" She pleaded with desire on her face.

"I'm yours and you are mine. I already told you. There is no way I will let you go." Wuxing confessed genuinely, knowing exactly how he felt about her and he got an immediate reward for it as she kissed him again, sucking greedily while inserting her tongue inside his mouth, out of her old instinct.

Toot, toot!

It was already loud on the highway yet people started honking on them as if to congratulate which disturbed them from properly enjoying themselves. Wuxing didn't hesitate this time and picked her up which made her instinctively entwine her legs around his waist.

Wuxing made a few steps, walking towards the limousine when Dongmei noticed something weird. His legs were naturally shivering, having no energy to support her weight. As she was relatively tall, her weight wasn't that small even though she was slim.

"Wuxing… You don't need to—" Dongmei tried to convince him to let go of her yet before she finished, Wuxing sweetly cut her off by stealing a kiss from her.

"There is no world where I can't even carry my girl when I wish to. I'm fine." Wuxing said domineeringly, assuring her afterwards. She couldn't help but hug him and cease any movements so it would be easier for him.

The temperature of Dongmei's body definitely raised at that moment.

"Drive back to the airport. I left my stuff there." He ordered after reaching the limousine and placed her on the ground, having no more energy to hold her.

The battery in the corner of his eye showed a pitiful ten percent and it stopped at five when he used some of it to regenerate his overworked cells. He left the rest for the emergency.

As the driver was already annoyed by them, he questioned as Wuxing opened the rear doors for Dongmei.

"But Sir, the next exit is almost ten kilometers away from here." The driver said unhappily.

He didn't expect Wuxing to look coldly at him and asked, "Does it matter?" The driver stopped his next words and quickly went back inside the car, clearly scared of Wuxing.

His lips were quickly snatched by Dongmei right when he sat down inside but she didn't keep them locked for long.

"We will have a lot of time tonight so I will spare you for now." She explained as she let go of him and instead laid down with her head on his lap.

The backseats were closed from view for the driver so they were safe to do whatever they wanted.

"I missed you," Wuxing muttered as he caressed her cheek, knowing the days would be a lot funnier with her.

"Mhmm, me too…" She replied back as she leaned on his hand. "Will you get in trouble now?"

"Probably." Wuxing nodded with a smile.

"Can we do anything about it?" Dongmei questioned again, feeling bad for her rash actions. They were already in a tough situation yet she increased the difficulty. If only she didn't lose to her desires, his cover wouldn't be blown away.

"Probably not, but don't worry. We can always say we knew each other beforehand. Don't blame yourself. If you didn't kiss me, I would." Wuxing assured her, making her feel less guilty.

Recalling his lack of strength, Dongmei suddenly reached out to her backpack and pulled out a paper from the inside. She immediately unpacked it, revealing a handful of homemade cookies. Taking one, she presented it to him with a smile.

"Mhmm, thank you. It's right what I needed." Wuxing didn't hesitate and bit on it, thanking afterwards. This scene reminded them of how they used to feed each other which made both of them happy.

Just as he leaned over for another bite, he frowned, hearing a familiar voice in his head.

'Oh, you guys met already. That's cool, that's cool. I guess I won't disturb you then. I just came to check up on you. Will be back later. Sandra is making dinner, hehe.' Devil Face said in a good mood before disappearing again, making Wuxing roll his eyes.

"Is your Spirit so unreliable too?" He asked, taking another piece. "By the way, I love those cookies. Did you bake them yourself?"

"My Layla is great. She helps me so much." Dongmei said before admitting the truth while pouting. "Mom helped me bake them. She said she didn't want to have a dead son-in-law before you even become one. I was making progress, okay? My cookies were not that bad…"

Dongmei was still upset that she didn't make them fully by herself. She showed her cute expression as she continued to complain when Wuxing suddenly smiled, shocking her with his next words.

"Marry me."

Title: Marry Me