Chameleon: My True Face

143 Investigation

Seeing that her daughter was still trying to flip pancakes but ends up either burning it or destroying the pancake, Guan Mei couldn't help but stop her as she asked, "Dongmei… How about we will go to sleep already? You have been trying the whole evening. Why not attempt once again tomorrow? You already made quite nice progress."

Dongmei put the pan to the side with an another burned pancake as she turned off the power of the electric cooker and looked sadly at her mother, saying while exhaling deeply, "Sigh, but I really want to at least learn the basics…" Her goal was to make Wuxing impressed with her improvement but nothing was working the way she wanted.

She quickly received a pat from mother as Guan Mei assured her, "Don't worry, this is not a skill that is required to join the Seven Stars Special Forces. Once you need it after you plan to settle with Wuxing, you can then find time to study it. I will explain the basics to you but it's not possible to master cooking in three days." She knew it was important for her daughter but there was nothing she could do other than polishing her daughter's skills.

Dongmei could only change the strategy, quite bored with pancakes and asked, "Alright… How about we learn how to make chocolate cookies tomorrow instead? I wish to make some for him one day… Maybe those are easier to make..."

"Uhmm, sure." Guan Mei agreed hesitantly but seeing all the burned pancakes in the kitchen, she got a little worried for Wuxing. She didn't mind teasing her daughter as she added, "If you hate him so much and you want to kill him, you should definitely do it."

"Mom~! I'm not that bad okay…? Just inexperienced…" Dongmei pouted right away but seeing the mess she did in the kitchen even though her mom was instructing her nicely, she felt embarrassed and admitted, "Well… Maybe a little… But I'm trying!"

Guan Mei smiled helplessly and hugged her daughter before comforting her again, "Don't worry, I care about my future son-in-law. I will teach you so that you at least don't accidentally kill him."

Dongmei this time didn't argue as she knew she was horrible with cooking and said with appreciation, "Thank you… I only have two days as I want to travel earlier to the selection… I think that is the time Wuxing will arrive as well. I can't wait to meet him…"

"Do you even know how will he look like? Cause he is bound to change his appearance." Guan Mei asked curiously, not knowing if they already settled it.

Falling on the sofa, tired from cooking, Dongmei shrugged and admitted with the truth, "Actually, no, I don't know. He is supposed to find me. I can confirm if anyone is him with just a few questions so I should be good. I think he will surprise me on there."

Guan Mei grinned when she heard that and picking up the laptop from the coffee table, she asked, "How about we find him then?"

"Huh? How?" Dongmei asked confused but then saw her mother sit next to her and quickly open a special program with a logo of a Police in the login screen. With a smug on her face, Guan Mei logged into with her own passes and asked back, "You think I wouldn't have the access to the Police's Database at such high position? If you want, I can even get Seven Stars information if needed. We should be able to find him quickly if he was active in the last few days."

Dongmei's eyes brightened momentarily and she hugged onto her mother to see more of the screen and starred with her almond coloured eyes at it. "Oh! Let's check it then. He should still be in Badu City. Maybe he did something naughty there. I doubt he would stay in one place for the whole four full days." She called out hurriedly, excited to find her love which she missed so much.

"Alright!" Guan Mei exclaimed happily and swiftly searched through the database, finding Badu City Police Department and asked as she clicked on the search bar, "What are we looking for? Let's start with Li Wuxing maybe?"

She didn't wait for Dongmei's reply and simply typed the name in and pressed enter. Unfortunately, they were quickly met with an error as Dongmei read out loud, "No Results Found. Try Again. It seems like all information about Wuxings were erased by either father or Seven Stars as they investigated. How about you search for Chameleon instead?"

"Chameleon? Sure." Guan Mei nodded, typing it in and as surprisingly, they quickly got some results. There was a media article pinned as the description of the closed case and Dongmei read it as well with deep curiosity written on her face, "An unknown vigilante, going by the name of Chameleon, single-handedly takes care of the Red Lizard Gang while also exposing their partners in crime who worked in the higher management of the city as the Deputy Chief of the Badu City Police."

Guan Mei raised her eyebrow, not expecting Wuxing to actually be so good and commented, "Huh, your boyfriend really can't stay in one place. I guess whenever he goes, there will be some action going on." Cracking the criminal gang just after arriving in the city was pretty impressive.

Dongmei smiled happily, knowing that Wuxing was doing good and said with a giggle, "Hehe, yeah, I know this would happen. This is why I love him…"

"Are you sure that's him?" Guan Mei asked to confirm and Dongmei didn't hesitate, nodding in agreement, "Mhmm, he told me his nickname would be Chameleon. Can you check the details?" They only read the title but upon seeing the details, they were much more amazed, especially Guan Mei.

"Chameleon fled from the crime scene upon the arrival of the police, leaving ten to twenty dead gangsters with bullet holes in their foreheads together with the rest of the whole gang, handcuffed while being piled up next to a wall. Due to some circumstances and the amount of help Chameleon gave them, the police decided against initiating proceedings. Chameleon will walk free from the mass murder he committed on the gangsters." Dongmei read, not actually surprised by the deaths but rather the skills he needed to pull it all off.

Just then, when Guan Mei scrolled down to see Chameleon's picture, she turned on the laptop so that her daughter wouldn't see and commented with approval after checking him out, "Not bad… It seems like I can safely leave you in his hands. Do you want to see how he looks like?"

She gave her daughter a teasing look, making Dongmei roll her eyes and exclaim with sureness, "Of course!" This was the whole point of this discussion yet her mom was playing with her.

Guan Mei grinned and finally revealed the handsome face of Wuxing to her. She was momentarily stunned, looking at those sharp blue eyes. "Is this my Wuxing…?" She asked as she gently touched the screen with her fingers.

Even though he changed, she could still see some similarities to the old Wuxing which helped her understand that it was the very same person. Although his eyes were sharper, the way he looked was the same as it was hard to change.

'I found you… Don't think you can avoid me when we see each other again…' Dongmei thought as she smiled to herself, before saying to her mother, "Let's go to sleep, I satisfied my curiosity. Now Wuxing won't escape from me even if he wants to, hehe."