Chameleon: My True Face

141 Date - Part 2

Only when they left the elevator did Sandra noticed that they were literally on the last floor of the high-end building and she asked curiously, "Ah, so you live on the last floor? A penthouse? It seems like there is only one apartment…" As she herself only had a small apartment, she wondered how did someone like Devil Face get so much money.

One had to know that it wasn't easy to earn money in the Spirit Realm. Although it was similar to normal Earth, it was definitely much smaller and the opportunities were scarce. One could only earn credits during special events or by manually working in the Spirit Realm.

As Sandra was quite unlucky last time, she didn't reach far in the event and could only allow herself a small apartment. She was fortunate that she saved up some money from the last events which allowed her to keep her standards.

As if he figured out what she wanted to ask, Devil Face squeezed on her hand as he searched for the keys to his apartment and answered, "Yeah, I happened to earn a nice sum of credits in the last event so I bought it. The only thing I lack is someone I can share it with but I'm working in it."

When he said so, he opened the doors while looking at her, which made her blush, knowing he was talking about her. Sandra decided to keep the comment for herself or hold with the reply until the end of the dinner as she didn't know the future. A nice apartment and sweet words were not enough to win her over.

"Shall we go inside?" Devil Face invited her with an open arm gesture and warm rub on the back.

Only then did she glanced at the interior of the apartment and was surprised to see darkness aside from the lit candles that formed a path on the floor. Everything he told her so far made her extremely curious and the romantic scent of her favourite roses that hit her right of the bat made her even more willing to give in.

Sandra stepped into the room with him following right behind her she immediately noticed how well decorated his house was. There were little lights illuminating multiple bouquets of roses as well as rose petals spilt all over the floor. Even though she only saw the modernly furnished lobby, she knew Devil Face tried to make a big impression on her.

"You didn't have to prepare so much…" Sandra said softly, still in a little confusion but she didn't retreat, taking off her shoes instead before boldly walking inside. Moving barefoot, delicate petals tickled on her toes but she sunk them in, even more, enjoying the feeling.

She sniffed on the single rose that she took out of the vase before smiling as she muttered, "It smells so nice…" Seeing in the mirror that Devil Face also walked after her, she turned around abruptly and asked curiously, taking the rose with her, "How did you know I love roses?"

Devil Face took off his jacket, wearing only his white shirt and smiled, replying honestly, "I asked Maya what you like. You deserve all the best so I tried to pay you back for all the bad experiences we had in the past. May this date mark the new beginning for us. Forget the old and enjoy the new, what do you think?"

As he said so, he reached out with his hand, giving her the chance to either accept his words or reject them. It was a risky play but Devil Face was confident and in the end, his bet paid off as Sandra placed her own on his palm, saying, "Alright. I can do at least this much."

Though, instead of just walking with him hand in hand, Sandra also hugged into his arm before saying sweetly, smelling the thorny flower in her hand, "I love the roses… Thank you." Even though he asked Maya for help, it was from his initiative so she appreciated it.

Devil Face was now genuinely happy with everything going according to plan and led her forward as he said cheerfully, "You are welcome... Let's follow the path, we will move to the balcony." In his mind, he was sighing in relief that he didn't overdo in the end, surviving with Wuxing's advise.


"Women can notice the effort a man puts in when preparing a date. They will think that you care about them a lot when you are willing to put so much work to achieve your goals but, you cannot overdo it. You can easily make them overwhelmed by it. Once you pressure them too much, they will think they are not ready for a relationship yet. They would get stressed and rather than having fun on the date, they will think about the commitments and the future.

"Fortunately, there is a way to save the situation if you reach that point. For that, you have to understand why they are thinking like that. The answer is simple, they simply don't think they deserve it. Unless a woman is bestowed with expensive gifts everywhere she goes, she won't feel like she deserves all the effort the man gives her. That's why the balance is necessary.

"To save yourself, you should try to justify your actions in a convincing way, either by proving that she is worthy of everything you give her or make her think as if its a trade for something. In your case, you can say its an apology for what you did in the past. She needs a simple reason that could calm her down and allow her to enjoy the date. Though, let's hope it doesn't happen."


Just as they were walkway there, Devil Face suddenly halted her footsteps and took a black bandana from the shelf that he prepared beforehand and said, "It's meant to be a surprise so how about I put a blindfold on you? I will lead you the rest of the way. It's right behind the corner." Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

"Hmm?" Sandra looked at him suspiciously but realising he didn't give her any reason to reject him, she accepted while warning him playfully, "Sure… But don't even think of doing anything bad."

"Naturally." Devil Face didn't mind that lack of trust and quickly appeared behind her and secured the bandana on her eyes, asking afterwards, "Is it okay? It's not too tight, right?"

"It's okay… You can lead me." She shook her head and caught his hand, letting him guide her. It wasn't a long-distance she felt like they walked for minutes. Feeling the sudden breeze on her skin, Sandra found out they were outside already but then she felt a familiar sensation under her feet which surprised her.

"Is this grass...?" She asked curiously as her toes sunk in the floor and she quickly confirmed she was right.

Just then, Devil Face reached out towards the back of her head and started untying the bandana saying, "How about you check it out yourself."

The moment the blindfold fell from her eyes, Sandra blinked a few times, amazed, not expecting such a nice place.