Chameleon: My True Face

115 Take Me With You

"Yes. This is exactly him." Alice confirmed after seeing the 3D model on the screen and couldn't help but ask, "Can I have a copy? He is so handsome…" His image was already engraved in her mind so it wasn't hard for her to explain in detail how he looked.

"Miss, are you sure it's him and not some kind of celebrity or Prince?" The Deputy Chief's lips twitched, seeing how handsome the guy was and quickly called out to his assistant, "Did you find him in the street footage already? We need to compare the model with the real one."

The assistant pulled out a portable drive and inserted it into the computer as he explained, "We got some camera footage from the nearby shops but not many were clear. He seems to be looking away every time there is a surveillance camera pointed at him so we only managed to get one clear shot of him. Here is the photo."

On the screen, a picture of Wuxing appeared on the screen next to the model and one could see the resemblance right away. The policemen inside the room were actually quite impressed with Alice, seeing how accurate her memory was. Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click www.novelhall.comfor visiting.

"Perfect. We got him. Send the picture to all units. I want you to find him as soon as possible. He is armed and dangerous. We can't let such man roam the streets. Jail is the best place for him."

Hearing the word 'jail', Alice quickly stood up and called out, "But Sir! Detective said we acted in self-defence! He promised you won't arrest him! You can't!" She naturally didn't want Wuxing to land in jail for protecting her. Even though he had some business with that mobsters, he still saved her from being assaulted and being shamed for her whole life. This was enough for her to stand on his side.

The Deputy-chief glared at the detective and called out to Alice, "Lady, how is that self-defence? He literally killed a man, sending a bullet straight into his head. If that was self-defence then why are there no signs of struggle or attack on the victim's body? This man is dangerous and he needs to be caught."

"But—" Alice wanted to argue but she was quickly cut off as the Deputy-chief called out sternly, "No buts. I already decided." Looking at his assistant, he ordered, "Take Miss Alice back home or where she wants. We will tell her when we need you."

Without giving her a chance to speak, the Deputy-chief said to the Detective, "And you James, follow me to my office." The Detective could only smile wryly and follow his chief even though he knew it would be a serious conversation. He still was curious of why the chief was acting like that, hoping that his theory was actually wrong.

Unfortunately, just as the Deputy-chief wanted to leave, one of the Policemen came running into the room with an excited look on his face and called out, "Chief! There are two beauties wishing to meet you! They said they are from the higher-up!"

"Huh? I don't think I have anything scheduled for today—" The Deputy-chief got surprised for a second, not expecting anyone to meet him today when he stopped, hearing some yelling from the corridor, "Hey! You can't go in there without authorisation!"

Before they could do anything, two ladies came through the open doors, not bothered by all the yelling behind them in the slightest and the one on the lead with crimson hair called out coldly, "Who is the Chief here?" It was naturally Katherine and Anna who paid the visit to the police station to make sure that there would be no follow up investigation on Wuxing.

Anna wanted to go shopping with Katherine earlier but hearing they were helping Wuxing, she gladly complied with it. They both looked around the room in search of the Chief but then they saw the screen with a model and a picture of a handsome man in familiar clothing. They both looked at each other and realised they arrived at the right time.

The Policeman who came in to announce the beauties arrival looked excited earlier but seeing the change of attitude coming from them, he quickly paled and left the room before the blame would fall on him.

Normally the Deputy-chief would be happy to be visited by such beauties but knowing that there was a mess with Red Lizard gang, the visit from the possible Higher-ups made him nervous. He still tried to keep calm and introduced himself, "I'm the Deputy-chief. Can I know which higher-ups did ladies come from?"

There was an earlier incident with his gang members where they were caught up in the hotel with the suspicion of selling drugs and now another with the death of one member. As a co-owner of the gang as well as a Deputy-chief of a Police, it was easy for him to cover everything up but now it was getting out of hand.

This time Katherine didn't just blindly expect them to believe her and tap her watch three times, showing them the hologram of her badge while saying casually, "I'm the General from the Seven Stars Special Forces."

The Deputy-chief paled when he heard her and immediately cursed in his mind, 'Fuck, it couldn't get any worse… Are they after me?'

Naturally, it could only be worse than that as Anna also pulled out her badge and said, "I'm a Major Rank from the Seven Stars. We came to investigate something. I hope the Chief will help us."

When the Chief heard Anna was of high rank, he paled even more but then he realised something and thought, 'Wait, they can't know I'm involved… They are probably after something else and need my assistance. This should be the case and I worry for nothing.'

Knowing this, he calmed down and asked with a smile, "I will naturally provide assistance with anything. What can this Chief do for you?" He hoped that their matter wouldn't be connected to the Red Lizard Gang but God didn't want to spare him today.

Katherine glanced sharply at the Chief and asked, "I heard that there was a group of gang members caught earlier today, are they still under arrest?" It wasn't hard to guess that Wuxing would be aiming at that gang so they wanted to interrogate them properly this time.

The Deputy-chief wiped the sweat from his forehead, thinking of a passable lie but he didn't want to take unnecessary risks so he said the truth, putting the blame on someone else, "Uhmm, from what I have heard, they were released after someone paid their bail. We didn't have enough evidence to arrest them so we have to let them go."

"Hah… Interesting." He didn't expect that Katherine would suddenly chuckle like a demon and pull out her katana before asking while flickering it between her fingers as if it was a chopstick, "You know that as a country officer, disrespecting Seven Star General's order can not only lose you a job but put you in jail?"

The Deputy-Chief paled, not understanding what was going on but Anna explained it casually as she sat down on one of the desks, "You see, we were the ones who caught them red-handed with traces of drugs in their suitcases yet you let them go in less than two hours after they got there. Are we a joke to you?"

Everyone else in the room quietened down, knowing that their Chief was quite done for as they knew he was the one who sent an order to let the gang members go. The chief's assistant who was about to send Alice away also stood to the side, not willing to appear in the centre of attention in such a heated moment.

"No, no! Miss, I wasn't aware of it. I just looked at the evidence and seeing nothing hard against them, I just couldn't keep them for any longer. Their lawyer also came to pay the bail so I could do nothing but—" The Deputy Chief quickly tried to explain himself, blaming his ignorance but then he was cut mid-sentence as Anna asked calmly, "The guy on the screen. Who is he?"

The Chief was confused by the sudden change in the topic but he was happy to not talk about the gang members and answered, "Huh…? He is the suspect of one of the crimes. He killed a man less than an hour ago. We were about to send all units to catch him."

He was sure there wouldn't be problems with this one but then Katherine crushed his confidence again, making him regret he even meddled in those two affairs today.

"The handsome guy on the pic is also a member of Seven Stars." Katherine said as she walked up to the screen and pointed at Wuxing with her katana before asking the Detective, no longer looking at the Chief, "Let me guess, the dead person is also a member of a Gang?"

'Ah! He is from the Seven Stars! I knew he is not a criminal!' Alice exclaimed in her mind excitedly but stayed quiet, continuing to listen as she hoped to learn more about him.

The Detective didn't wait long with his answer, finding this a good opportunity and nodded, giving more info as well, "Yes and before he died, he tried to assault this lady here. The man in white saved her from getting violated."

The Chief glared at the Detective for exposing such info but then his face returned to normal after a second, knowing he was acting too obvious. Unfortunately, Anna who was standing to the side was observing him closely and spotted it clearly, smiling afterwards.

"So let me get the facts straight. Not only did your Deputy-chief let go of the many gang members that we ordered to have them locked down but also wants to send an arrest warrant after a man who saved a lady from an assault. Did I get it right?" Katherine asked, already having some initial suspicions but after that two incidents, she was getting closer to confirming it.

"Yes, Miss." The Detective was happy to confirm it, knowing he was safe from the Chief as he couldn't reject Katherine question after all.

Katherine continued to walk down the path of her thoughts and asked further, "Were there any other incidents like that in the past where the Deputy-Chief was freeing the gang members?"

The Detective confirmed that Katherine also thought the same as him and couldn't help but laugh internally, knowing the truth would soon come out. Unfortunately, just as he was about to agree once again, the Chief called out, no longer polite, "Miss! What are you implying?! I'm naturally innocent! I'm just doing my job!"

Not bothered by Chief angry rant, James smiled and replied to Katherine, "Yes, Miss. Such a situation happened many times in the past and I already suspected that Deputy-chief is working with that gang."

Hearing such accusation from him, the Deputy-chief got red from anger and shouted at him, "James! What the fuck?!" He threw the folder he had onto the ground and turned to leave while saying indifferently, "I'm not going to stay in this room any longer where you all accuse me based on false allegations. Find me when you have enough evidence to back up your claims!"

Too bad that everyone could already see that something was wrong and Anna with Katherine were not different. Anna smiled and said out loud, "Stop him." Immediately as if they heard a signal, the policemen in the room dashed towards the Deputy and quickly caught him, pinning him to the ground.

"Let go of me! What are you doing, you idiots?!" The Deputy cried out angrily but then he heard Katherine declaring, "The Deputy-chief is suspected of suspicious activity together with a criminal organization. His case will be investigated by Seven Stars and in the meantime, Detective James will take his role as a temporary Deputy."

This order made the ex-chief even angrier as he shouted back while struggling to escape, "You can't do that!"

"Oh, we will see if we can," Anna said playfully and ordered to the policemen she took control of, "Take him to the arrest and don't let him leave it."

No cries or curses could stop the verdict as the ex-chief was dragged out of the room. Only after they no longer heard his curses did Katherine ask James, "Do you know where is the base location of this gang? We would like to pay them a visit. Our friend is probably already there."

It was at that moment when Alice finally stood up and said with a smile, "I know! I can tell you if you guys take me with you!"