Chameleon: My True Face

110 Welcome Chameleon

The moment Anna and Katherine walked down to the fifth floor, they were stopped by one of the guards of the hotel as the man said, "Excuse me, ladies, if you wish to leave the hotel, please continue walking down the stairs. If you wish to enter your room on this floor, I can help lead you there. There has been an emergency but everything is now under control."

There were two police officers, talking to the guys they met before and it seemed like they were really pissed off about something, cursing at the general manager of the hotel.

The leader of the guys showed his temper as he scolded the Manager and cried out, "How could you let him run away?! What is your security doing in this hotel!? Check the footage and show us his face!"

"We already secured the tape and gave it to the police. I hope Mr can cooperate with them. We will make sure to catch the thief." The General Manager tried to calm him down as he wiped the sweat off his forehead, but the leader of the gang members didn't change his attitude, yelling at him, "Then why are we standing here?! Let's go see the tape! If that was someone we know, that will help the case."

At that moment, one of the Policemen finished taking the men testimony and said to the leader after hearing his shouting, "I was about to say that. We already secured the footage. How about we move to the surveillance room and watch it? There is a chance it might be someone Sir knows."

"Miss, shall I assist you with something?" The guard asked Katherine as he saw her silently staring at the scene but then saw her walk forward to them without a word. He tried to stop her but Katherine dodged his hand skillfully and proceed to say out loud, "Everyone! We are taking over this case!"

"Huh?" The Policemen were the first to turn around confused and ask, "Who are you? Miss, please step back." The never saw this lady so this was their natural reaction. They were still waiting for the detective in charge to come into the scene.

Who would have thought that Katherine would not be bothered by the Policemen at all and simply pass by them only to enter the room and start looking around? At first glance, she immediately realised that Wuxing came here to find some clothes but then saw the cut double-bottom of the suitcase and found it fishy.

"Miss, please leave! Don't touch evidence!" The Policeman, even though stunned by Katherine's beauty, he had to do his work and walked after her with plans to get her out of the room.

"What are the two of them doing…? What if…?" One of the guys asked the leader in a whisper but was quickly cut off as the leader scolded quietly, "Shut up… They won't find anything…" He also didn't know the girls' background but seeing how the girl behaved now and based on their previous encounter, the leader also started getting worried.

All he wanted now was get the face of the thief before leaving. They were capable of finding the man themselves afterwards. Unfortunately, just when he said they wouldn't find anything, Katherine called out, "I found something."

They looking towards the room and saw Katherine wiping the inside of the suitcase with a cloth as if she was gathering some dust before sprinkling it on her watch's screen. A tiny bit of white powder dropped on the screen and Katherine didn't hesitate to call out, "Start the scan."

The Policemen wanted to drag her away, but for some reason he stopped, watching next to her what she was doing. At first, he thought she was playing around but then her watch's screen lit up as if it was actually scanning the content on the surface.

'Shit! Who is she?!' The leader of the gang cursed the moment Katherine found some white dust at the bottom of the suitcase and quickly got a bad feeling about it. He naturally knew what was inside but he was sure it was super secure, without any way for the drugs to leave the packaging.

Knowing they couldn't risk to wait anymore and find out, the leader clicked with his fingers, signalling to his men that it was time to go and they understood the command in a flash. As they counted to three, all of them suddenly dashed towards the staircase in synch but unfortunately for them, Katherine wasn't working alone.

Anna smirked and simply said, "Stop them." Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click www.novelhall.comfor visiting.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Three tasers were shot from the guards around them the moment those two words left Anna's mouth and the other guards quickly raised their batons, attacking the rest in a synced fashion. They didn't hesitate to smash it against them with a blank look on their faces.

"Fuck! Are you insane?! Stop!" The leader dodged one of the batons that were coming at him and cursed out loud, not knowing was going on. Just a moment ago when he checked they were just looking around without care for their surroundings but then the moment they moved, they crushed against them like a tsunami.

Unfortunately, no one listened to them and in the next moment, two of the guards grouped up against him, knocking him down to the floor. When he struggled, he received hit with a metal baton which forced him to stay still, pinned to the ground.

"What the actual…" The Policemen looked at each other in confusion, not understanding why everything turned so bizarre all of a sudden. When he thought if couldn't get any worse, her watch completed its work and relayed in its robotic voice, "Beep. Scanning complete. Known substance detected: Benzoylmethylecgonine, commonly known as cocaine or coke. Beep."

Katherine expected such results and said calmly to the Policeman, ordering him, "They are drug dealers and the person stealing probably came for those drugs. Handcuff them and call backup to take them to the police station. Get some experts to gather the evidence."

Feeling her domineering attitude, the Policeman couldn't reject her, feeling as if he was talking to his boss but still asked hesitantly, "Yes, Miss… Can I ask you which department you belong to…?"

This time Katherine didn't reject him and said simply, "We are from Seven Stars."

When the Policeman heard those two words, he almost choked, quickly covering it with a cough as he apologized just in case, "Cough… I'm sorry if I offended Miss in any way before… I will carry out the orders right away." He didn't need proof that Katherine was telling the truth.

The Policeman knew that pretending to be a Seven Star member was an offence punishable by death and with Katherine saying so without care, there was no doubt she was one of them.

Before he left, Katherine stopped him and called out, "Wait. Give me the tapes as well. I want to have a look." She wanted to know how Wuxing looked like just in case they bumped against each other again.


'To think that I spend all the money but all I got are one hundred rounds with some spare magazines, a cleaning kit and one night at a decent hotel…' Wuxing sighed in his mind when he began to clean up his double Berettas inside the hotel room he found close to the gun store he visited.

Fortunately, the store was within the walking distance so it only took him half an hour to settle everything he wanted but at the same time, he became broke once again. As his Berettas were quite an old model, the bullets for them were produced in a much lower quantity. He had to pay more than triple the normal amount.

'I need to get used to it for a while. I almost forgot how does it feel to be broke. Seven Stars payroll was just too good.' Wuxing thought as he remembered the money he could spend as he wished, without worry that he will spend it all.

With each country being their contractors, they received big sums for destroying each organization from the country's government. Unfortunately, he could only say goodbye to all the money he earned as Li Wuxing, knowing it was frozen already. After an agent dies, their bank accounts were quickly frozen until the situation was examined. Only after the death is confirmed would they release the money and send it to the closest family.

'Sigh, all this grinding for nothing… After I come back, I will have to take the most dangerous missions and climb fast. I don't have much time. Fortunately, with my ability, I should be able to clear them all easily.' Wuxing thought of his new action plan as he started putting the guns back together.

He wasn't as fast as Dongmei claimed to be but he had decent speed, quickly assembling the gun back to its original state. He tested if everything worked and put it down, satisfied with his job. 'I guess the only thing to do now is changing my appearance.'

He took off his clothes down to his underwear and looked at himself in the mirror, thinking of what he should change. Naturally, Wuxing had to change his whole body structure, creating a completely different person. If he left his body as it was while only changing his facial appearance, he could still be recognized.

Touching his arms and chest, he decided to start with his upper body and skin first. Wuxing was from the East of the Globe so although his skin was generally white, it was much more tanned compared to that of people from the Central area. He didn't hesitate to make it more white, giving it a healthy but pale look.

He never liked to be super buffed so instead of making himself bigger, Wuxing just reduced his body structure by a notch, making him generally smaller but stronger as his muscles tightened. To balance it out, he gave himself a few centimetres, making him more than one hundred and ninety centimetres tall.

His arm reach got extended as he increased his arm and finger strength by adding more muscle fiber into his palm and forearm. With some practise, Wuxing could basically feel all the cells in his body, controlling their movements as they shifted around his body.

Adjusting his legs structure afterwards, Wuxing couldn't help but nod satisfied, looking exactly as he imagined he would present himself in his dream form, 'Not bad. I feel much stronger but I guess now my body consumes more energy now. I really need to secure a nice source of energy. I can't be making the energy balls every day for myself.'

He could already feel a bit of a lower end just after fixing his body and changing his facial appearance a few times. Just a few energy balls he made were enough for a few transformations but what if he was at the mission, away from home? He couldn't carry a big pack of snacks everywhere he went.

Looking at his face, Wuxing found it hard to imagine how did he wanted to look in the future and exhaled with a headache, 'Gosh, I could buy a magazine to check out how other handsome guys look and just make myself perfect.'

He naturally wanted to make himself handsome enough so no one would say that he doesn't deserve Dongmei in the future. He was already used to his appearance so he didn't change it completely.

Closing his eyes, Wuxing modelled his face inside his mind, starting from giving himself a nice brushed up silver hair with the sides a bit shorter and his ears open. He made his lips a bit thinner but wider and his nose refined. He was most hesitant about his eyes but ended up with a sharp look and aquamarine coloured eyes.

The moment he opened his eyes, he saw the exact copy in the mirror, quite satisfied with his new look. He could be definitely be considered handsome by his standards.

Smiling for the first time with his new handsome face, Wuxing took on his new name, "Goodbye Li Wuxing. Welcome Chameleon."