Sweet Planting Life of Two Young Masters

Chapter 430

Fang Huai suddenly forward such a news, but also with a proud expression, so that all fans are Zhang Er confused.

With Fang Huai's current fame, he posted a micro blog, the comments at the bottom were all in 10000 units, but in a few minutes, he quickly broke through the four digits.

At first, everyone blew a wave of their own love beans and paid attention to current events. Then, they were puzzled again.

This news has nothing to do with Fang Huai, and he has not mentioned a word of him from the beginning to the end. Fang Huai can say that he is concerned about current affairs when forwarding this micro blog, but this is coupled with a proud expression. What is he proud of?

Can't we be proud of our country's achievements in plant research?

A careful fan turned the news back and looked again and again, and finally noticed the flash of Fang Yan.

Have you noticed that there is a little brother in there who is really beautiful. 】

[I also noticed that among a group of grandparents and middle-aged uncles, the appearance of that little brother is a stream of pure water! 】

[I thought I was wrong, so the little brother really appeared! 】

[who knows who the little brother is? What kind of scientific research talents? 】

[only I think that little brother is familiar? 】

[you are not alone upstairs. 】

[not one person + 1]

Fang huaixia's comments were quickly skewed to the little brother.

Many people think that this little brother is very familiar, only a second or two of the picture was also cut out by people's screenshots. Although the picture is fuzzy, the appearance of the little brother is broken through the fuzzy pixels, which is very conspicuous between a kind of grandfather and a middle-aged uncle.

Soon, good friends began to look for the real body of the little brother.

as fan as like as two peas, many people remember his show brother. Now some people see Fang Yan now, and he recalls this thing, and then turns out his own saved photo. So a contrast, it is exactly the same!

Then contact Fang Huai to forward the words of this micro blog, people finally see through his proud expression.

I was proud of my brother!

Fang Huai himself has never been on the news network, but his brother did.

Soon, someone sent out the microblog Fang Huai once sent out, and forwarded it wantonly on the microblog. There was news broadcast with such a high degree of national popularity in front of them. People could not even pay attention to it if they wanted to.

How intense was the search for a passer-by's little brother at the beginning, and now many people still remember the little brother. Now they are shocked to see the familiar little brother on the news broadcast.

News broadcast little brother is worth discussing more than passers-by!

Fang Huai mentioned his family many times when he was on the show. His fans also cut out all the words he had mentioned about his family before, and finally put together a Fang inkstone.

For a while, everyone knew that Fang Yan was still a student in University. He was always good at learning and moral, obedient and clever. He was a child of other people's family since childhood People have not finished watching, there are Q alumni came out.

[well, isn't this our department of finance? 】

[really! what the fuck! 】

[Fang Da Shen Niu Qiang! Even on the news broadcast! 】

[the great God is the great God! 】

all of a sudden, I saw my classmates on the news broadcast, and my classmates became a hot topic on microblog. All the Q college students who knew Fang Yan were very excited. They all put on their waistcoats to tell the unknown history of Xueba

Different from ordinary Xueba, Fang inkstone is also very well-known in Q.

Although he was famous before, he was only famous in the Department. Later, Zhao Zhifeng put him on the school forum, which was immediately known to the whole school, and almost no one did not know him.

First, I learned about Fang Yan because the forum was hung on the wall. Later, I learned that Fang Yan was also for the sake of beauty and grades. For various reasons, the students of Q University were also full of curiosity about each other's inkstone. They began to inquire about him from all directions. When Fang Yan didn't know, he had become a man of the day in the school.

The students of Q university went to the battle in person and told about Fang Yan's great deeds. Because the achievements of those trees were mentioned in the news, some people did not forget the reason why he was hung up by Zhao Zhifeng at the beginning. If anyone had a heart to ask, of course, they could find out what he had done at the beginning. Now, they simply told him about it directly.

We all have some impressions about the seed improvement and the sharp increase in yield.

It's just connected with this kind of thing. Everyone agrees that the expert is a white haired grandfather, and he doesn't pay much attention to it. As soon as the students of Q University expose it, they know that Fang Yan also did the seed

Fang inkstone directly into the hot search!

After reading the news, Fang Yan shut down his micro blog and continued to get into the busy work. After the end of the year-end report of LVYE, he finally had free time.At this time, Fang Yan took out the mobile phone again, and found that the information in the mobile phone was exploded.

He opened the communication software. The mobile phone with the best performance still stuck for half a minute. After the software was running again, Fang Yan saw numerous messages from his friends.

He read a few, see the content is almost the same, at the beginning also replied a few, after other people don't care.

Fang Yan opened a circle of friends.

In his circle of friends, he was almost wiped by his own face.

Fang Yan pulled down, Yishui er's face is all his own, his friends and classmates are shocked by his news broadcast. In addition to the students, Fang Yan's circle of friends also has many important figures of grandfather and grandmother, it is also sent his news screenshots!

Fang Yan felt funny and speechless again. When he saw that Fang's father and mother had sent such news, he was left speechless.

Not to mention, even Gu Rong has issued one.

is as like as two peas.

Fang Yan is completely speechless.

After going back, he couldn't help complaining to Gu Rong.

"You said that they are not people who have never been on the news broadcast. Why..." Fang Yan is very sorry.

Usually, he was not praised, but he had never been praised by so many people, so that Fang Yan could no longer maintain his calm expression.

"Inkstone, you can't think so." Gu Rong said with a smile: "although everyone has been on TV, but on the microblog headlines, there is only Fang Huai."

He's still in the entertainment business.

As for Fang Huai, he has never been on the news broadcast!

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