Sweet Planting Life of Two Young Masters

Chapter 385

The desks and chairs in the school are too short for children. The children in the classroom are sitting just right, but they are too small for Gu Rong.

He stayed in the classroom for a class time, and felt uncomfortable everywhere. He couldn't spread his hands and feet. He was trapped in a narrow position and couldn't move.

As soon as the bell rang after class, Gu Rong immediately jumped up and went outside faster than all the other children. He took a deep breath of the fresh air outside and finally felt himself alive.

At first, it was interest. Later, Gu Rong felt bored when she really listened to Fang Yan's naive text. However, Fang's teacher was very strict and did not allow students to skip class. Therefore, Gu Rong could only endure until the time of class.

There were many children crowding out of the classroom.

Gu Rong looked back and saw that Fang inkstone came out under the cluster of children, and the children were still reluctant to part with them.

"Mr. Fang, aren't you here for the next class?"

"Miss Fang? Why don't you take the next class? "

"Mr. Fang, would you like to talk to Mr. Zhao again and give us lessons again?"

At the other end, Mr. Zhao, with a smile all over his face, came to give us a lesson. His face was stiff, and he was about to fall.

Fang Yan couldn't laugh or cry. She quickly pacified the children, pushed them to Mr. Zhao, and then returned the textbook to Mr. Zhao. She went to Gu Rong's side.

"Brother Gu, let's go."

"To where?"

"Don't you like staying here?" Fang Yan said, "I'll take elder brother Gu around and come back after lunch."

Gu Rong was glad to answer, and there was no disagreement.

They walked outside the school, not far away, the bell rang again. The children playing outside ran into the classroom. After a while, the sound of reading began to ring.

They didn't go too far. They only found a place where they could see the scenery around them. Then they stopped and found a vacant place to sit down and chat.

"It's so different from the capital. I've been here for a long time, and I've almost forgotten what the capital looks like." Fang Yan said.

Gu Rong said: "are you about to forget? You haven't been here for a long time. Your mother and they all miss you. There are Du hang and them. Before that, Du hang asked me when you would come back, but I didn't know a certain letter, so I didn't tell them anything. "

"It's still early. At least I have to wait for the crops in the field to grow. As long as the crops grow smoothly, I can rest assured. And the seeds can also be assured for the residents here. When the grain harvest is more, they can not worry about food and drink, and they can have extra spare money to let their children go to school." Fang Yan said, looking back at the school standing in the mountains, he could not help but say: "if the living conditions of these children are good, they can also be admitted to university as they hope. Those who want to be pilots should be pilots, those who want to be scientists should be scientists, and those who want to be singers can also be singers."

"To be a singer?"

"It's brother Gu, your deskmate xiaopang. His family conditions are better than others. He also has a TV set at home, which is what he saw on the TV. He said that he would become a star and sing in the future Fang Yan stopped, and his face suddenly became complicated It may not sound so good. "

Needless to say, Gu Rong also knows that Fang Yan has already experienced Xiao Pang's singing skills.

Gu Rong was shocked: "I can't see that the little fat man has such a dream? I thought he was going to be a big stomach player

"Brother gu!"

Gu Rong shrugged.

In the middle of a group of skinny children, xiaopang's classmates, as their name suggests, are fatter than other children. They look ruddy and look like they have a good meal.

"It will get better." Gu Rong looked at the green in the distance and said, "with your seed, everyone's life will be better."

"Well, I believe it, too."


At lunch time, Fang Yan wants to go back to get meals for the children, and Gu Rong naturally goes with him to help him.

Looking at him in the middle of the teacher, the second grade children were surprised, especially the little fat students. They almost didn't hold their plate, which made Gu Rong cry and laugh.

Noon is a break time for teachers and children. Everyone lies down in the office or classroom and takes a nap. Even Gu Rong lies down in the car and has a nap together.

When the bell of the first class in the afternoon wakes everyone up, everyone is in a good mood and knows that the important part of the afternoon is coming.

Fang Yan arrived at the music classroom a few minutes later than usual. However, all the children had already sat down and waited. As soon as Fang Yan came, people immediately looked forward to it.

This time, without Fang Yan to say, Gu Rong took the initiative to sit down among the children, sitting in a good posture, and his tall figure painting style is very inconsistent.Fang Yan looked at it and couldn't help laughing. He looked at Gu Rong sitting in the middle of the children and blinked at him. Fang Yan immediately turned his head in confusion. He lifted the cover of the piano and crossed the black and white keys with his fingertips. The smooth notes came out of his hands and lingered in the ears of everyone.

Gu Rong looked at the lover surrounded by all the people without blinking. The sunlight projected in from the window just fell on Fang Yan's face. He only felt hot and itchy in his heart. Looking around the children's undisguised worship eyes, Gu Rong's heart is a bit proud and exclusive desire.

This is his Inkstone.

The best lover in the world.

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