Sweet Planting Life of Two Young Masters

Chapter 301

When Fang's mother received the phone call from Fang Yan, she was surprised: "inkstone, how did you think of calling your mother?"

"Mom, I want to ask you something." On the phone, Fang Yan's mood is low, and her voice sounds weak.

Fang's mother sat up straight and worried: "what's the matter? What happened? Come and tell your mother that I will tell you anything I know. "

Fang inkstone also did not detour, direct way: "you and flower mother usually go the closest, what she encountered, you must also know?"

In these years, the two mothers have become close friends. They will share everything with each other. If Fang Honghua encounters any problems, she will definitely go to her mother for discussion. So Fang Yan thought about it and immediately came to find her mother.

"Yes." Fang's mother was puzzled and said, "what's wrong with your mother? What happened to her? "

Mother Fang could not help being nervous.

"Nothing, just something I want to ask you about." Fang Yan lowered her voice and asked her, "recently, is there someone chasing flower mother?"

Smell speech, Fang mother immediately relaxed down: "originally this, I thought it was what thing."

"Is there? Or not? "

"There are a lot of people chasing her all the time. There have been a lot of them since she was in high school, but she didn't accept it. You know, her heart is full of you, and her former husband, how can she accept other people?" Mother Fang said: "she is very firm. There are many people who have good conditions in pursuit of her, but she has refused all of them. She has never even dated. She should not have kept it from you

It's not hidden from him.

Fang Honghua also said that she only wanted to work for LVYE and would not agree to other people's pursuit.

It's just

Fang Yan reached into his pocket and felt the card inside. He thought of the sharp handwriting on the card. He was obviously a man.

"And recently?" Fang Yan didn't give up his heart and said, "is there anyone whose surname is Ji among the people who pursue flower mother recently?"

"Ji?" Fang's mother looked back and shook her head: "I don't have any impression. This kind of thing is not worth showing off. Your mother will not tell me the names of all her suitors."

Fang Yan was disappointed.

It will let the flower mother receive the gift and put the bouquet in the vase. Obviously, Mr. Ji is not an ordinary pursuer, and even makes the flower mother care about it.

When Fang Yan asked before, Fang Honghua didn't mention anything. What she didn't expect was that even Fang's mother didn't know about it.

In the end, do you want to hide it, or do you really don't pay attention to it?

If it's not on your mind, why do you accept a gift?

Fang Yan doesn't understand.

His intuition told him that Mr. Ji was not simple. He might become his stepfather one day.

He said a few more words to Fang's mother and then hung up.

In the next day, Fang Yan was restless. Even when Gu Rong called him, he also said and started to stay.

"What happened?" Gu Rong asked him, "I was so absent-minded when I first saw you on the phone."

Fang Yan told him about the card.

Gu Rong said: "even if there is a suitor, what? It's normal for your adoptive mother to have a lot of people chasing her. If Mr. Ji is a good person and will treat your adoptive mother well, it's not a bad thing to be with him

"But why didn't she tell me?" Fang Yan murmured in a low voice: "I told her that if she could find a new lover, I would be happy for her, but she did not disclose a word to me. When I asked, she even lied to me."

"Maybe she didn't think about it herself." Gu Rong comforted: "wait a second, your adoptive mother must have her own judgment, will not be easily deceived, if there is a situation, it will certainly tell you."

Fang Yan had to restrain his curiosity.

S university soon came to the examination week, Fang Yan also began to prepare for the coming final exam. In addition, there was something green field had to be busy with, so he did not have the extra mental energy to focus on other things.

Fang Ke said before that when he had winter vacation, he would send someone to pick him up. When Fang Yan came out of the last exam, he received a call from Fang Ke.

"Big brother?"

"Have you packed your things? I asked the driver to wait for you downstairs? "

Fang Yan was stunned for a while, then he reflected what he said. He even said, "no, brother. I'll let elder brother Gu take me back."

"Well, come back early today. I've told my family about your coming back."

Fang Yan couldn't laugh and cry: "should I be so anxious? I haven't cleaned up my things, and I haven't had time to tell elder brother Gu. "Fang Ke hummed: "take care of him."

Fortunately, Fang Yan's last exam is in the morning, and he has another afternoon to prepare. They had a meal with Du hang. Wenwen and Du hang had exams in the afternoon, and Wanlin had other things. So they just got together to have a meal and separated after eating.

Fang Yan went to the nearby shopping mall to pick out some gifts for his family.

He first bought a watch for his grandparents, and then a watch for Fang Fu and Fang Ke. Finally, he went to the jewelry store to pick out a necklace for Fang's mother and Fang Honghua.

When Ms. Wen finished the examination, she wanted to send some photos to her mother, because some of them were difficult for her to choose.

When Fang Yan was wandering in front of the counter of the jewelry store, there was another man in the shop, who was also struggling with the selection of jewelry.

Fang Yan's eyes flit over the counter. Under the illumination of the light, all the gems in the counter are shining brilliantly. Fang Yan's sight sweeps over the counter, and finally stops on a string of ruby necklaces.

He pointed to the necklace through the glass: "please show me this one."

Meanwhile, another man pointed to the ruby necklace and said, "excuse me, I'd like to have a look at this necklace."

Two people at the same time a Leng, turned to look at each other in the past.

Fang Yan noticed that he was about the same age as his father. Maybe he came to choose jewelry for his wife.

"Sorry, guest." "This necklace only has the last one," she said in a dilemma

Fang Yan and the man glanced at the counter together, and both felt excited.

Two people looked at each other, the man took the lead to gently smile at him: "young man, are you here to buy for your girlfriend? This style is not suitable for young people. Why don't you have a look at other styles? "

Fang Yan said, "no, I bought it for my mother."

The man choked.

"This..." He hesitated for a moment and then said, "let me have a look first."

Fang Yan also nodded.

The cabinet elder sister took out the necklace and put it in the middle of the two people to let them see it carefully.

Fang Yan's favorite necklace is very popular. It's the original design of this jewelry store. As soon as it comes into the market, it has attracted many people's attention and is in great demand. Otherwise, there will be only one left.

Fang Yan looked at it carefully for a long time. Rao didn't know much about women's ornaments. He felt excited when he looked at it. Almost immediately, he thought of what the necklace would look like on Fang Honghua's neck. He thought it would be very suitable.

He pursed his lips, the rest of the corner of his eyes glanced at the man next to him, not wanting to let him out.

It happened that the gentleman had the same idea as him.

Two people are together to see the necklace, there is no reason to come first, only to see who first agreed to let this necklace out.

Fang Yan glanced at the other side. Coincidentally, the gentleman also looked at him. Obviously, neither of them wanted to give the necklace to each other.

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