Madam Lu Is An Inherited Doomsayer

Chapter 815

Lu xing'er nodded without hesitation: "you should check. My current boyfriend is shangguanchi. You should check his posture. I simply tell you that he gave me a penthouse apartment in haojingyuan, the capital of the emperor. If you want to chase me, you can have this high imitation Necklace in your hand. I'm afraid it's not enough?"

The students were all boiling.

The duplex apartment in the imperial palace?

Sleeping trough!

It's worth hundreds of millions!

Shangguan Chi is really a big hand!

Xia Ming's face suddenly becomes very ugly. The apartment in haojingyuan?

Don't say the most expensive duplex top floor, he can't afford a simple ordinary apartment!

Xia Ming angrily threw the flowers, "I didn't expect that you are a vain woman."

"Oh." Lu Xinger didn't get angry but laughed, "do you know me? Did I talk to you before that? Are we familiar? Come up is a bunch of flowers, a necklace, in your eyes, I am not a material woman? What qualifications do you have to call me vain

This kind of man is really the best.

Chasing women's flowers and diamonds, what do you mean to say about women's material?

Don't you think that women's material can be traced back as long as they send valuable things?

Xia Ming can't be angry with himself.

It was the first time he had hit such a big nail.

The girl that pursues before, also have don't buy a bill, but he bombards indiscriminately some, reserve not long.

And it won't do that to him the first time.

His face has been ruined today.

However, at this time, a tall figure came in a hurry. Shangguan galloped over and gave Xia Ming a blow and knocked him to the ground.

"You are so full that you dare to chase my woman!"

Xia Ming was beaten a fist, very unwilling to get up from the ground, "my fair lady, gentleman, why can't I chase? Shangguanchi, do you think she likes you? What she likes is the house you gave her

Shangguan Chi looks back at Lu Xinger.

"Where do you like the house?"

He thought Lu Xinger only liked to eat!

Lu Xinger nodded, "well, I like it very much."

Shangguan Chi immediately beamed, "you like it, I'll buy you more sets, no, I'll buy you a whole building! At that time, I will decorate each room according to different styles, and then you can live whichever you like


Lu Xinger finally has something to like.

Shangguanchi is not excited.

Don't say you like the house. Even if you like the stars and the moon, he will get them down for her.

People looked at this scene, undeniably envied.

A whole building!

Not to mention the amount of money, just the degree of money

Lu Xinger looked at Xia Ming and chuckled, "if you want to chase me, the standard configuration is to send me a building in haojingyuan first. If you can't, I advise you to forget it!"

When Lu Xinger was said to be a princess on the Internet, because she was beautiful, many young men were eager to try.

After all, it's a princess. Just throw money.

But now I find that it seems that I can't spend money at all.

Who is so bold as shangguanchi?

A building in haojingyuan?

Billions to start?

Who has enough to hold on to amuse a woman with billions?

Shangguanchi is a madman.

Xia Ming has been humiliated. How can he have the face to stay?

Can only curse a, run away with dishonor. , the fastest update of the webnovel!