Hello, Mr. School Prince

Chapter 1789: The President is finally a beast 4

It's been all night, from 10 o'clock last night to 6 o'clock now, it was a miracle that she didn't faint, and she actually thought she had poor physical strength.

Your uncle, if she didn't pretend to be dizzy, would this little life be confessed to the bed today? !

Tang Fengyang hugged her delicate body, enjoying the joy of this combination.

Love was originally pretending to be asleep, but now it subsided, and all the exhaustion surged, and she really fell asleep.

Tang Fengyang put her on the bed, leaned on his side, and put his arm around her waist with one hand to prevent her from getting out of his arms.

The hand gently stroked her shoulder, then slipped down and stroked her body.

It's really slippery and soft, and feels very comfortable.

The love at this time, sleeping very deep, still has the red glow that has not receded on his face, which looks very attractive.

His lips were red and swollen by the kiss, and they were so cute.

Tang Fengyang couldn't help it, lowered his head and kissed her lips again, absorbing her sweetness.

If it wasn't for her tiredness and fainting, he would really like to do it again.

After living for thirty-two years, it was the first time I tried this taste. The one seven years ago didn't count. He forgot and didn't feel it.

But this time, it was really a bone ecstasy.

He knows the taste.

He didn't have such an impulse to Bu Zhiya before, he thought he was cold.

It wasn't until he fell in love that he realized that he was not indifferent, he just didn't like Bu Zhiya.

But like this woman in her arms.

As for why it was in love, he didn't know.

She is not a woman at all, but he just likes her domineering temperament.

After lying down for nearly half an hour, Tang Fengyang got up, picked up a piece of clothing at random, surrounded his lower body, and then walked to the bathroom to release water.

Although he was in the room and no one saw him, he was not used to running naked at home.

Of course, if it is a situation where love is awake, it is a different matter.

After putting in the hot water, he took Zhongqing over and put it in the bathtub to help her clean it.

She might be really exhausted. She didn't wake up after being put in the water. She just snorted, frowned dissatisfiedly, and then continued to fall asleep deeply.

Tang Fengyang leaned against the wall of the bathtub, then let her lean in his arms, picked up the soft towel, and gently wiped her body.

On the snowy skin, the bruises are all hickeys and pinch marks.

Tang Weiyang's expression was a little unnatural, he seemed to have a bit stronger hand...

Especially the pair of little white rabbits in front of them were all pinched out of shape.

There is no way. Whoever allows him to receive special forces training will naturally be stronger.

In the situation last night, the passion was overwhelming, and I just wanted to take her severely, no way I would think of it lightly.

Now I feel distressed when I look at it.

The underwater beauty was looming, and Tang Fengyang's nosebleed was almost sprayed out by such a scenery.

Such as holding the most precious treasure, cleaning her carefully and carefully.

He takes the washing seriously and takes it seriously.

The light was turned on last night, but she said that his eyes were too red, and she was uncomfortable seeing her, so at her insistence, the light was turned off all the time.

He didn't see enough.

Really beautiful, loving body, really perfect to impeccable.

I exercise all the year round, without a trace of fat on my body, and my slender waist is even less grippy.

And because of martial arts, the flexibility is very high, and various postures can be matched.

Thinking about it, Tang Fengyang was a beast again.

His face is a bit dark, this person is still faint, he actually wants to treat her...

Really speechless.