Hello, Mr. School Prince

Chapter 1787: The President is finally a beast 2

Hearing his confession, she suddenly burst into tears, and her heart ached.

Some feelings that she had been deliberately concealing seemed to spew out.

He loves her, but she cannot love him.

Between her and him, there will be no results.

Her existence will be a stain on his life, and she will harm him.

She didn't want to be his burden.

Hearing the sound of her sobbing, Tang Fengyang's sanity that had just been swallowed back a little bit. He lifted his head from her chest and looked at her in a bewildered manner.

I saw that love had long been crying, teardrops seemed to be broken, and they kept slipping onto the bed and submerged in the futon.

He suddenly let go of his restraint on her, holding her face in both hands, and a fine kiss fell on her face, kissing away her tears.

With pity and tenderness.

"Why are you crying? Sorry, I was just too impulsive."

"Don't cry, don't do it, can I not do it."

Zhongqing was crying and shaking his head, suddenly hugged his neck, and kissed him actively.

forget it.

Although she didn't want to admit it, she had to admit that this man had already entered her heart.

Since he wanted it, then she would indulge for one night, as a memory for herself and him.

After dawn, she will leave.

This dewy marriage was enough for her to remember for a lifetime.

Maybe he spent the night with her, and when he has a wife in the future, he will give her a place in his heart.

Don't, forget her.

Feeling her cooperation, Tang Fengyang was ecstatic, hugged her head, and kissed back deeply.

Hands reached through the skirt of her clothes and began to tear her clothes.

"Why change into tight clothes like this." It's hard to take off.

Tang Fengyang complained a little, if the nightdress just now was so convenient, it would be over by just pulling it off.

Holding his head in love, smiled in a coquettish manner, "Why, don't you even have this patience?"

She doesn't know how to laugh, but she is used to seeing life and death on weekdays, and she doesn't like to laugh.

With this smile, Tang Fengyang was so fascinated that he couldn't tell the difference between east and west.

My wife is beautiful!

He pecked her lips hard, "Laugh more later."

After thinking about it, I felt that it was not good, "You can only smile at me."

He was jealous when other men saw her so beautiful.

The affectionate smile was lonely, and then he kissed his lips directly.

In the future, ha ha, there will be no future.

Unforgettable tonight, do not want the future.

The slender hand slid off his chest and withdrew his clothes.

Soon, the two met in Tancheng, rolling from the head of the bed to the end of the bed, and from the end to the head of the bed.

Love turned over and sat on his waist.

She is a queen, how can she be below.

Her only actual combat experience was the night with him in a barren mountain, without any impression.

But it doesn't matter, she has theories. She has learned how to seduce men before and knows how to serve men.

Tang Fengyang raised her eyebrows, is she taking the initiative?

His wife is so caring, he naturally enjoys it.

He is very open to the question of who gets on and off. It is good for both of them to be happy.

He doesn't have to be on.

So he put his hands behind his head and looked at the little woman on him with a smile.

Waiting for her to bring him the ultimate happiness.

The face of love completely broke the ice in the usual days, red and charming, eyes silky, and amorous.

On this side, he was **** fascinated.

This kind of her belongs to him alone.

This recognition made his blood boil!