Hello, Mr. School Prince

Chapter 1773: Overlord **** the bow 5

However, the scene of the expected kick kicking Tang Fengyang into a crippled foot did not appear. Instead, her leg was grabbed by a big hand.

Tang Fengyang took advantage of the situation and pressed her back and pushed her against the wall.

The other hand made a quick move, grabbing her two wrists and fixing them on top of her head.

Bend her long legs, pressing her legs on the face.

The body pressed forward and pressed her firmly.

But love, in a very harmonious posture, was controlled by others.

Since one leg was still held by him, her feet were open...

Tang Fengyang just resisted her.

He was one hundred and eighty three, she was only one sixty-eight, and her height was much different. Both of them were originally standing, and his little brother would only reach her lower abdomen.

However, in order to restrain her foot, his foot was bent, just touching her... there.

Favored face, red enough to bleed, hooligan!

After living for more than 20 years, I never tried that shameless time!

And during the fight just now, I don't know if this rascal was deliberate, touching and kissing her on her body, the advantage was taken away!

"Fight, you continue to fight." He didn't believe it and couldn't help her!

"Let go of me!" Zhong Qing's face was cold, a little frustrated.

"Can you still fight?" Tang Fengyang asked rhetorically.

Love glared and didn't answer.

The meaning is obvious, let her go and continue fighting.

"You are not my opponent." Tang Fengyang commented objectively.

Love is very flexible and has good killing skills.

However, when it comes to close combat, she is not his opponent.

First of all, she doesn't have a man's innate advantage in strength.

No matter how tough she is, she is also a woman, with a small frame and less muscle coverage, so in terms of strength, she must be inferior to him.

If you compare marksmanship or skill, he may lose.

But the fight like this one wins.

She was so angry that her chest was constantly rising and falling. Just in the process of fighting, she also noticed that she would lose if she continued to fight like this.

Had it not been for Tang Fengyang that she had been allowing her to defend and not attack, she would have been subdued.

But not reconciled!

She had eaten all her tofu, and she couldn't remember how many times she had been touched.

Seeing her angry expression, Tang Fengyang probably guessed what she was thinking, so he coughed dryly, "Or I let you touch it back, you can touch it wherever you want."


I really regret the love at this time. Why don't you learn more cursing words on weekdays.

He was so angry that he would only be rascal when he scolded.

"I'm only a rogue to you." Tang Fengyang said very honestly.

Successfully turned his face red with anger again.

She must have met a fake president before, she must be!

"Let go!"

"Don't let go."

"What do you want." Love is a little impatient, it's really this action, so what.

Tang Fengyang didn't speak, but his gaze was a bit deep, and he was flustered when he saw it.


"Fuck off, who is your wife!" Her face was flushed, her face was cold, and she couldn't hang it. "What are you going crazy with the surname Tang? Just because Xuanxuan is our son, you have fallen on me, right? ."

Tang Fengyang hesitated to speak, but he didn't know how to explain it.

Actually not.

Perhaps there are reasons for his son, but he wants to marry her, not all for his son.

He himself didn't know why, anyway he wanted to marry her, and even wanted to...sleep her.