Hello, Mr. School Prince

Chapter 1772: Overlord **** the bow 4

She raised her other leg, trying to kick the hateful man away, but Tang Fengyang seemed to have expected it.

The long legs pressed horizontally, pressing her legs to death.

He pressed her knees slowly and completely stopped her movement.

The other hand, who didn't hold a gun, tried to punch, but he grabbed it again.

Tang Fengyang's hand continued to move up, into that mysterious and desirable place.

Ah ah ah ah ah ah Tang Fengyang, I killed you! ! !

Her face was flushed and her breathing was a little unstable. She was extremely frustrated, and the hand holding the gun knocked down.

Just when the handle of the gun was about to hit Tang Fengyang's broken hand, Tang Fengyang grabbed her gun.

Using a force of rotation, her gun fell into his hands.

You are waiting for this trick!

Love also knew that he was fooled, and was even more angry.

"Go to hell!"

Her backhand was a palm, slashing directly into his neck.

Seeing that Tang Fengyang was about to resist again, she turned her palm into a fist and slammed into his chest heavily.

This strength is to punch his heart through.

Cruel woman!

Tang Fengyang's face sank like water, and his hand quickly stretched out.

It's too late, it's fast, just when the hand of love was about to hit his chest, he suddenly turned around and hit Tang Fengyang's right eye.

Tang Fengyang, "..."


Play yin!

He didn't believe in this wild horse!

The two of you come and go, and the two-meter-sized bed has completely turned into a battlefield at this time.

Beating, the bed is too small.

Falling in love with a mantis's leg sweep, Tang Fengyang took advantage of a backflip and jumped to the ground.

Then love rushed forward, and for a while, the whole room became a battlefield.

Love is a killer, and he has been trained since childhood.

And Tang Fengyang was trained as a president by the Tang family since he was a child, and he was also thrown to the Agent Island for training. Although he had never done anything, it does not mean that he would not.

Both of them are strong people who can be at the top of a hundred. When fighting like this, the luxurious room instantly becomes a shura field and a mess.

The two were on the same level at first, but the pros and cons were clear.

Soon, Tang Fengyang fell to a disadvantage.

Love the palm of the hand to create the wind, fist to the flesh!

Since she debuted, she hasn't been suppressed, and now Tang Fengyang has eaten up tofu, and her lungs are exploded with anger!

I wanted to break Tang Fengyang's body into pieces, so he was brutal and aggressive.

As for Tang Fengyang, he couldn't beat his wife, otherwise the marriage would still end.

So I can only defend but not attack, plus occasionally want to eat tofu, steal a fragrant or have a hand addiction, so I am very passive.

Especially after every time I ate tofu, I was ignited once in love with the explosive temper, which made me even more ruthless.

It's like now, he leaned to the back of love, hugged the person with his hands, then quickly lowered his head and kissed the back of her neck, and his hands were even more restlessly grasping in front of her.

As a result, he was pushed back by his elbow and hit his waist directly.

"Hi..." Tang Fengyang let go of the pain, then gritted his teeth and stared at the angry woman in front of him.

"You stay a little longer, this position is the kidney! If you can't satisfy you in bed in the future, don't cry..."

"Fuck!" Zhongqing's face flushed, and she didn't know if she was angry or ashamed.

She had never seen such a brazen person!

Lifting his slender legs, a horizontal kick swept towards Tang Fengyang's position.

Kidney, right, my old lady has destroyed you!