Hello, Mr. School Prince

Chapter 1769: Chapter 1770

"Let go." The love voice is a little cold, and I am addicted to it, right.

Tang Fengyang loosened his hand, then tightened again, reluctant to let go.

"Aqing, I plan to go back to Tang's house tomorrow and tell grandpa Xuanxuan is our son."

"Just say he is your son, you don't have to get me involved."

If possible, she hopes that no one will ever know that Tang Xuan is her son.

"How can you do it? Xuan Xuan is your son. This is a fact that can never be changed. I will tell my grandpa about our affairs and let him agree to me marrying you.

In love with a cold expression, "Go take medicine if you are sick."

How could the Tang family agree to Tang Fengyang marrying a powerless woman?

And this woman is still a killer, most wanted in the world.

If the Tang family has a relationship with her, and her identity is stripped out in the future, then only disaster will be brought to the Tang family.

This is also the reason why she refuses to recognize Tang Xuan, her identity is really too dangerous.

She didn't want to harm the father and son.

When the injury is healed, leave.

"I am very normal. If I say that I will marry you, I will definitely marry. You don't have to worry about anything. How to marry you is my business."

He said, the tighter the hands holding her.

The voice is getting darker and hoarse.

At first, I didn't think anything was wrong with my love, but slowly, the atmosphere changed.

Instead of letting go of Tang Fengyang's hand holding her, he held her arm tighter.

Moreover, the heat is amazing.

She is not an innocent girl, and she has also received training in this aspect of seduction. Naturally, it is clear that a man will react this way under what circumstances.

The cold gaze slowly moved down to his lower body.

Just look at the loose pajamas, a small tent has been propped up.

Love, "..."


Tang Fengyang was also a little embarrassed. He didn't expect that his body would react suddenly.

I didn't do anything, just hug it.

feeling bad.

The whole body is stiff, especially the lower body, and the pain is severe.

A slightly green gaze slowly fell on Zhong Qing's cold face, "A Qing, help..."

An anger surged, and he lifted his slap in love and wanted to throw it on his face.

Tang Fengyang has experienced more domestic violence, and when he saw her raising his hand, he immediately reached out to stop her.


You can guard the east, but you can't guard the west.

Love raised his right hand and slapped it over.

Tang Fengyang was a little stunned, "has your right hand gone?"

Her right hand was also injured, so he didn't guard there, and ended up slapped again.


Tang Fengyang was also a little annoyed. He was a big man. He was beaten again and again. Where did he put his face?

Coupled with the desire for her now, a fire suddenly rose in his eyes.

Instead of rolling, he threw her on the bed, and kissed her as if gestured.

If you don't teach her, you will be lawless!

Affectionate her face, Tang Fengyang's kiss fell on her profile.

"Tang Fengyang, don't go too far, believe it or not, I killed you!"

Tang Fengyang raised his head and smiled, "I don't believe it."

He had taken all her guns, so how could she be killed.

Love is extremely angry, wanting to break free of his restraint.

However, Tang Fengyang gripped her tightly, pressing her hands firmly on top of her head, and his feet were also pressed.

In addition to being able to twist his body, he couldn't get away at all.

Tang Fengyang pressed her tightly, but carefully avoided her wound.

Although the doctor said that she has a strong recovery ability and the wound has healed, he still feels uneasy.

Avoid it if you can.