Hello, Mr. School Prince

Chapter 1745: Bastard Exposure 3

It's him.

The action of pulling the dagger just now was completely instinctive.

It wasn't until the familiar breath came that her sanity returned, so she pinned the dagger back to her waist.

The body also slowly relaxes.

The strong masculine aura, exactly the same as that night seven years ago, surrounded her tightly, with no escape.

"Let go." Her tone was cold.

Some are inviolable.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to offend you, but it's just an emergency."

Tang Fengyang loosened his hands, but he was reluctant to let go and hugged a little tighter.

His heart beats fast, and the feeling of holding her is very familiar.

Especially the moment she hit his arms, his heart trembled, as if...

It's like his body has a latent memory of her body, awakened at the moment of skin contact.

He seemed to have a sense of familiarity with her body.

However, I don't know where this familiarity comes from.

"Don't let go!" Seeing that he didn't let go, the tone of love became colder again.

There was even a hint of chill.

This kind of murderous aura may be a deterrent to others, but for Tang Fengyang, who has been in a high position for many years, it has no threat.

If he was afraid of even this aura, he wouldn't need to be a president.

Instead of letting go, he put one hand on her waist and pulled her toward herself.

The two bodies are close to each other, and there is no gap between them.

Sure enough, the familiar feeling became stronger.

It's as if they once merged together, and their heartbeat has accelerated a lot.

"Let go!" The expression of love grew colder.

She has never had the experience of being hugged by a man. The last time she had a relationship with Tang Fengyang was completely under the influence of drugs, and she didn't know anything.

So now being held by Tang Fengyang, she didn't know what to do, and could only tell him to let go over and over again.

Her face grew colder, because this was her usual expression, which was enough to scare everyone away.

On the contrary, Tang Fengyang was scared.

"A Qing, did we know each other before."

Zongxin suddenly abruptly, but her face is getting colder. This is her disguise.

"I have been your bodyguard for nearly seven years, and you say if you know him."

"I'm not referring to the subordinate relationship."

"What does that matter?"

"Yes... Forget it, it's nothing." Although he was a little bit disappointed, Tang Fengyang let her go.

He wanted to ask if they knew each other before or if they were in a relationship.

But how is it possible? He has no memory loss. If he has been in love for a while, how can he not remember.

So he couldn't ask such absurd questions.

With this episode, the atmosphere between the two is a bit awkward, and no one speaks any more.

Silent all the way back to the presidential palace.

Love returned to the room and threw himself onto the bed.

The development of things seems to be getting out of control.

No, she must take people away before Tang Fengyang takes Xuanxuan to do a paternity test.

Or she left by herself.

So even if Tang Fengyang knew that Tang Xuan was his biological son, he didn't know who the child's mother was.

However, what she couldn't think of was that the plan would never keep up with the changes.

That night, a post quietly appeared on the social forum.

Like a blockbuster, as soon as the post came out, it instantly bombed the entire network, and within a few minutes, it was topped the hot search list!

#On the unknown private life of Mr. President, the adopted son turned out to be an illegitimate child! ! ! #