Hello, Mr. School Prince

Chapter 1740: Suspecting Tang Xuan is an illegitimate child 2

"Good dad."

As Xuan Xuan said, she trot to the hospital bed, her pink face flushed with excitement.

"Aunt Yaya, Xuanxuan came to see you, when did you get up to check your homework for Xuanxuan? Xuanxuan has been behaved recently..."

The child took Bu Zhiya's hand and said in a childish voice.

Rong Shixiu glanced at Tang Xuan who was lying next to the hospital bed, his eyes opened.

Somewhat strangely, he looked at Tang Fengyang, "Is this your adopted son?"

Tang Fengyang nodded.

Rong Shixiu was shocked.

The whole country knows that Mr. President adopted a son, but Tang Fengyang protects Tang Xuan very well. Few people have seen him look like.

After all, Tang Fengyang's identity was too dangerous. If Tang Xuan was exposed, it would be very dangerous as the president's son.

So Tang Xuan has always been a mystery.

Looking at it now, where the adopted child is, it is clearly an illegitimate child!

Rong Shixiu suddenly burst into anger.

Tang Fengyang obviously had an illegitimate son, but he claimed to be an adopted son, and he wanted to be engaged to Yaya in the past seven years. Does he want Yaya to be a stepmother? !

Fortunately, Ya Ya will not marry Tang Fengyang.

Tang Fengyang didn't know that Rong Shixiu's anger had come, tilted his head, motioned to speak outside.

Rong Shixiu went out with a calm face.

Tang Fengyang guessed that Rong Shixiu's anger might be due to his seven-year relationship with Bu Zhiya's boyfriend and girlfriend.

Now that Rong Shixiu is back, he is obliged to explain, and he is still innocent.

"Although Yaya and I claimed to be boyfriend and girlfriend friends, we met very few times. She would only attend big occasions as a female companion."

The implication is that he and Bu Zhiya are innocent, they have never embraced, kissed, and no further intimacy.

Rong Shixiu was silent, these were not important to him.

He understood that Bu Zhiya had too many involuntary things, even if something happened with Tang Fengyang, he would not dislike her.

However, he was still very happy that she could keep the promise.

His Ya Ya is a true lady and will never do anything wrong before marriage.

"You are the one she has been waiting for." Tang Fengyang said suddenly, and he didn't need Rong Shixiu's answer, so he continued.

"For so many years, I always feel that she is deliberately alienating me, and will not even hold hands. I guessed that there must be someone in her heart."

Moreover, she was waiting for that person.

Just because of status, we had to marry.

But he could feel that she never gave up waiting, so she always disagrees with the engagement.

Therefore, he did not force her to give her time.

If she can wait for her own happiness, this is certainly a good thing.

If he can't wait, then he will take care of her for the rest of his life, respecting each other as a guest.

Rong Shixiu was stunned for a moment, and then his anger disappeared.

Since Tang Fengyang guessed that there was someone in Bu Zhiya's heart, and he didn't force her to get engaged, he probably wanted to be her shield.

Buy her time and wait.

In this way, this Mr. President is pretty good.

"Thank you for taking care of her all these years."

Tang Fengyang nodded, he was thankful.

The matter was opened, the two chatted one after another, and did not talk about politics.

Instead, chat as ordinary friends.

In fact, it was Tang Fengyang's seven years of talking about Bu Zhiya, and Rong Shixiu listened carefully.

As he talked, the relationship between the two became warmer.

So Brother Rong Shixiu reminded Tang Fengyang, "What are you going to do about your son."