Hello, Mr. School Prince

Chapter 1732: Stay with her in the hospital

"It turned out to be like this, it was a misunderstanding." Bu Mu said quickly.

She feels guilty about Bu Zhiyao.

And I also think that the relationship between the two sisters is very good on weekdays. When Bu Zhiya had an accident, Bu Zhiyao still cried so sad, how could he want to harm her sister.

"Yeah, my sister is so good to me, how could I harm my sister, and this is a hospital, and the outside is full of surveillance. I'm not stupid."

The more Bu Zhiyao said, the more red his eyes were, as if he had been wronged.

In fact, she had already thought about her excuses before. After Bu Zhiya died, she transferred the responsibility to the hospital, saying that when she came, Bu Zhiya was already dead.

The reason was that the nurse was careless and did not fix the oxygen mask.

There are always arguments, and it depends on who is better at acting, and whose reasons are more persuasive.

Unexpectedly, it was broken by Rong Shixiu.

Bu Liancheng had some doubts at first, but it made sense to listen to Bu Zhiyao's explanation.

He also didn't believe that the two daughters would kill each other, especially Bu Zhiya was so good to Bu Zhiyao, unless his conscience was eaten by a dog, he would not harm his sister.

There is no contradiction between the two.

Bu Zhilian and Bu Mu had said this, and it was natural that Rong Shixiu couldn't say more.

After all, they are a family, and he is just an outsider.

Talking too much is offensive.

His slightly warning gaze swept across Bu Zhiyao's face.

The soldier's perception of murderous aura is beyond ordinary people, especially a person like him who has escaped from the hands of death for countless times, is even more sensitive to those unusual atmospheres.

Just now, this woman's body clearly exudes a strong murderous intent.

It seems that he wants to arrange for someone to protect his future wife nearby.

And strive to win Bu Liancheng's trust as soon as possible, and take Bu Zhiya home to take care of him.

Don't put it under his nose, he is worried.

Who knows if anyone will be disadvantaged to Ya Ya, those doctors and nurses take care of him incompletely, what if Ya Ya is wronged by him?

Rong Shixiu wanted to accompany Zhiya again for seven years.

For the past seven years, he has suffered from lovesickness almost every night and every day, so he wants to come back to her.

But he resisted it.

Because he was afraid that once he saw her, he would never leave.

He couldn't stop before he had enough ability to give her happiness.

Several times he really almost died. The doctor was so badly injured that he was helpless and could only resign himself to his fate. He relied on the belief of coming back to marry her and forcibly walked back from the ghost gate!

Now I can finally see it, and my thoughts are in disaster.

But he had no reason to stay, Bu Liancheng had a heart to associate with him, and took him to dinner.

Bu family, the worst is the military forces.

Even if you marry the Tang family, you still lose the military power, because the Tang family is also in the political world.

If you can have a good relationship with Rong Shixiu, you can compete with Lin Yuejin!

Rong Shixiu knows that some entertainment is inevitable, especially this person is Bu Zhiya's father, his future father-in-law, so he must have a good relationship.

After eating, it is already ten o'clock in the evening.

Rong Shixiu returned to the hospital to see Bu Zhiya.

The woman on the hospital bed still looks the same as he remembered.

It's just that his face is much paler, without any blood.

She closed her eyes, her breathing was shallow.

If it weren't for an oxygen mask, it would be almost as if sleeping.

He has already asked the doctor that her body function is still very weak, she will have to wear an oxygen mask for a while, and it will take a while to take it off.