Hello, Mr. School Prince

Chapter 1730: I am back

"I don't want to be looked down upon forever. I also want to marry the president. I also want to be the mother of the nation, so I can only sacrifice you."

"Anyway, it's boring for you to live like this. Why not, let me help you out."

As Bu Zhiyao said, she stretched her hand toward Bu Zhiya's itchy mask. The viciousness in her eyes couldn't be hidden.

As long as Bu Zhiya is dead, then the Tang family has no choice, Tang Fengyang can only marry her!

Moreover, Bu Zhiya's current situation is really not reassuring.

The doctor said that if the brain cells are damaged, there is still a 30% chance of recovering. If Zhiya wakes up and confessed her, then she will be finished.

That's right, she was the one who pushed Bu Zhiya down the stairs that night.

At that time, she wanted to go downstairs to drink water, just when Bu Zhiya came out.

This good sister didn't have any defense against her. Fortunately, she walked over to greet her intimately, so she had a plan to push her while Bu Zhiya went down the stairs.

And just hit her head against the railing.

After pushing far away, she immediately ran back to the room. The time was too fast. Before she could even close the door, she simply pretended to have just opened the door and came out.

Successfully deceived everyone!

Bu Zhiyao touched the oxygen mask with his hand and gently removed it.

Seeing Bu Zhiya's breathing difficulties and abnormal electrocardiogram, Bu Zhiyao's eyes became more and more fierce.

Sister, don't blame me, I just want to live the life of a master, I am not wrong!

"what are you doing!"

At this moment, a roar sounded from the door.

Bu Zhiyao was shocked, and before she could react, she was pushed hard by someone, and then she hit the table behind.

His face changed suddenly.

Suddenly raising his head, he saw a tall man in a blue military uniform rushing to the bed, picked up the oxygen mask and put on Bu Zhiya.

"Yaya, it's okay Yaya."

The man pressed the bell on the bedside, and immediately a nurse hurried in.

Bu Zhiyao's face changed, but she calmed down soon.

"What's going on, how can the patient be hypoxic." The nurse was also a little anxious, but fortunately, the oxygen was restored in time and there was no danger.

She asked the man standing in front of the hospital bed angrily, but when she saw the angular face, she was stunned.

Then he blushed.

So handsome, so manly.

The man didn't speak, but half kneeling by the bed, holding Bu Zhiya's hand, and pressing the back of her hand to his face, his eyes were full of nostalgia, and his eyes were a little red.

"Yaya, I'm back."

He came back, he came back to marry her.

For seven years, he charged at the forefront every time, using his blood to establish countless military exploits, and how many times he wandered on the edge of life and death, he gritted his teeth.

Because he wants to climb up, he wants to stand in a position that matches her, he wants to stand higher, so high that she can hold up a sky.

He finally came back and became famous, but she didn't wait for him.

The hospital didn't dare to hide the fact that Bu Zhiya almost died from hypoxia, and quickly notified Bu Liancheng.

Bu Mu jumped directly to the bed and cried again into tears.

She only had a daughter in her eyes and didn't notice that there was a man beside the bed.

But Bu Liancheng noticed it, his face full of disbelief, "Rong... Commander Rong."

How could this recent light army commander in the history of China appear in his daughter's ward?

Speaking of this commander, Rong Shixiu, is simply a legend!

An unknown soldier, relying on his intrepid strength, has made countless military exploits, and his military rank has risen like blowing a balloon.

I heard that he did not go to university, but directly joined the army, and then completed all his studies by self-study.

In seven years, from a small air force pilot to an air force commander all the way, he commanded all the air forces in China!