Hello, Mr. School Prince

Chapter 1712: Prosperous wedding 2

Several helicopters hovered in the sky, sprinkling rose petals across the city.

And rows of passenger planes are in place, and in the evening, go to the resort island of Xi Royal for five days and five nights.

This battle made Ling Weifeng afraid to go out.

Are you married, do you want to mobilize the whole city?

Shame to death.

It's the red carpet. You thought it was a red carpet.

There are also flower petals all over the city. Have you ever thought about the feeling of cleaning aunt?

Ling Weifeng didn't mention too much resentment, a calm face, scared the makeup artist Marie trembling.

Wang Jiaohua walked in and squeezed her face, "What does the bride do with her face."

"A dead man will die if he is not high-profile in one day!"

Concerned Yu, who just came in, heard her words and walked over with amorous feelings, "Your man is so high-profile, and you don't want the whole world to know how much he loves you, shouldn't you feel honored."

Bu Zhiya chuckled, "On the day of the wedding, it is unlucky to say such things. Look at what scares everyone."

The makeup artists, stylists, fashion designers and so on were all scared by her words and bowed their heads and dared not speak.

If you dare to scold Prince Xi for killing a man, it is probably only a young grandmother.

Only then did Ling Weifeng calm his anger, and clean him up at night!

"Hurry up and put on makeup too." She glanced at Wang Jiaohua and the others, why not hurry up.

The bridesmaid's makeup will take a long time. After putting on makeup for three hours, Ling Weifeng changed her wedding dress and fiddled with it for another half an hour. From morning until noon, she was almost exhausted.

The two little babies are flower girls today, and they were also held by the stylist to get a little look.

The baby puts on a small tuxedo, combs his hair meticulously, and looks alive and well.

Beibei wore a pure white lace princess dress with a flower bud head and a round little face, which was so cute.

The shapes of the important figures have been fixed, and the groom team is coming soon, all waiting in the room.

At this moment, someone who Ling Weifeng hadn't expected came in.

She couldn't believe it.

Nuo stretched his hand and shook it in front of her, "What is your expression, don't you welcome me?"

"No." Ling Weifeng said quickly.

"No? Isn't that why you don't even send me the invitation, I am uninvited, you shouldn't drive me out?" Nora said mischievously.

Ling Weifeng's face was a little embarrassed. She wanted to send the invitation to Nora before, but thinking of Nora and Prince Xi's past, she was afraid that Nora would be uncomfortable when she came to the wedding, so she didn't send it.

It was given to Bruno.

I didn't expect Nora to come. Is there anything happier than this.

"Oh, I heard that you are making it difficult for the bridegroom to get married in China. Have you thought about the levels?"

Bu Zhiya shook the stack of cards in her hand, "Prepared very well to ensure that he will not pick up the bride."

Everyone, "..."

This is the rhythm of doing things.

Nora's eyes lit up, and she hurried over to see what was wrong. This was the first time she had experienced this kind of blocking scene. It must be fun.

After turning over for a while, she put the card down and said in a serious manner, "What you guys are all too simple, I'll come."

After a while, everyone looked at Nora, too cruel!

Girl, are you sure you still don’t give up on Prince Xi, so you came to ruin the wedding?

"Look at what I am doing, you say the harder the better." Nora said she was innocent.