Hello, Mr. School Prince

Chapter 1681: Front desk is assist

Seeing that this figure is good, his face is mostly covered by big sunglasses, and there is no beauty or ugliness.

It's just that judging from the pointed chin and the part of the skin that was exposed before, it shouldn't be ugly.

So the lady at the front desk looked a little contemptuous, maybe because she thought she was a little bit pretty, she could climb the upper bed.

Throughout the company, who didn't know that Mr. Fang had been obsessed with his ex-wife and had been waiting for the former young lady to come back.

This coquettish **** just doesn't know good or bad, and has to stick it up shamelessly, disgusting.

"Excuse me, do you have an appointment." Although I can't understand these women climbing dragons and attaching phoenixes, the lady at the front desk is still working on business and did not directly ask the security to push people.


"Sorry, please make an appointment first." When Wang Jiaohua said that there was no appointment, the lady at the front desk was more sure of her guess.

This is a woman who wants to seduce Fang Zong. She sees many such people.

Seeing handsome and golden men want to go to sleep.

A woman who relies on her flesh and body is the most shameful!

The contemptuous look of the lady at the front desk made Wang Jiaohua a little embarrassed, "Could you please tell me something? Just say that a lady named Wang is looking for him."

"Miss, we also act according to the rules. We can't see you without an appointment. If you come here by yourself, you have to pass it on, so do we still have to work?"

The lady at the front desk is obviously already very impatient. Why is this woman so annoying?

"I and you always know each other, and he will meet me."

"Come on, we are in a meeting with President Fang, and there is no way to inform. If you really want to see him, just sit there and wait. President Fang will eat out from here after get off work at noon."

After the front desk finished speaking, I added silently in my heart, if you are lucky, you can come across.

But this probability is too small. Mr. Fang usually orders takeaways at noon and rarely eats out.

Just wait slowly, worship the golden girl.

Wang Jiaohua looked at the waiting chair next to her and nodded, "Thank you."

Then turned and walked over.

Behind him, the lady at the front desk looked even more disdainful, and she was really waiting.

She made a ridiculous voice, "Some people just don't know themselves, they think they can climb onto a man's bed if they grow up a little bit.

Chi, don't look at who is trying to seduce, we are always famously infatuated, who doesn't know that Fang always is waiting for his ex-wife to come back, not inconsistent women, humiliating themselves.

No matter how good it looks, is it beautiful with our young grandmother? Is there our young grandmother's talent? "

Although she is a newcomer and has never seen the young grandma before, she heard from the old employees of the company that the young grandma is kind, and she doesn't know how to treat their employees.

Women who are not inconsistent even want to fight against the sun and the moon, and are not afraid of being ashamed.

Hearing the broken thoughts behind, Wang Jiaohua's body trembled fiercely.

The footsteps seem to be heavy, so I can't lift it up.

Fang Jiming is waiting for her?

How could it be possible that he is already with Bu Zhiyao? Yesterday at the wedding company, the two obviously hugged each other so affectionately.

The sweet smile on Bu Zhiyao's face makes him in love.

And Fang Jiming, although he looks easy-going, he actually has a serious addiction to cleanliness, and it is impossible for ordinary people to touch his body.

If not the closest person...

Forget it, don't think about it.

Those things have nothing to do with her.