Hello, Mr. School Prince

Chapter 1680: I didn't kill the child

Although I don't want to have any intersection with Fang Jiming anymore, this matter was caused by her after all, and there is a responsibility she can't escape.

"Auntie, I'm going to see him, but I can't guarantee that I can move him."

After all, Fang Jiming is now with Bu Zhiyao, and her ex-wife can only be her ex-wife.

What you say may not work.

Fang Lan was obviously a little excited, "Miss Wang, thank you."

He will listen. For the past five years, he has lived with Wang Jiaohua's photos, and he will definitely listen.

Before leaving, Fang Lan still talked about the child.

"Miss Wang, believe it or not, I didn't get rid of the child that I gave to you. No matter how cruel, Fang Lan, I won't be cruel enough to attack my grandson.

That is the flesh and blood of our family. I didn't wait to see you at the beginning, but it didn't mean I didn't wait to see the children. "

After speaking, she left, leaving Wang Jiaohua feeling sad.


She felt the pain forever.

Isn't it true that Fang Lan did it? Who would it be?

In fact, she has slowly walked out of that shadow over the years, and she has also recalled countless times what happened before.

Fang Lan is the biggest suspect, but it is not entirely certain that she did it.

After all, Fang Lan Zongheng Shopping Mall for so many years, it is impossible to be stupid enough to prescribe medicine in person. This does not mean that he has personally ruined Fang Jiming's relationship between mother and child.

Even if Fang Lan wanted to do it, it would be done secretly, how could she be caught by Fang Jiming.

But, except for Fang Jiming, she really can't think of anyone who wants her child's life.

She thinks she treats others well, and she doesn't forge a deep grudge against anyone.

I couldn't figure it out, so I went around and went back to Fang Lan.

Forget it, don't want to.

Did Fang Lan do it? It has been so long, and she and Fang Jiming can't go back.

Meng Xing has been by her side for so many years and has been silently guarding her. She knows how it feels to be hurt by the one she loves, so how can she put this kind of pain on others.

Perhaps, when Meng Xing proposed to her that day, she should agree directly instead of thinking about it.

She slept unsteadily at night and had many nightmares. She dreamed of the previous child, calling her mother covered in blood.

My heart ached till morning, and when I woke up, there were still tears in my eyes.

Wang Jiaohua got up tired, the pain in her dream was so real.

She wanted to leave, leaving this sad place forever.

I secretly made a decision in my heart, and went to talk to Fang Jiming. If he is willing to perform a recanalization operation, it is best, if not, then she will do her best.

Then he agreed to Meng Xing's proposal and left after Ling Weifeng's wedding.

Go back to H country and get married.

The Meng family didn't mind that she had been married or had children. It was really not easy. She shouldn't hesitate anymore.

Her eyes were a bit red and swollen, there were some Indigo Naturalis, and her expression was haggard. She put on a light makeup.

After getting dressed, wearing a peaked cap and sunglasses, making sure that no one would recognize him, then went out to Fangshi Building.

Looking at the building she used to be familiar with, Wang Jiaohua couldn't tell what it was like in her heart.

Here carries her happiness, but also her pain.

Lowering the peaked cap, she walked in with her head down.

"Hello, is Fang always here?" Wang Jiaohua lowered her voice. After all, she is a public figure, afraid of being recognized.

The inquiring gaze of the lady at the front desk fell on her, dressed so mysteriously, not knowing which coquettish **** wanted to climb the upper bed.