Hello, Mr. School Prince

Chapter 1676: Can you let go of single dogs

Ling Weifeng's face sank instantly, "Yaya, don't you want to be my bridesmaid?"

"No no."

"Okay, I know, please don't move you Miss Bujia."

Of course she knew, it must be Bu Zhiyao's meaning.

Don't dismantle it on the spot, just give Bu Zhiya face.

"I didn't mean that, Xiaofeng, don't be angry, it's the same for Yaoyao to be your bridesmaid."

"Forget it, please don't move your family, the bridesmaids don't want it."

"Xiao Feng..." Bu Zhiya was anxious.

"Okay, you don't have to say anything. Since I'm not free, I don't force it. I want to change people by myself. What does it mean to just plug a stranger into me?"

Bu Zhiyao's face was flushed, and he was said to have no self-confidence.

Even if she and Ling Weifeng are not good friends, they can't be strangers.

I always feel that she can't fit into their circle.

High society seems to be incompatible with her.

"I didn't mean that... well, when I didn't say anything, the flowers are coming soon, I'll change into the bridesmaid's clothes first."

Ling Weifeng looked at Bu Zhiyao coldly, his eyes somewhat ironic.

Want to be her bridesmaid?


Bu Zhiyao was so embarrassed that she couldn't wait to dig a hole in.

She felt that her careful thoughts had been seen through.

This embarrassed her.

Fortunately, at this time, Prince Gu and the three best men also arrived, successfully diverting everyone's attention.

As soon as Prince Xi entered the lounge, his eyes fell on Ling Weifeng, and he could no longer move away.

Ling Weifeng stood up, spreading out the gorgeous and dreamy wedding dress.

Reflecting her skin Saixue.

The pure white wedding dress reflects countless halos from the projected light, as beautiful as an angel descending.

His eyes straightened, and he could not remove it anymore, stuck to Ling Weifeng.

Walked over, hugged her waist, wanted to kiss her, and broke the beauty.

Finally pecked her lips, "My wife, you are so beautiful."

Everyone's movements were neat and consistent, and then they stroked their foreheads and looked away.

It caused 10,000 points of damage to a single dog.

Ling Weifeng was slightly red, stretched out his hand and pushed his shoulder, "Don't make trouble, there are so many people."

Prince Xi Gu smiled deeply, "Can you make trouble when there is no one?"

Everyone, "..."

Master Xihuang, can you think about the feelings of a single dog.

Regardless of what others think, Gu Ke, the prince Xi, his eyes are straight now.

You can't move it.

Once imagined countless times that Ling Weifeng put on a wedding dress for him, it has finally come true.

Bu Zhiyao was a little jealous when she saw this scene.

She looked at the prince Xi, and became even more jealous. How could such a good man be taken by Ling Weifeng.

What is so good about Ling Weifeng? A sick man, his body is terribly poor.

The temper is still arrogant, not gentle at all.

Although she looks good, there are more beautiful women in the world, and she looks very good. Why does Prince Xi look down on her?

Forget it, now that Prince Xi has a child, it's useless to think more.

She might as well hold on to Fang Jiming, perhaps she can still marry into Fang's family.

So she walked up to Fang Jiming somewhat obediently, "Brother Ming."

Jiao didily yelled, but found that Fang Jiming didn't care about her at all.

Instead, looking at the door, too many emotions flashed through those gentle eyes.

His body was shaking a little, and his emotions almost lost control.

Bu Zhiyao was a little confused, what would he look like when he saw it?