Hello, Mr. School Prince

Chapter 1662: I'm so angry that I have to commit depression

Ling Weifeng was so angry that he was about to suffer from depression. From a young girl to the role of a mother, the process was too sudden and too hesitant, so it is easy to get depression during the postpartum period.

In the hospital these days, the prince Xi Gu kept walking, so she was not depressed.

Now he is angry with the strange name, and the blood is not going well.

"Wife, isn't this name pretty good." Prince Xi Gu was helpless.

He thought the name was really good, with a good meaning and a nice sound.

Why did neither of them understand him, especially Ling Weifeng, too angry to eat.

The two babies with big farts didn't know whether they were really protesting or making a fool of themselves, so they kept crying every day.

As a result, he rolls his eyes every day and wants to punch them in the ass.

Ling Weifeng tilted her head and leaned against the head of the bed. She really didn't even have any interest in talking to him, and she held back her milk.


"Don't talk to me, let me be quiet."

Turning his head, he reached out and poked the face of two babies who were playing on the bed. Poor baby, it would be miserable to think about it for a lifetime with such a name.

Gu Shi, the prince Xi, couldn't help, "Change, can I change my name, you can eat something."

Lost again.

Ling Weifeng turned his head to look at him now, "What's the change?"

Prince Xi thought for a while, took the notebook, and wrote two names, "How about these two? It sounds good, and the meaning is good."

He said, watching her look carefully.

Ling Weifeng scratched his head, feeling that the name was normal and there was nothing wrong with it.

So he nodded.

Prince Gu immediately put away the notebook and kissed her on the cheek.

"Then wife, you have to eat first, and I will change it when you finish eating, but you agree with the name, so you won't be allowed to get angry anymore."

Looking at his somewhat treacherous face, Ling Weifeng was stunned.

How do you feel deceived?

It was said that she was silly for three years, and she felt that her brain was not so good now, and he was playing around.

In order to prevent herself from being deceived again, she tried to recall the two names and repeatedly confirmed whether there was any problem.

This stupid look was so cute that he didn't want it, and the eyes of the prince Xi were hot.

Why is his wife so cute, even more cute than the two younger ones over there.

Be patient and wait until she finishes her confinement, she can do whatever she wants.

Ling Weifeng didn't know what waste he was thinking about, all her thoughts were now on the child's name.

Gu Wei loves Feng, the name is ugly and shameful.

So she hurriedly drove Prince Gu to change his name.

Du Ruxue and Han Ling came over not long after Prince Gu left.

"A Gu."

Du Ruxue glanced at the room and there was no one.

It feels a bit strange, isn't he inseparable these days, he can't drive him away.

The company didn't go, so angry that Xihuangzhen and Ling Yiyong were going crazy!

It's hard to have grandchildren. They want to come back to share the joy of family relationships, but they are driven to the company to squeeze them.

But the prince Xi had a good reason, he wanted to take care of his wife.

Ling Weifeng is very dependent on him. He only likes to eat what he makes, and he only likes to be with him, so that they can't make it even if they want to go crazy.

Because when they freak out, the two tigresses in the family freak out even more, it's simply sloppy!

"The Emperor Xi went to change the baby's name."

Ling Weifeng said with a smile, then looked at the two babies happily, "Are you happy?"